Sunday, October 29, 2023

The O.G. Live Phish Series In Review - Vol. 2: 7/16/94, North Fayston, VT

 February 10, 2023:

Moving onwards finally with OG Live Phish Vol., , 7/16/94 North Fayston, VT

Set 1

Golgi Apparatus - Nice version to open the show. Nothing special

Down With Disease - Frigign' POWERHOUSE!!!! As with every Type I Disease, it just annihilates everything in it's path for its duration. This version isn't super long (still a brand new tune!!), but it dissolves magnificently into "N2O"

>N2O - The ever-elusive dentist chair routine. Classic stuff. :p "Feeling a little drowsy? This should put you right out...". The people in attendance must've just been so confused, haha. How the hell did we go from having our faces torn off the having a vacuum solo accompany an imaginary dental procedure?! Only Phish.... :p

>Stash - The perfect tune to segue out of that craziness! Outstanding version as usual. On 1.0 tunes, there isn't often much to say unless it's some 20 minute Type II version, because in 1.0 most versions of the "classics" were generally great!!! This one is no exception. Love the final few minutes of just insane darkness. GNARLY.

The Lizards -
Oh man, the perfect flipside of that black-hole Stash. A+ set placement. :) Wonderful as always, the "Skippy the Wondermouse" portion in particular.

Cavern - Always nice to hear a version not at the end of a set. :) Cavern is Cavern.

The Horse/Silent In the Morning - See Cavern

Maze - It's 1994. It's DESTROYS. As usual. What else is there to say? :p

Sparkle - Is Sparkle

Sample in a Jar - Is Sample

All in all, a good first set. The Disease through Stash is the keeper of the set, easily. The rest was great as usual but nothing you NEED to hear.


Set 2

Run Like an Antelope/Catapult/Antelope - Holy friggin' hell. The first Antelope section is not very good and doesn't get cooking until the end when they finally switch to the Catapult jam. Catapult is wacky fun of the highest order and then the second portion of Antelope is balls to the wall sonic noise destruction!! HOLY CRAP!!! Also, the Simpsons signal is the icing on this insane cake from hell. There isn't much to say as I don't know WHAT to say!!! This is incredible, this is phenomenal, this is A+ Phish annihilation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harpua/2001/Harpua - I'm one of these people that listens to Bob Dylan but couldn't tell you any lyrics. I zone out during story time :p. But the segue into 2001 is great! And of course Harpua is always a treat :)

AC/DC Bag - For some reason, this one it hitting me differently than usual. Gordo has the effect going on his bass and this version sounds WAY funkier than you expect it to!!!! Very 1997-esque sound on this one!! Really great "in-sync" jamming by the whole band!! Perfectly executed stop-start sections, etc. A++++++ BAG!!!!! :D

Scent of a Mule - Scent is Scent but it's great fun as usual :)

Harry Hood - I know this is excellent. It's awesome. I couldn't tell you what makes it any different from any other Hood though - they all sound the same to me for the most part. @Harry Hood please don't kill me :D

Contact - Super awesome Suzy-style party-funk-fest :D Awesome Contact! A right party!

Chalkdust Torture - I'm in that mode where "I don't want to highlight a non-special version just because it's hot", but I can't help it!!! Sometimes an A+ Type I version is absolutely worth your time no matter how much it resembles every other awesome version played that year :p That's a major compliment by the way! This Chalkdust feels like a killer victory lap. Like, we've won the race and now are celebrating! :D The Clifford Ball Chalkdust has been my go-to favorite for a few years and this one just might upseat it!!!!! 4 minutes in and we are already at a point of "how much hotter can this get?!". Then you realize we are not even halfway done with this beast!!!!!

Picture the hottest thing you've ever heard. Then multiply that thrice. You now have something almost approaching the 7/16/94 Chalkdust Torture


Suzy Greenberg - Is Suzy. Slays. Nuff said.

All in all....WOW!!!! Set 1 was great on the whole but had definite highlights. Set 2 was wonderful "full-set" experience from start to finish!!! Let's put it like this - this show is legendary for a reason. 'Nuff said. Don't wait 5 years into being a fan (like I did) to hear this incredible gig! :D

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