Saturday, November 20, 2021

1974-05-21 Portland, OR


5/21/74 – Portland, OR ***** (47-minute PITB of the Gods)

The first set of songs are fine but noone will hurt you for skipping straight to the extremely up-tempo Scarlet Begonias. Keith is high in the mix tonight addling lots of great playing! I hesitate to say it's excellent, it seems rushed. But it defintiely has it's moments. 

Let me put it like this, it's '74 it's Scarlet. Shut up. 

Row Jimmy is surprisingly excellent tonight. We then get the third and final Money Money. Shame it got canned as it's downright rockin' and Keith is shredding up the ivories! Ship Of Fools sounds heavenly tonight with some very intersting church organ sounds from Keith. A great WRS then is slammed to a halt with China Doll. Come on, guys. Thankfully, we get, I think, the lognest PITB ever played!  


Wow. Now before we get a hold of ourselves, the previous WRS>China Doll was OUTSTANDING, but this PITB just takes it and smashes it to pieces. Holy jeezus. It starts with an excellent version of the song portion. We then get Billy doing his up-tempo thing while Jerry does his “Space Wah” soloing. Everything is pretty coherent and “together” though for now. It then coalesces into a more frenzied Miles Davis-style of jamming. 

Around 14-minutes, we get the mother of all meltdowns. Jerry EXPLODES with his shredding and it's the aural equivalent of shock therapy (in the best way). Things then calm down a bit. Billy is still going ape-shit, but the rest of the guys are laying back and choosing their notes. 

From about 18 minutes onwards, some of the greatest GD jamming you will ever hear is played. By 28 minutes it's still going strong and it's so tasty and delectably infectious that you want it to never end! 

Around the 34-minute mark this comes to an end and a quiet, more spacey passage begins. Come 36-minutes and Billy and Keith give us some latin flavoring to the proceedings. Rim shots, etc. Eventually the epic behemoth comes to an inconclusive concludion and segues directly into US Blues. 

After the awkwardly placed US Blues (as great as it is), we get the Stella Blue of Stella Blues. QUEEN STELLA REIGNS SUPREME! This one is just so beautiful it's beyond words. Really. 

After a rocking Around and Around, we get a typically-gorgeous Eyes. Eyes is concise, at only 14 minutes, but its 14 minutes of primo-suprimo playing. Phil's bass solo is EXCELLENT and the Jerry solo immediately following is as perfect as can be. Wow, this might be the most note-perfect Eyes I've ever heard. 

After an epic Wharf, this crazy show comes to a rocking close with Sugar Mag and JBG.

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