Friday, January 27, 2023

1993-08-12 Rochester Hills, MI

 8 12 93 Rochester Hills, MI

Starts off with a wonderful AC/DC Bag. If I had this in perfect sound it would be going on my "non-album songs" playlist PRONTO!!! 

Insane Reba.

Also, the sound quality on this AUD is terrific. Do some slight EQ to boost the top end a bit and its a wonderful headphone listen!!!  



This isn't yer usual Reba. The boys jam this one pretty weird (for Reba, at least). Page is all over this one. Because I suck at describing things, here's a succinct quote from .NET:

"Reba - Type 2 jam with lots of tension that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Some nice interplay between Page and Trey. If the release from all of the tension was better, I think this would be an all-time version." 

 Chalkdust Torture

Another absolutely face-melting, world-destroying, perfectly performed CDT. 1993 Phish in a nutshell right here. 



The Squirming Coil

Forget the song, this is basically just a massive Page solo for like 6 minutes.


2001>The Landlady

Very cool to get Landlady, but unfortunately Trey seems to be having tech issues or something as he is butchering the hell out them :p

But, when in doubt, just whip out some feedback squalls and then get your angst out in a flurry of shredding!

And into Tweezer we go!!! 


Holy freaking crap

2001>The Landlady>Tweezer>Landlady Reprise>Tweeprize>The Lizards

Ok, so this was half magic half butchered insanity. As I said before something is up with Trey. If you want to hear a good Landlady then this is NOT the one to seek out, lol.

That being said, Tweezer was hotter than the sun and Lizards is 10/10 gorgeous perfection of the goose-bumps-on-your-arms kind


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