Tuesday, November 22, 2022

1974-06-28 Boston, MA


6/28/74 - Boston, MA - DP#12 ** (THE JAM OF THE GODS)

An excellent chill-but-bouncy Half-Step opens the show. This is a great one for a quiet winter afternoon. In fact, it's so chill that the segue into It Must Have Been the Roses is one of the best segues you'll ever hear! They sound like a perfect pair! Jack Straw is terriffic. Keith isn't going Brent-crazy, but he is providing some very nice background settings. The rest of set one is perfect and chill. Excellent. Also, it must be said that this has to be one of the best SOUNDING recordings of the year. Just fantastic quality! Check out Bobby McGee with the alternate-than-normal drum pattern. The Around and Around that ends set one is absolutely bonkers – Bobby is screaming like he's possessed! Surprisingly, set two begins with Sugar Mag. Scarlet is a tad sloppy tonight, but Big River makes up for it. To Lay Me Down is just gorgeous. It's gotta be as good as the recent Miami rendition. But next, woah nelly, this has to be the jam of the year! This 42 minute Weather Report medley....this is The Jam Of The Gods!!!! Bow at it's greatness..... faints...... Eventually, the jam of the gods comes to an end and segues into a rocking trio of US Blues>Promised Land>GDTRFB.

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