Tuesday, November 16, 2021

2019-07-05 Boston, MA

7/5/19 Boston

First night at Fenway. Setlist looks really good on paper (for my taste, at least).

Free - Opener. Starts sluggish but gains momentum as it builds towards the bass solo. Get it Cactus! Also a very nice solo from Trey. Overall, a fine Free to get the night started on a rocking note. Nothing special but still just right :)

Blaze On - Still hate the song, but gosh darn this is a GOOD rendition! Great playing from all - the band is just clicking in that X Factor-y way. Just a great lil' Blaze On!

555 - Very nice. Gets pretty dark and jagged towards the end, but overall nothing really highlights list worthy. Just a good, solid 555.

Tube - Tube delivers big as always. Terrific version with a lengthy and wonderfully awesome jam. INCREDIBLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Brian and Robert - Perfect set placement. Literally the best possible thing to cap off that insane Tube. Great version, always glad to hear it!!

Halfway to the Moon - The sleeper hit of Fuego, imo. Always great to hear and this version ROCKS. Just loaded with energy and the guys put their all into it.

Ocelot - Wonderful version that sees the guys taking their sweet time, enjoying the song and milking it for all its worth. Great version!

Rift - As we all know, Rift is incredibly hit or miss these days. Thankfully this version is pretty much a full-on hit with everyone nailing their parts and Trey playing loud enough instead of doing his "picking too softly" thing. Awesome recent version! If you want proof they can still play it, hit this one up!!

Everything's Right - Just PERFECTION. Album-ready version that is played so good you could almost slot it right into Sigma Oasis (not that I would ever replace the incredible studio cut!). Really, really great version. FREAKIN GREAT. MUST HEAR VERSION!!!

Runaway Jim - Powerful classic to close the set with us wanting more. Again, just a damn great version!!! 8 minutes of awesomeness.

Overall, this set was unexpectedly terrific. Almost the entire set was highlights-list worthy imo and the 2 songs that didnt make it (Free and 555) both still were excellent in their own right!

The guys really click big time and Trey is having a GREAT night (hell, he nailed Rift!). The jamming in Tube, Ocelot and Everything's Right is MUST-HEAR stuff.

This won't make the record books, but it held together perfectly and flowed like an album. Really, really, AWESOME set. One of the best first sets of the tour, probably, and miles beyond the crap fest of 7/3 Saratoga.

A+ first set!


Sand - Doesn't seem like too much at first, but eventually they click and get going to some deep funky areas as usual. Trey is abusing is wah pedal and Leo is absolutely crushing it on the piano. This won't be the most talked about Sand ever but its damn fine version worthy of the highlights list. :) I really wish they would Type II this sucker like they used to, because the playing really is exceptional...

Love it when they take it for a ride and actually kill it instead of Trey going all limp-wrist on us and wishing they had just played something else. Axilla is Axilla, but for 2019 I'd say this is a noteworthy version worth seeking out for some great RAWK. Seriously, they smash it!!!

They slide into it oh so smoothly. Sometimes they have problems locking in on the intro, but they full on nail this. Playing-wise this is one of the best versions of the song portion out there. Album-ready! And the jam is MAGIC. 15 minutes that just builds and builds, further and further into the deepest reaches of outer space before a perfect cool down into the most perfectly placed Velvet Sea ever. This was goose-bumps on your arms kind of stuff.

>Wading In the Velvet Sea -
Literally the most perfect segue and set placement of this that I have ever heard. Beautiful as always and just...gah! This could not have fit better anywhere else! :p Fantastic and excellently performed!

Fuego -
It's Fuego and you pretty much get what you expect, but again, the playing level is just so darn high tonight. They are TIGHT as a virgin....let me rephrase that. No flubs here! Seriously, they are just nailing everything tonight and the energy is up. A 3.3 on .NET?! I am not listening to the same show as the majority that voted on this. No freaking way.



Character Zero -
Major wah destruction. Incredibly funky and odd sounds from all. Coolest Zero I've heard in a very long time. Fantastic!

Bug - Ah, the good old fashioned "nobody wanted this" Bug encore. Love Bug, but Bug is Bug and this Bug is just Bug. Hey, there had to be a comedown at some point eh? A fine version, but again, nothing special at all.

The Squirming Coil -
Another song I love but am sick to death of getting as a set closer. BUT, this version is exceptionally well played and even features a triumphantly positive jam where they would normally leave the stage to Leo!!! Very cool touch and what a perfect way to close the show!!!

All around. 7/5/19 Boston is a terrific show from start to finish. Almost every song is a highlight and the playing is nearly flawless tonight. Energy and enthusiasm abound. The flow is album-perfect. The jams are tasty and unique at times. Set placement was perfection....This is one show the .NET rating is WRONG about. Please check this awesome show out. It deserves your time and attention!!!

A strong 4.3-4.5 rating for me. Just a killer, killer show! :cheers:



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