Monday, November 15, 2021

2011-06-08 Darien, NY

2011 has been great so far. This looks like it might be the first sleeper or "dip" of the shows so far.

The only track over 10 minutes is Harry Hood. The setlist is oddball opening with bluegrass and reggae and loaded with covers.

This could be great or awful :D

We shall see :)

Nellie Kane gets things off to a speedy start.  

Very, very unusual first set!!! Playing wise its mostly nothing spectacular, but super bonus points for song choice and set placement creativity

Nellie Kane
Mellow Mood
Buffalo Bill

The opening unexpected trio kinda establish to be a laid-back, have fun kinda set. No one cares if there's gonna be some mega jam, everyone's just hangin' with the flow and the good vibes :)

Kill Devil Falls - the action's gotta start somewhere though! Not a standout version but hot as usual. It's KDF. That's all :)

Wolfman's Brother - AWESOME. Super terrific jamming for about 5 minutes. Definite highlight of maybe the whole set.

Rift and Undermind are nice to have, but beyond setlist novelty factor are nothing special.

Ride Captain Ride - set 1 highlight #2. Awesome and unexpected.

It's Ice - Oof!!! NOT A GOOD ONE. SKIP!!! That pains me big time - It's Ice is among my favorite ever songs....

Dog Faced Boy>Brian and Robert - I'm callin' it a segue. Not the songs I would've chosen but actually worked pretty darn good in the spot! Brian and Robert was gorgeous. Tied with Dirt and Waste as favorite ballad of mine :)

Into 46 Days - like Wolfman, it's just rips and snarls and unleashes shredding type 1 for several jaw busting minutes. SICK. :)

Limb By Limb - pretty terrific standard version. Absolutely soaring Type 1 goodness. Continues the energy of 46 Days.

Character Zero - closes the set as expected.

Very oddball first set. Easily the weirdest set of the entire tour so far!! Playing wise it was a mixed bag. A crap ton of rarities and great set FLOW burdened by sub par playing in spots, eventually coming out with several bangers at the end of the set. I won't be rushing to return to this set but it was fun while it lasted, let's put it like that 


Set 1 was up and down with crazy rarities off-centered by just-ok playing. Ending with several hot Type 1 beasts though.

Set 2 continues to setlist mania with Golden Age to kick things off.

Next is Mike's>FAST ENOUGH FOR YOU>Groove

And it was SICK!!!!!!!!! Hot as hell!!! And the FEFY actually worked in place of Hydrogen, if you can believe it. Awesome stuff. Golden Age teases throughout.

What's The Use>Theme From the Bottom were both textbook excellent but nothing worth laboring over.

2001 was sick. Tones of teases and quotes, the closes we get to Type II tonight.

Then into Harry Hood.

In hindsight this was a fine show, but it didn't quite feel as cohesive as some other ones. For every great point there was a "meh" counterpoint. And the peaks were great but nothing to absolutely shatter the ceiling. A very, very weird feeling show for me.

Also, set 2 totally felt like something that could've been played in 1993!!! :)


6/8 Darien Lake (Hit or miss, but set 2 is MUST-HEAR.)
Mellow Mood
Wolfman's Brother (INSREDIBLE JAM!)
Ride Captain Ride
Brian and Robert
Limb By Limb (Tasty Type 1)
Character Zero
Mike's Song> (NASTY!)
Fast Enough For You>
Weekapaug Groove (SPECTACULAR!)
Theme From the Bottom (TREY'S SOLO!)
Number Line (TREY AGAIN!)
2001/Golden Age/What's The Use (!!!!!!)
Harry Hood

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