Monday, November 15, 2021

2011-06-11 Columbia, MD

Played set one of 6/11/11, Columbia, MD while painting a fence this afternoon.

That was the most....NONDESCRIPT first set I think I've ever heard.

In no way was it a major letdown or a trainwreck or anything - it just....was there.

Kinda sucks cuz the setlist is great!!

It wasn't totally by-the-numbers though:

Access Me - absolutely wonderful to hear. Great version too! Lots of energy!
Wilson (TREY VAN HALEN!!!!!!) - was incredible!!!! Trey was going NUTS with lots of tapping and shredding :p
>Sand - absolutely terrific Type I jamming, and the segue into it was awesome and unexpected.
On Your Way Down - is this a cover? Very nice bluesy tune

I'd say those are easily the first set highlights.
Roses Are Free sounded like it was about to jump into a jam, but Trey "pre"-ripcorded us into Reba. If there's one song I don't mind that happenning for its Reba :p

But yea, set 1 was 90 minutes pretty much of "EH. THAT WAS NICE."  


There hasn't been a poor show on the tour yet, but this was definitely the, um, most lacking?

Set one had a few highlights (Wilson, Sand) but was mostly not great.

Set 2 brought the heat but never went above and beyond.

Actually, set 2 was pretty awesome, but on the whole this show felt like a good 2009 show rather than a great 2011 one, if that makes sense.


6/11 Columbia (Mostly skippable first set, some big set 2 highlights)
Access Me
Wilson (TREY VAN HALEN!!!!)
>Sand (Terrific Type 1, Awesome segue!)
On Your Way Down
Birds of a Feather
Waves (Awesome!)
Chalkdust Torture
Rock and Roll (Type II goodness!)
>Velvet Sea (Stupendous segue and set placement!)
Stealing Time (RED HOT!)
Suzy Greenberh (WHAT?!)
Show of Life

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