Saturday, November 20, 2021

1974-05-17 Vancouver, CAN


5/17/74 – Vancouver, CAN

A mangled Promised Land opens the show. Jack Straw, rocking-yet-chill, is the first real highlight tonight. It's awesome-yet-relaxed and just oh so perfect for a gray Fall day. :) 

The energy is kind of on the low side tonight. The guys sound perhaps a little tired, or maybe they were just smokin' some herb? :) 

BIODTL is very good tonight. The next highlight is a raging and funky Loose Lucy that sounds very different from later renditions. Awesome version. Loose Lucy seems to have picked up their spirits a bit and the following Big River tries its damnedest to be ripping. And it succeeds. :) 

From there skip straight to the BLAZING 23 minute PITB that is just all kinds of kickass!!! The jam takes over quickly enough with Jerry doing his “ambient wah” space soloing and Billy just shredding away on the kit. 

The next highlight is the debut of the rarely-performed Money Money. Worth hearing. The China>Rider that follows is just fantastic. The MLB jam is sublime and great to hear. Awesome. 

This then goes straight into a smoking GSET. FINALLY, we get to the real meat of the show. A 35-minute Truckin>Nobody's Fault>Eyes>China Doll. Worth the wait. The Truckin>NFBM in particualr is excellent and awesome. Eyes is wonderful and has a KILLER bass solo. Great stuff! 

A rocking Sugar Mag takes us out after that beautiful China Doll. Overall, a B+ gig. A+ for effort as its apparent the guys are definitely trying, it's just that things never fully “gel” like they do on other nights. Some great highlights though for sure!

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