Saturday, November 20, 2021

1974-02-23 San Francisco, CA


2/23/74 – San Fransisco, CA *******

With the opening songs of set one, it's already apparent that the sluggishness of the previous night's warming up has now faded and been replaced by a calm and relaxed coolness of the best sort. A/A is a great and rare opener. Dire Wolf is rare and very welcome, as is the also-underplayed Bobby McGee. Great opening trio!!!

Sugaree is very nice but it is not yet the monster from the years to come. Overall, the rest of set one continues in a good-but-nothing-special manner. However, the conclusion of set one kicks off with a bang with the unexpected opening Promied Land>Bertha>GSET trio! Rock! 

Set two opens calmly with an 18 minute WRS. Not calm for long, though! It eventually “devolves” into a free jam that is just wicked. Billy is all over the place, Jerry is serving noodles, Weird is accenting stunningly....This is the stuff we sift through the doldrums for! :D 

But then out of nowhere, you don't see it coming, but they slam on the brakes and give us a wonderful Stella Blue. Ahhh yes.... The boys then kick it into 4th gear with a shit-kicking Big River. MAMU just RIPS tonight! Jerry is just going for it! But then we realise all this was simply a warm up for the REAL meat of the show. 


He's Gone is just stunning. It's like 3/21/90 with a massive acapella crowd-singalong portion at the end. Truckin is RAGING. TOO is 21 minutes of amazing. God damn!!!! HOLY SHIT THIS TOO!!!!! MOVE OVER MIAMI 1989!!! The boys go FULL on ELP-style Seastones space jamming free-jazz on this. Holy mother of feedback! 

Eventually we come back into Earth's orbit and Jerry starts playing Slipknot again around 14:30. Eventually the maelstrom comes to an end and we are rewarded with a typically-relaxing and gorgeous '74 Eyes. Best year for the song, no doubt. :) And this version is no exception. It rules! Great stuff!!! After OMSN, Casey and Johnny, they Bid You Goodnight and this unbelivable second set comes to a close.

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