Twofer for you guys tonight! Onwards to Mexico!!!! They played 4 shows and then 2020 was cancelled, so I'm lumping this in with 2019. Deal with it.
2/20/20 Quintana Roo
Torn and Frayed - Wow! First since 2012 and sounds like they never stopped playing it! Absolutely terrific playing from all - Trey is ON! Relaxed but great opener!!! Maybe an odd choice of song but they killed it! Well done!
Ghost - A solid 11 minutes of funky rock to get us dancing. Right
off the bat we get into some dark and heavy (nasty!) playing. They
definitely venture deep into Type 1.5 jamming, if I do say so myself. If
you listened to this you would guess this was Ghost, ok?
But for a measley 11 minutes (and only the 2nd song of the night!) they
come out hitting like it's the 2nd set already! Fantastic!!! Really!!!
Don't let the length fool you - this is sick. Great part near the end
where the tempo really picks up and the guys just launch into a more
upbeat and blissful rock jam. It feels more like a 20 minute Ghost
adventure than just a little first set spooker!!! Fantastic!!!!
>Free - Somehow in the course of the Ghost jam Trey naturally
comes into the D chord that begins Free. You can see him on the video go
"alright, guess let's do Free now!", lol. He gives the other guys a nod
to signal it and they launch into Free. Trey skips the opening D chord
and just launches into the main descending lick with a fury. Great
stuff!! Ooh boy does this Free get sick!!! A solid 15 minute rager!!!! Incredibly funky on this sucker - watch out Moma Dance!!! God,
Trey is just NAILING his playing tonight, so fluid and liquid-like.
This is not the sticky-fingered Trey we've heard so often in recent
shows!!! Eventually Trey lets the guitar-god histrionics die
down and the jam shifts into a dark and evil sound that I have never
heard in a Free!! This is crazy! This is like some Haunted House Free or
something!!! Dude....Dark and semi-ambient, "halloween" organ sounds
and minor key playing...what even is this?!?!? Trey is grinning stupidly throughout, probably thinking "how in the hell did we get here?!" AND THEN PAGE GIVES US SHIPWRECK QUOTES! YES! WE ARE SINKING IN THE ABYSS!!! HOW DID WE GET FROM FREE TO SHIPWRECK!? Out
of the spooky aquatic abyss, Trey slowly reintroduces the A to Bb Free
theme with some "Rescue Squad! Rescue Squad!" chanting and Your Pet Cat
samples thrown in for good measure. THIS IS WACKY! THIS IS WEIRD! THIS IS INSANE! THIS IS MUST-HEAR!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS PHISH!!!!!!
And from there they go perfectly back into Free and leave us all to pick
the wretched remains of our brains off of the Mexican sand after they
just shot us in the head with this onslaught of ridiculousness....
Shake Your Coconuts - 2nd ever. First since Baker's Dozen! I've never heard this before but this was a blast. Love the song and this performance. SO MUCH FUN!
Trey can't stop laughing his ass off and the enthusiasm is infectious! "Just keep on having fun! This party's just begun! Just keep on dancing! Just keep on getting down!" They should've opened the show with this!!!!
Victim - Loved the debut version from December and I think this slots in great with Phish. Too bad this is the last version to date! Love the crazy/scary effects from Page. Trey rages this and it brings the heat.
Moma Dance - great call after Victim. Keeps the funky dance vibe
going some more. This one is very relaxed-feeling. Like a "yea, let's
take it easy" kinda vibe. This is really great - more chilled out like
the studio version than some ripping 2011 rendition. This is pretty
lengthy as well - Trey hits his Soul Planet delay and keeps the jam
goin' on for a while. A wonderful 10 minutes of dancing time! Good
>Gotta Jibboo - Enter the whale siren! A great, chill,
album-ready kinda Jibboo. Picks up where the Moma vibe left off.
Wonderful tonight. Man oh man Trey is just tossing out tasty licks left
and right like nothing! In it's 8 minute duration, they stay firmly in
Type I, but it's so well played and the guys are just locked in to each's magnificent!!!! An absolutely top-notch Jibboo!!!!!
Shade - Oh my god I'm gonna die this is gorgeous. Also, talk
about spectacularly perfect set placement. I think I'm gonna cry you
guys, this is just tugging at the heart strings, holy hell.
The Landlady - Alright! Another win on the setlist front!!! Trey tears it up. It's Landlady. It's Mexico. It's freaking sweet.
thing goes for 11 minutes and rages hard the whole time. Love watching
CK sync the lights up with what the guys are playing. It stays Type I
the whole time but they rock it hard. Eventually Trey reintroduces the
theme and they circle back to the song proper to close it off. Awesome
hot!!! Slowly builds to a guitar-god peak with Trey absolutely
annihilating his axe. If you like your Trey hot and nasty, don't skip on
this!!! Fantastic!!!!
Crosseyed and Painless - Yes! Fantastic set placement and choice
here!!! You can feel the energy from Steam carry over. Pretty much stays
Type I, but they ride it good and bring it to a hot peak. Though there
are some cool hints of Type II near the end when Trey starts jamming
with his Whammy pedal before ripcording into Antelope. Awesome.
Run Like An Antelope - I read bad reviews of this on .NET, but
c'mon, once you get past the intro it's 10 minutes of Trey just going
ham, shredding it up as best as he can in 2020. What's not to love?!
Just Machine Gun Trey spraying us with sonic bullets. Killer.
Cavern - Is Cavern
Beneath a Sea of Stars - What even is this. Are we in heaven? Type II Outer Space Bliss Heaven from the highest reaches of the sky. This
is one of the most astounding pieces of music I've ever heard. Magical
does not begin to describe this. This is truly X Factor Next-Level
My god....
Say It To Me SANTOS - Holy freaking S### what was that Sea of
Stars?! Oh man, thank you for SANTOS. This is the perfect pick me up. We
are standing there with our heads in our hands contemplating our
existence....and then BAM Santos! Snap out of it! Let's rock!
You Enjoy Myself - Killer. I'm too tired to review it but c'mon, it rocked
All in all, this is a show where I completely disagree with the
measly 3.5 rating on .NET. 3.5?! Was I listening to the same show?! This
was EASILY a 4.2 or 4.3 in my opinion. Absolutely phenomenal show from
start to finish - Other than a by-numbers Cavern, the entire show is
worth a listen. Absolutely incredible improv BETTER than anything in
2019 (that Free and that Sea of Stars!), Machine Gun Trey fire out the
rear, and enough rarities to shake a coconut at....A+ show!!!
C'mon, what more do you guys want?!
A friendly place to find some sick tunes :) Notes direct from my original Hoffman Forums posts!
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