Saturday, November 20, 2021

1972-05-23 through 1972-05-26 London, UK


5/23/72 - Lyceum Theater, London, UK

Starts slow and doesn't pick up until a roaring Next Time You See Me. This show is another marathoner (3&1/2 hours) and has a lot of setlist rarities! :) Typical top-notch Jack Straw. A Killer and chill as fuck China Cat follows. Most beautfiul segue jam into IKYR ever.This China>Rider has to be heard to be believed. Epic 40-minute Dark Star>Dew. Goin Down The Road is surprisingly laid back yet bautiful and jubilant with all kinds of tasty Jerry playing. Another EXCELLENT yet not quite 10/10 show.

5/24/72 - Lyceum Theater, London, UK **

As epic and perfect as any other E72 show. :) Very special mention goes to the ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE 30-MINUTE THE OTHER ONE. This is 6/28/74 jam material. Holy shit this is The Other One of Other Ones.

5/25/72 - Lyceum Theater, London, UK **

Again, as perfect as every other E72 show. Special mention to Good Lovin' which might be the most out-there version ever played. I thought it was Dark Star after a while! Jerry even played organ on it. Last ever "Sittin On Top of the World".

5/26/72 - Lyceum Theater, London, UK **

Once again, as perfect as any other E72 show, though the Truckin is BEYOND OUR PLANE OF EXISTANCE!!!!!

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