Friday, January 27, 2023

2010-10-10 Broomfield, CO

Tonight I begin the "as I've been told" somewhat legendary (overstating things, I'm sure) Fall 2010 tour.

10/8 Austin was one HELL of a fiery inferno warm up, but 10/10/10 is the tour start proper.

At a glance, this show has one hell of a setlist! The first 2 hours is almost a would-be favorites list by me.

A very nice Chalkdust opens the show and the tour. It's not the hottest out there, but it feels a little more "earnest" than most - it's not just a massive fiery fireball, ya know?

Holy crap that 76 minute first set was a frickin BANGER!

Pretend the first four sleepy tracks didn't happen (as much as I loathe dismissing It's Ice!) and skip STRAIGHT to Funky B.

From there to the end of the set it's straight FIRE with a capital F.


In short, from Funky B onwards, the set 1 is perfection.

For set 2, I'd stick with Mike's>Simple>Ghost>Groove personally.

Makisupa always bores me (I'm sorry, I don't care how funny it is, it's a repetitive one chord vamp, lol!).

My Problem Right There wasn't my cup.

Slave to the Traffic Light has grown on me a ton but, while very good, it's just another Slave.

From Makisupa onwards, set 2 drags for me. Big time.

A great show, but one my tastes won't be making me reach for again soon.

A big YMMV gig.

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