Monday, November 15, 2021

PLEASE READ!! - Welcome to Warewolf95's "Idiot Review" archive!!

 Howdy folks! As the title says, welcome to my archive of live show reviews as I have posted on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums website!

I primarily listen to the Grateful Dead and Phish and love "marathoning" shows and tours, keeping notes etc

On that forum I regularly post my thoughts about what I am listening to - be it a brief paragraph or a massive 10,000 word diatribe :P

Instead of letting all of this useless review material disappear into the hard-to-find ether of forum-world, I've decided to compile it all here in one "convenient" spot.

I am going to post every review of mine from the forum and will also continue to post any new reviews as they happen in the future!

Now, considering right now this is all completely "copy and paste" from the forums, it is not all "proper". As I said above, some shows are massive song-by-song, in depth reviews, hysteria and hyperbole abound while others may only have a sentence or 2 as I played the show in the car, perhaps, and gave my quick thoughts later that night, etc.

The gist is that its all different from show to show (though my 2018 and 2019 shows are, for the most part, "proper" reviews, as are all of the Grateful Dead I will be posting soon)

As well as these crappy reviews of mine, I always keep a personal notepad file on my computer of each date and the tracks I thought were of re-listenable quality. Just because something makes this "highlights" list doesn't mean its the greatest ever, but if you were to look at this show, these are the tracks I thought were the best of the night! :)

An example:

6/12 Columbia** (RAGING first set!Terrific straighforward 2nd set!!!)
Buried Alive
Lonesome Cowbill Bill
Ha Ha Ha
Divided Sky (Trey flubs a lot but covers GREAT)
Wolfman's Brother (Awesome jamming!)
>Reggae Woman (AMAZING SEGUE)
>Gumbo (SICK!!!!!!!!)
Bathtub Gin (Type I DESTRUCTION)
Jesus Just Left Chicago
Character Zero
Crosseyed and Painless
The Wedge
Harry Hood
Number Line (HOLY CRAP!)
Makisupa Policeman
First Tube (HOLY HELL!)


This particular example sees almost the whole damn show on the list because I thought all of that was worthy of at least one listen, though its pretty obvious the big highlights :P

1. No ** indicates a "just pretty good" show. Nothing amazing.
2. ** indicates "proceed directly here". Awesome gig


The number of stars really doesnt mean anything - they are arbitrary markers of an exceptional gig! 

Again, this is just all over-enthusiastic fun on my end so don't take it seriously and maybe have a laugh or two at my expense. Honors Level Phish this is not :D

In conclusion, peace and love and I hope someone might find something to chuckle at or get encouraged to check out a show or jam they might have overlooked in the past!

warewolf95, 11/15/21



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