Friday, January 27, 2023

1993-08-09 Toronto, CAN

93 08 09 Toronto

How else do you open a 1993 show but with a RIPPING AS ALL HELL Chalkdust Torture with a legit Who Knows jam in the middle?!

Dude, mind=blown

The boys are still tearing it up like 8/8 never ended!

Fee>Split Open and Melt>Glide

Spectacular!!!! The segue from one to the next is like melted butter.

Also, the guys go NUTS during SOAM. I've heard lots of hot ones (read:all of them) but this one is definitely one to check out!!!
The jamming is very dynamic and you can tell the guys are listening/following closely to each other as they are constantly changing tempos and moods on a dime like it's nothing.


Dinner and a Movie>Tweezer

This Tweezer is full on Type II darkness. There's a great jam that sounds like Godzilla stomping around Tokyo or something. It's pretty sick.


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