Friday, November 3, 2023

2021-07-31 Alpharetta, GA

 Watching 7/31/21 Alpharetta today! Since I'm watching it instead of listening to it, I guess I can't "timestamp" the jams like normal, so I'll do my best when I get to them :p

7/31/21 Alpharetta

Set 1

Sand - Ooh! A Sand opener! When the heck was the last time Sand ever opened a show?! Has this happenned before? :p Trey is looking uber-serious/tired in this Sand. Love it when the crowd chants along in unison "I'D HAVE MYSELF TO BLAME!". All throughout, Trey is stalking around the stage looking like a lion on the hunt for his next victim. All snarl tonight! He's doing that "mouthing along to his soloing" thing, lol. As for the music, it's a pretty "standard" Sand that is a nice "warmup" intro to the show. You'll never seek this one out on purpose but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it and it more than gets the job done! It's actually got a slightly subdued feel about it as opposed to the party-rager vibes of earlier 3.0 ones. This one is kinda chill until the last couple minutes where we hit a nice peak for a bit. Not "the greatest Sand of all time", but an excellent way to open the show!!! Highlight-worthy? Eh, not really, but that ain't no knock! :)

Everything's Right -
What are they doing, playing a 2nd set in place of a first set? :p A lengthy 16 minute rendition tonight!! The chill vibe of Sand continues at the start. It's like the guys are "whispering" the song. The initial round of soloing before the music-less "This world" refrain section is excellent. Trey busts open his grin and the guys get the track rocking good. No more whispering! :) The jam proper begins with lots of Trey refrains of "It's gonna be alright!" over and over, punctuated with "yea" samples from Fishman. :) Quickly they then move into the expected funky areas. Page on Clavinet or whatever, Trey playing with cool delay effects, carefully "building" his solo like stacking a Jenga tower....Very quickly we are leaving the song in the DUST! Trey just plays around really nicely for a good while with the aforementioned "Jenga Tower" motif as I'm choosing to call it, before the guys all lock in a bit better and decide to amp up the intensity a bit more. Fishman is going spastic with his cymbals, doing lots of those "David Bowie"-style beats. By now things are starting to "settle", but Page averts this by jumping onto the synths and leading us down a darker alleyway. Trey noodling around and Fishman doing his rapid-fire rat-a-tat-tats. You can see Mike looking around and playing with his pedalboard - I'm pretty that's him doing synth work on the bass!!! The crowd acknowledges this with their vocal approval! Things straddle the line between light and dark for a brief moment before they decide to head for the sky. Mike drops out for a bit as he is nerdily perusing his rack of FX! :D By this point Trey is doing some nice melodic motifs that Page and Fushman pick up, creating a new rhythm focused on a fast, triplet-led cymbal pattern (you can't miss hearing this section). The lights are a literal cavalcade of rainbows and Fishman is inserting "yea" samples throughout, kinda "deflating" the blissful seriousness of this jam in a funny way. They guys are in the zone and Trey is just vibing it up with all his heart. No hint of darkness at all. The guys are doing lots of "hitting a motif and riding it out" in this jam. Very nice to hear!! After a bit in Rainbow Wonderland, the intensity starts building back up once more when Page jumps back to the synths. The lighting looks like a descending UFO and that's what this jam is starting to sound like!!! Things are going sideways! We are now in....late-night bliss??? It's like they are playing a typically "dark" style of jam in an upbeat fashion. If that at all makes any sense. Things are getting funky again and Mike is renewing his presence on the bass. Then Trey signals the end of the jam with a return to the "It's gonna be alright" refrains. And just like that, this little journey is over! A very, very nice jam! Worth a listen or two I think. Excellent stuff - it was pretty cohesive and felt like a smooth journey, not a stitching-together of sections (like some jams feel...). Great stuff!!

Turtle In the Clouds
- Yes! My favorite KV song!!! :D Terrific version! Full of power! No sleepiness on this one!! And of course being able to watch Cactus and Trey do the dance routine is icing on the turtle cake. :) Everyone in the room - band and crowd - seem like they are having a friggin' blast and it's palpable. Also, it's funny watching that Mike has clearly forgotten the dance steps half the time and is having to "cheat" off of Trey, lol. Love it!

- Alright, now it's go time, will it sink (like many recent Mazes...) or will it soar? Trey looks overtly happy during the initial verses and his first guitar solo is hot right out of the gate. Not 1994 hot, but it's perfectly "composed" in the best way and just ticks all the right boxes with a pick scrape to cap it off! And over to Page the Rage we go! Love watching Page rock out like "watch this guys, I got this" :) Throughout his soloing, Trey is watching Page intently like a hawk, slack-jawed gaze and all. Slowly Page works the song to it's peak and the whole band jives along with him, reaching a great burst of energy all at once. The guys are definitely rocking the F out. Then Page passes the torch over to Trey who proceeds to give us a patiently melodic solo with intent. He's totally feeling that solo, dawg. And then Trey lets it rip and hit's the gnarliest sustained note this side of Divided Sky! CK5 is going BONKERS with the lights, quick-flashing purple to red and back. I think I'm going to have a seizure! Then during the final explosion, he turns on the bright whites for maximum effect. Trey is headbanging the F out of this, even giving us some short Pete Townshend jumps! And then the song concludes. Wow!!! That was pretty damn terrific!!! I've definitely heard WAY worse ones in latter 3.0! That was just about as hot as I could imagine them getting a Maze these days. The crowd in Alpharetta caught a hot one!!! This one was definitely enhanced by viewing it. A great watch!!!!

Destiny Unbound - Nice choice to give us a breather but also keep it cookin. Immediately, Trey starts playing with some plinky-sounding effects and Fishman begins the "yea" sample again. :p Trey takes his time vamping out the song's "lick" for a minute before dropping into a very nice and quiet-sounding solo. He is "picking" out those notes, one by one. Very nice! They nail the F out of the Type I solo section of the song and you can see Trey grin like a fool when they slide back into the song smoother than melted butter. :) On the whole it was a genuinely excellent version, but nothing that special. It was perfect in the way every friggin' early 3.0 version of Funky B or Reggae Woman is, ya know? Great stuff, but not list-worthy for me.

Foam - Ooh, a nice 1-2 punch of rarities! The guys sound pretty darn good in the composed sections. Trey's "quieter" picking style is actually benefiting him on this one, giving the playing a nice delicate feel. And thankfully, it appears they all practiced as well. I mean, seriously, this was one clean Foam!!! No, I mean seriously, this is cleaner than one or two 1.0 Foams I've heard. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!!! :) I'm calling this one a list-worthy triumph! Really REALLY great 3.0 Foam!!

Stash - Fine version of the composed section, but definitely not as tight as Foam was. Not sloppy by any means, but you've heard better versions of the composition. The jam proceeds as expecting, going all "arabian sand" on us, with wacky rainbow lighting accentuating the craziness, lol. Some cool bits in this jam! It kinda stays within the Stash frame but still manages to explore - hard to explain. It goes synth-fx Type II for a bit, with some back-and-forth, light-to-dark stuff going on too. They flip flop between darkness and bliss. Eventually it reaches a natural conclusion point and they seamlessly work back into the song! A great version! Proof that not every jam needs to be 20 minutes to be terrific!!!! Wow!! Pretty cool version!!

Bathtub Gin -
And the hits keep a-comin'!!! The guys are having an absolute friggin' BALL during the song portion. Fun vocals from Trey and Mike, Fishman cracking the whip on the drums, right in sync with Trey, Leo even scatting by the end of it...In the jam, Fishman has locked in perfectly with Page's piano. Very cool to hear Fishmand and Page being the ones in sync! It proceeds as feel-good Type I as expected. It starts to build a bit when Page steps on the sustain pedal on his piano and an "urgency" comes out. Slowly, the whole band just work the groove, Page and Trey both soloing melodically together-but-apart. Very nice! It sounds like Trey is doing some subtle stuff with delay, but I'm not sure. Gotta say, Page just hammering the F out of his Yamaha is always glorious. We build to an eventual peaky section with Trey "quietly" trilling his little heart out along to Page's Yamaha. Then he lets it rip, soloing up and down the fretboard. CK5 comes in clutch with the perfect light transitions.....Great overall peak on this!!! It's a party!!! A really great little Gin!!!! I'd say it's the equivalent of the Stash preceeding it. It's only 12 minutes but by golly do they milk those minutes!!!!!!! Awesome stuff all the way around!!!

All in all, set 1 was an absolute triumph!!! The whole thing was base-level excellent, the guys were ON FIRE throughout, the flow was great, the song choice was very much to my liking (always a bonus :p )....not much to say!!! "Standard" first sets don't get all that much better! :D

I would say Everything's Right, Maze, Foam and Stash were the must-hear materials, with Gin just about as good as the Stash (or better, depending on your taste!)


Set 2

Chalkdust Torture - A fine version of the song proper, a little rusty in a "shaking off the jitters" kind of way, but absolutely not lacking in energy or enthusiasm! The song may be "rough", but IMMEDIATELY the jam starts to branch out from the very first measure of post-song playing. Trey hits on his delay and does some nice "chord slashing" for a bit. Following that, things quickly quiet down a bit. Tempo maintained, but going into "whisper" zone. "Type I" playing at this point. Things are gradually getting more and more chilled out with every passing second and before long CDT is starting to fade from the rearview mirror.
Things slowly pick back up over the course of a few minutes but remain firmly in "chilled out classic rock" land. This jam is extremely fluid sounding!!! It's like water just slowly pouring all over you. No janky, angular, messiness to be found yet!! And the blissful "Grateful Dead jam" keeps on tickin'!!! After several beautiful minutes, Trey signals the first change by slipping over to his synthesizers to begin inserting new sounds.
So at this point, Trey is still in "classic rock land", doing his glorious, blissful soloing, but he has also turned on a subtle octaver effect. Meanwhile, Page is just layering gooey synthesizers on top of everything. Fishman is still keeping the CDT tempo but things are getting very scientific for lack of a better descriptive :p Page jumps back to his electric piano and lays off the synths. The jam gets nicely quiet. Trey is vamping it up and we could go right into a Back On The Train if we wanted to.
Thankfully we don't and the jam takes it's first major tonal shift! Things move towards a more "late-night", late-90s, chill-groove kinda flavor. Not dark, but heading in that direction. Like the aural equivalent of the sun creeping down below the horizon....
This almost gets diverted by Trey "chord slashing" it up again and trying to lead us back towards the light. Towards the light we do turn, but the jamming is staying right on course. Page jumps over to some watery, aquatic keyboard sounds and it's like we are sailing the oceans of uptempo bliss. :)
Trey eventually stumbles onto a nicely melodic ascending motif. The guys latch on a little bit and we ride this idea for a bit. Still in "aquatic bliss land", Page starts to incorporate more sparse sustained notes/chords in place of soloing. Trey is still just doing his thing, noodling wonderfully up and down the fretboard, but also starting to get a little more minimalist.
The guys all hit upon a new groove and the jam slowly, NATURALLY (!!!!!!), shifts towards a more flowing kind of feel. Trey is "vamping" it up like he's dying to go into NICU or something. Everyone is still riding the same "aquatic bliss" train to oblivion. Trey finally abandons his natural tone and turns on one of his wonky robot synth effects for some new textures.
Wish Fishman now incorporating bell hits (a sample?), the band suddenly takes a quick turn towards nasty ville. Trey has his robo synth thing going but seems to be adding in wah pedal "stabs" on top. Very awesome. Delays added to the mix, this is just all kinds of cool....and things are slowly going sideways little by little....
After about a minute of that, they move areas once more, still keeping the uptempo bliss going, but heading for a slightly ambient area. Lots of delay action, extended keyboard hits, Fishman riding those cymbals, etc....Everyone is just building this magical Jenga Tower of awesomeness bit by bit.
Page returns to pounding on his Yamaha with an occasional synth stab for good measure. He and Trey lock in on yet another musical motif for everyone to build off of. Trey turns on wonky effects again and the band hits upon a vein that is clearly heading in a skyward trajectory!
The crowd picks up on this section immediately and goosebumps are now erupting all over my arms and legs! We have struck the X Factor vein at last!!! We are heading skyward like the proverbial rocketship!!
Everyone is in their own weird little land, but at the same time they are riding this wave of music together, building this thing organically. Mike kicks on some bomb FX and the crowd erupts yet again.
This is friggin' glorious. They hit upon a section where Trey is just going NUTS with squealing feedback, yet keeps the notes melodic at the same time. Robot Feedback! And the jam gets into "Camden 99 Chalkdust" territory - it's got that "flying through the sky" feeling to it, ya know?
And then the guitars die down, the synthesizers blare up, the crowd goes wild, and we move into a quiet breather section....
This lasts about a minute and then things die down perfectly and we transition into....

Chalkdust Epilogue - Holy crap. That is MUST HEAR for any Phish fan. The fist 10-15-20 minutes are great, but it's the last 7 or 8 when they strike gold and that higher-resonance or whatever kicks in and just....Like, wow.....They kept the jam pretty "basic" for the first 15 or 20 minutes, just making the most of everything, not succumbing to the temptations of new effects, and it absolutely paid off. Absolutely, absolutely, ABSOLUTELY must-hear!

>Steam - Ooh baby, nice set call! Perfect choice to fit the feel the jam had reached by it's conclusion. They coulda used that damn transition for an album if they wanted to. A fine version with a nicely "gritty" solo from Trey (more chord slashing to be found). Unfortunately the song dies down before anything more can transpire, so it's not worth listing it, but it was a nice interlude version! Great version, just not long enough!

>Prince Caspian - Normally I'd get mad at Trey for ripcording us like that but the crowd goes nuts and the vibe is A+. Let's get them feel-good vibes going, boys and girls! Actually works better than you would think to bring us back from the "darkness" of CDT and Steam. And the crowd is going BANANAZ! I swear, I've never seen more fist-pumping-in-unison in my life! A+ for the crowd at this show!!! The jam quickly begins evolving to sound like the back end of a good Theme From the Bottom or something. Slowly-emerging dissonance, endless feedback-squaling awesomeness from Trey, you name it....Trey is absolutely having a BLAST on this one, trying out his FX array, headbanging away and grinning like a fool. :) The jam eventually reaches that psychedelic droning thing we all love. Trey is going BONKERS, shredding it up (as much as 2021 Trey can shred). This is SPECTACULAR!! How can such a simple "nothing" of a song like Caspian (not a knock!) evolve into a trippy beast like this!?!?!?!? Page joins in the fun and goes insane on the keys and synths along with Trey. My head is exploding - this is MAGICAL!!!! I've not yet heard the Magnaball Caspian, but I can't imagine this isn't good competition!!!! THIS CASPIAN ISNT EVEN 10 MINUTES LONG AND GOES MORE BANANAS THAN THAT 26 MINUTE CHALKDUST DID!!! WHAT IN THE HOLY HELL AM I LISTENING TO! THIS IS FREAKING INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!


Golgi Apparatus - And from, after melting down into a psychedelic, robot-destruction miasma of sonic ridiculousness, Trey breaks the tension with the best/worst placed Golgi Apparatus ever. :D The song is a total slop fest, but only because Trey is laughing his ass off (presumably at the fact that he called a Golgi out of that Caspian, lol). It's adorable. :p This is definitely not one for the highlights list, but ya know what? It's still an effin' blasty blast. :) FUN IS CONTAGIOUS!!!!

>AC/DC Bag - Great call!!! Keeps us rockin'!! Also, nice to see it in an unusual (for the song) set slot. Love the crowd singing along audibly to the whole thing!!!! "Let's get this show on the road" crowd erupts :D On the whole it's a "standard" Bag, but it's played to perfection, the crowd amps it up to another level, and everyone is just having the absolute time of their life (which means a lot). Really, really NICE Bag!!!

>Shade - Lovely. One of my faves. And well-deserved at this point. Hell, there really hasn't been a proper ballad at all this show yet, eh? And it's absolutely perfect. Trey's solo is so simple yet beautiful...goosebumps down my arms again....Wow. This has to be one of the best versions, I can't imagine it being performed much better!!!

Mike's Song -
Not very long, but super NICE! The jam immediately goes "chill late night funk heat". CK5 keeps the lights various shades of dark blue throughout and it sums up the vibe perfectly. A total groover!!!

>Silent in the Morning - Alright! Nice to see another setlist shakeup!! I always complain about this song killing the back end of shows for me, but this is unique enough to be cool. And I tell you h'what, that segue worked so naturally you'd think they'd been playing it like that for years!!!!! Seriously, that pairing works way better than you might think!!! It's not a particularly great version - the guys just can't get in sync with the awkward rhythms - but again, it's the passion and enthusiasm, and again let's hear it for the crowd as well! I can't justify listing this, but the segue is damn cool and it's worth it to hear this pairing at least once!

>Weekapaug Groove - Fishman Sample Hell. And the crowd laps it up....Ok, it's not that bad, but I'm still 50/50 on if I can jive with the samples or not. Paug stays pretty dang chill. It's like low heat bubbling under waiting to erupt. The guys are tearing it up, but they are doing it in that "whisper" mode again. It does eventually reach the inevitable turning point and turn into the heated peak fest we know and expect. :) As with Mike's, it ain't the longest out there, but it makes good use of its time and left us all with massive grins on our faces and love in our hearts. Watching Trey struggle not to crack up at Fishman's egregious sample usage during the outro vocal refrain just warms my heart. :)

A Life Beyond the Dream - Great call for first encore, imo. This show has been emotions-on-their-sleeves, almost like 7/28 in Rogers was. I don't understand the hatred for this song. It's a terrific Trey ballad. Yes, people hate Trey ballads, but, c'mon now....I guess I will always have a soft spot for the song, especially in late show/encore slots. The version I got in Charleston in 2019 is a standout memory for me. I didn't know the song at the time (pre-studio release!!). Maybe I had heard it once or twice in passing while perusing recordings, but I definitely didn't "know" it yet. And to this day that version is one of the standout memories of those shows for me. And this version from Alpha 2 years later is just as good (or better!). A fine reading, full of passion, at the peak slot of the show. It's like watching the credits roll after a great film has just concluded.

Cavern - And then Cavern is the "exclamation mark" on the whole shebang! :D A fine version, but Cavern is Cavern.

On the whole....wowzers!!! I'd say the rating of 4.1 on .NET is basically accurate for the show. The entire thing was a blast from start to finish. Set two definitely became a "song fest" after Prince Caspian, but thanks to the rocking song choices, they kept the energy high and it made all the difference.

Set 1 felt like one of the best complete "sets" out there. From start to finish it was a perfectly paced powerhouse with choice song selections and MULTIPLE excellent jam vehicles!!!!

Also, look at the setlist for this show - it's STACKED!!!!

Must hear material:
Everything's Right
Bathtub Gin
Chalkdust Torture (Incredible 26 minute journey)
Prince Caspian (THE jam highlight of the night for me)
A Life Beyond the Dream


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