Tuesday, November 22, 2022

2012-06-08 Worcester, MA

 6/8/12 Worcester #2

Dude, look at this setlist! Is that loaded with probable fire or what?!

Set 1

Free - A rare Free opener, always great to hear. Terrific raging Free to open. The guys sound unsure/forgetful of the arrangement a few times, but who cares. It opens the show with a BANG!

Kill Devil Falls - BAM! HEAD IN THE SMASHER!! The crowd roars its approval and gets a 2nd shot in the face with an absolutely RAGING KDF!!! To be fair, is KDF ever NOT raging hot?! Well, make no exceptions, this one wails!!!! JUST BAM BAM BAM!!!! FANTASTIC!!!! :D

Roses are Free - A perfect cool down after having our faces melted for the first 20 minutes. HEADSMASHER EXPRESS #3, BOYS AND GIRLS!!! Just as the band is finishing the song as usual, instead of resolving the final peak, the guys keep the beat going and turn the finale into it's own actual extended jam for several awesome minutes! Wow! No, this isn't Big Cypress (what is?!) but for anyone saying Roses is never jammed, well chick this ditty out. We go full on Type II for 5 wonderful minutes, moaning whale call and minor key bass playing included. Eventually it fizzles out, but it's definitely incredibly unique and worth checking out. Weird and awesome!

>Theme From the Bottom - Ah yes, out of the murk rises the perfect choice, lol. As soon as those opening piano notes begin....it's like rain washing the dirt away, haha. AND OF COURSE THEY DESTROY THIS SUCKER LIKE ITS 1996, GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY!!! I always love the dichotomy of Theme - how it starts incredibly mellow and then turns into a swirling maelstrom of darkness (check Japan 2000 for maybe the greatest of all time!!!). Awesome.

>Axilla - After a 1,2,3! we are again into Head Smasher Zone. Jeez, man!!!

Julius - Still just straight fire, yo! For 10 minutes! Great chill bluesy jam in the middle. The guys bring it way down all nice and smooth. Then they turn the heat back up and tear our friggin' heads off!! NUTS! FANTASTIC!!!

Bouncing Around the Room - Wow, a version that doesn't feel tossed off! This is perfectly placed like Roses was and is played album-ready!!! I haven't "noticed" a BATR in a LONG time!!!! Exceptional!

Maze - More heat! Let's GO!!! Look, It's Maze. It's 2012 Trey. It's freaking face-melting.

Bathtub Gin - Very slow and slinky version tonight. Returns to the bluesy stylings of Julius a little bit. Fishman is purposefully dragging the beat at time kind of giving it a ramshackle feel. Very interesting. It stays pretty Type I for its duration and to be honest isn't very adventurous, but it's still strong as hell and just full of SO MUCH FIRE!!

WOW! That was as good or better than the first set from night 1!! There was just SO MUCH ENERGY and enthusiasm and the playing was at a high level - even Bouncing Around the Room was noteworthy!!!! Absolutely outstanding first set!! Must-hear if you want to ROCK!!!


Set 2

Down With Disease - Now THIS is how Disease is supposed to sound! None of that limp-wristed 2019 lack-of-energy in this one!!! It stays pretty much Type I for the majority, but does stretch out for sure. Great playing from all. This one may not be "the Grand Journey Of The Universe", but for 15 minutes of just damn fine playing it does the trick more than adequately. Nothing to slouch at here. The final minute or so sees the guys wind down into some very cool ambient funk stylings, slowly drifting into space, but instead they transition superbly into....

>Sand - That segue! Fantastic Type I. Plinko Hell. Anyone know what the huge cheer from the crowd was about? It sounds like they are teasing something in this but I'm not sure - It gets slightly Manteca-ish at times.

>Nellie Kane - Are you kidding me. They really just did that. A SAND>NELLIE KANE. AND IT FREAKING WORKED. WHAT IN THE HELL. FANTASTIC!!!

Mike's Song - Freaking red hot as expected. Trey is on FIRE, absolutely annihilating this. Incredible.

>Makisupa Policeman - WHAT?! WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?! Leo, Leo, Leo, Leo, Leo, Leo!! Get that Sour Diesel, brah!

>Weekapaug Groove - Nothing particularly noteworthy about this WG. It actually feels a little bit stunted, truth be told, like they peaked the set with MP or something. Hot and full of energy as always, but nobody will ever label this an all time version or anything.

Wading In the Velvet Sea - Very nice, but after that crazy M>MP>WG, it's a little TOO saccharine, imo. A for effort (do you want me to highlight every song again?!)

2001 - Great as always, this one feels like it has a hint of extra mustard sauce in it. Some interesting rhythms and bass within. List-worthy by a hair. :)

Character Zero - GET IT TREY! Is extremely hot as always. Is incredibly normal as always.

Oh Kee Pah Ceremony - Highlighted for bustout :)

Suzy Greenberg - Fantastic party end to a strong set!

All in all, set 2 was maybe the "weakest" (if you can call it that) of the 4 sets in Worcester, imo. Everything great but seemed just a little notch down from the greatness in the other 3 sets. Still a very strong set and overall this show is probably easily worth a 4.0 rating (or thereabouts) :)

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