Saturday, December 31, 2022

2012-08-28 St. Louis, MO

 Xmas Eve listening!

Onwards to Dick's 2012 (in 2 more shows :p )

Up next:

8/28/12 St. Louis

On paper, the setlist is absolutely STACKED. Song wise, it doesn't get that much better than this. Song length-wise, most everything is pretty short, but of course that doesn't mean much as the .NET rating is almost a 4.5 for this show, so obviously good things were goin' down!!!! :)

Set 1:

Punch You In the Eye - As always, my favorite Phish opener. Always great to hear. Nearly flubless except for Fishman losing his place and forgetting when to change beats at one part, but the train does not derail and all is good. Not really noteworthy, but terrific to get as always. :)

Runaway Jim - Extra mustard on this one! Gordo gets lots of time to shine in particular! A perfect one-two punch!! The guys are firing on all cylinders and this version brings the friggin' heat! EVERYONE is slaying!!! Get it Trey! He's just tearing the place to shreds near the end. Fantastic Jim!!!

Ocelot - From the opening beats you can tell this one is gonna be "extra". Love the way they just slide on into it. :) Extra slow tempo today, really digging into the beats on this one. Absolutely terrific slow-build Ocelot. Page is doing lots of tasty vamping in the background while Trey slooowwwlllyyy takes his time and builds the heat. Fishman and Gordo get in on the action and you can practically hear the oven knob being turned one click hotter every minute. A classic 1.0-style jam where they take their friggin' time and it's glorious. They are relishing in this Ocelot. DON'T SKIP ON THIS OCELOT. IT IS A+!!!!

Reba - The song portion has no screwups. Page is perfect as always but Trey sounds rusty (though he makes it through!). Pretty great soloing as usual. I'm ranking Page the MVP of this one though - I can honestly say I think his playing behind Trey was almost better than what Trey was doing. :) Great little Reba! It's nothing special and really not highlight-worthy, but it's still pretty good. It's just nothing special. And when "nothing special" is this, sometimes that A-ok! :)

I Didn't Know - Rarity and hijinks factor makes this list-worthy :p Fun as always with a vacuum solo as expected. :)

The Curtain - Awesome set placement! Believe it or not, it worked perfectly as the "pick me up" to follow IDK. :D Tons of energy, the guys sound like they are having a blast. IT CAME FROM THE BABY'S MOUTH!!!! I mean, there feels like extra oomph to this one, like they were really jonesing to play it and practiced it up. Really great version!!!

>Peaches En Regalia - A for effort. Everyone kills it except for Trey, who, LITERALLY kills it, butchering the whole thing. Nerves? Lack of practice? :(

>Mound - Talk about a trio of tunes! Great version. Played great. Does its thing.

Sample In a Jar - Super heat! Super fire! Burnin' down the house! DESTROYS!!! :D

The Sloth - Is Sloth. Kills.

Camel Walk - Absolutely killer! Maybe the best thing in the set so far! FANTASTIC!!

Possum - SLAYS


What a BALLS-TO-THE-WALL banger of a set!!!! There wasn't much that was particularly "special", but everything was hotter than the sun and played with so much raging energy. Killer headbanger-style set!!!


 Set 2

Chalkdust Torture - Absolutely slays (word of the day!). 1.0-worthy version. BUSTS THE FREAKIN DOORS DOWN!!! STRAIGHT FIRE!!! Around 8 minutes it dissolves into some jazzy Type II ambient jamming for a minute. Knowing the setlist, you can hear the Frankie Says coming a mile away....

>Frankie Says - First one since 2010. Around 4 minutes, the mood shifts and we go Type II again. A small rock vibe is building. Think 12/6/97 kinda vibes, if that makes any sense. Funky but rocking. Woodblock. Page using wah pedal (right?). Cactus taking a lead. Awesome as hell. And Trey sees the opportunity to lead us perfectly into...

Undermind - NOW THAT'S A SEGUE, BOYS AND GIRLS! Normally I'd complain about that Frankie jam being nerfed, but Trey saw his perfect transition point and took the shot...and scored! Great segue!!! Of course this is a friggin' party and I'm sure everyone was dancing their tales off. Page kills it with a lot of sick organ soloing. Awesome part at 4:15 where Gordo kicks in his effects, and he Trey and Page all sync up perfectly for the next minute. Terrific jam "moment". Cactus is absolutely KILLING it on this!!! The song "winds down" for the final minute with some cool repeating effects from Trey and everyone slowly shifting gears into....

>Sand - WHAT IT THE MOTHER OF HELL WAS THAT PERFECT SEGUE! THAT WAS PLANNED! THAT WAS FRIGGIN PLANNED! YOU DONT JUST SEGUE LIKE THAT. A+++++++++++++++++++ SEGUE!!!! And on top of it, this Sand itself is exceptionally good. I know I say that about everyone, but damn, is Sand ever NOT freaking great?! This one sees exceptional funkiness from EVERYONE, with Page again maybe being the MVP of it all. Trey is "honking" it up fantastically and Fishman is just annihilating his kit doing his best Neil Peart "Tom Sawyer" fills all over the place. ABSOLUTELY FILTHY AND DISGUSTING AND PEAKING FOR AGES!!!!! JESUS EFFING CHRIST THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SAND'S EVER!!!!!!! FULL THROTTLE TO THE HILT!!!!!!!! 100/10 Sand. DO NOT SKIP THIS SAND IT IS THE BEES FRIGGIN KNEES!!!!

>Walk Away - After they return to the Sand theme, Trey signals them quickly and the boys are obviously listening as they launch right into WA without any hesitation at all. :D And it kills as you would expect.

Limb By Limb - Terrifically awesome. Magical! Around 5:30 the jam proper begins and we get some darkness creeping in and out of the music. The boys can't decide whether to commit or not and toe the line between Type I and II for a while. Page is doing lovely things on the piano, but Trey is blasting that wah. Fishman is messing around, dropping in and out (lots of cymbal washing). The jam comes to a transition at 7 minutes when Trey introduces a Hendrix-esqu motif and the boys start riffing on it. A jazzily-uptempo kind of funky jam emerges. Everyone is "vamping" kinda trying to figure out where they want to go. Around 8 minutes things seem to coalesce better and Trey goes for some proper leads. This leads to a couple minutes of THE HOTTEST FRIGGIN ROCK AND ROLL PEAKING THIS SIDE OF 12/6/97!!!! ROCK AND ROLL EXPLOSION!! HOLY FREAKING CRAP EVERYONE IS DESTROYING WORLDS!!! MY FACE IS MORE MELTED THAN PIZZA THE HUT'S!!!!!

>Julius - Red hot. Has a great relaxed vibe like Ocelot did. Extra "jazzy" tonight, I guess. Or something like that. Rages hard. Cool outro with another, I'm assuming, planned segue into...


You Enjoy Myself - Well, damn, talk about a way to cap off a set!! The composed section is performed top notch, with gusto! Terrific reading of the song itself. Running out of things to say, the first 15 minutes of this is A++++++ You Enjoy Myself in every way. The playing, the energy, the BASS SOLOING! IT'S TERRIFIC! EVEN THE VOCAL JAM IS FUN!!! :D :D :D

Shine a Light - One of my least favorite covers. It's great, but pretend the show ended perfectly with YEM. :D

All in all, this show is definitely worth the 4.475 rating on .NET!!!! I don't know what they did differently tonight, but they were just slaying on another level. UIC 2011 vibes as far as that stuff goes. That kinda level! INCREDIBLY KICK ASS SHOW. Definitely in the top 7 or 8 of the year so far, I'd say!

Holy hell doesn't begin to describe it!

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