Friday, January 27, 2023

2010-10-24 Amherst, MA

10 24 10 Amherst, MA, #2

Only a 3.4 rating on .NET, but I'm up to Stash and enjoyign the hell out of it so far. The energy is HIGH tonight and there is a defnite, fiery, "LETS ROCK" vibe going on (to me anyways.)

Camel Walk smoked, Divided Sky was 16 minutes of beautiful perfection, Ride Captain Ride FREAKIN SMOKED, and so far Stash is doing good.

Unfortunately this is also the farewell gig for Time Turns Elastic :(

This show was one that featured the bare minimum of jamming. But if you are in the mood for a straightforward, song-based appraoach, this show will rock your socks.

The energy throughout was HIGH and nearly every song was a standout or excellent version.

Yes, the jamming was very lacking, but for a song-based show it was terrific. Absolutely rocking.

Don't skip this one just because it doesn't have a 30 minute Ghost

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