Saturday, November 20, 2021

warewolf95 and the Grateful Dead - An intro/some context to the reviews

 Howdy again! As with my OP info post for this blog, I thought I'd do another before starting to upload my Dead reviews!

So, I discovered the Dead in the fall of 2013. They changed my musical world as much as Zappa and the Beatles have. Without the Dead I wouldn't be into Phish! So depending on your view, that is either very good or very bad :)

At the time I discovered the Dead, there was so much live material that I figured the best way to listen would be to go show-by-show in official release order - this way I would get a large sampling of all of the various years, some 1990, some 1982, some 1977, etc. It made choosing what to listen to easier and made me enthusiastic for more (ooh, a 1982 show up next - haven't heard an '82 show before! etc etc)

However, the OCD Live Collector Enthusiast in me couldn't just stop there - I figured if I was gonna bother with all that, I might as well go all the way and listen to all the shows making up the run represented by the official release.

So for instance, I didn't just play Ladies and Gentlemen, I played that whole Fillmore 1971 run in its place. Make sense? 

 Worked awesomely and got me in deep!!!

As of 11/20/21, I have listened to every show from 1974, 1990 and 1991, a large majority of 1977 and 1976 and most of 1982. 

 1990, 1977, 1971, 1991, 1976 and 1974 and my favorite years If I had to choose!!! :)

When I began listening, I also figured I should take notes as there was so much music that I knew I could never remember everything. You will see the "evolution" of my notes from over-enthusiastic, 1 paragraph, profanity-laden sycophancy to multi-page, College-Writing-Level essays from hell with way more enthusiastic description and onomatopoeia than you can shake a stick at!!!!

 Basically, the longer the review, the more recent it is. I am posting in show order though, so keep that in mind :D


Peace and love, warewolf 95 :)

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