Sunday, November 5, 2023

2023-07-11 Huntsville, AL

 Now that ive finished Mexico and Spring 2023, today I begin the summer tour

7/11/23 Huntsville

Set 1

Blaze On opens the show. Only about 10 min, its a fine Type 1 reading that gets us grooving. Good stuff. The band sound tight and Trey is hitting all the right notes....Really great Fishman showcase - he is totally playing off of Trey and its awesome. Great little version worth a revisit!!! Great jamming and playing from everyone. Major heat!!!! PEAK IT OUT, BOYS!!!


My goodness, that was like a shot out of a cannon!!!

Martian Monster - "If you're a PHD, this ones for you!". Very chill and funky off the rip. Kinda unique! Must hear!!! Terrific and creative jamming with ultra tasteful FX usage from everyone. KILLER.

....and a perfect segue into Moma! Yo, those sound like they were always meant to be played together! Freaking killer Moma. So much energy tonight!!! The boys bring the FIRE to Alabama!!!! Damn!! Get it, Trey!!! Must hear Moma!!! Peak alert vol. 2!!! Shredfest McGee!!!! H

Halley is unspectacular overall, but the following BOTT and 555 are full of energy. Excellent Type 1 readings that kick butt, but neither approach the insanity of that 46 Days or the Blaze On and MM. Good stuff but nothing must hear.

Then comes a surprise first set You Enjoy Myself!!! WOW!! WHAT A GREAT VERSION!!!

This one laughs in the face of the trash versions already played this year. Similar to the Los Angeles Bowie, this sucker sounds WELL practiced!!!
Like, they really must have sat down and hashed out. It even has a unique little jam section going on with things going chill before Trey rips back into it and annihilation occurs.
Then when you think the vocal jam is about to happen, Gordo kicks on his FX and we get a kickass bass solo. Hell yea!!!!

A+ YEM. Wow. Who the hell saw that coming. My god, this is absolutely MUST HEAR!!! Seriously, borderline CLASSIC reading!!!

Set ends with a typically hot SANTOS

All in all, a bit uneven of a set, but nothing was poor and almost everything had that next-level energy/heat about it. The Blaze On and MM are definitely highlights, but the 46 Days and YEM are MUST HEAR! Not a classic set, but totally a banger still!!!

Set 2

A great 2001 opens the set! Nicely jammed for about 10 minutes, it begins with scary ambience for a bit before bcoming the party we expect.

A 16 minute Disease rises like a fiery phoenix from the ashes of 2001. Super hot!!! This is the best version of the song Ive heard them play maybe all year so far! The song itself is tight as hell and full of raging p and vinegar. This is what a good Disease sounds like. The jam verrryyyy slllooowwwlllyyy "deconstructs" itself from the hot Type 1 into a more positive, blissful area. All throughout, Fishman is like a machine gun, keeping the rapid fire patterns going. This gets aborted, however, and the guys go full tilt into hose peak shred till you die Type 1 volcanoc eruption mode, ala the Big Cypress Disease!!!! Around the 15 minute mark, we shift into rapidfire robot funk to send us out to the next song. Shame they killed it!

This is serious, legitimate, melt-your-face territory. Im talking 1.0 Disease-level!!!! I honestly have not heard a recent Disease that even comes in the ballpark of this one!!!

My god. Seriously.....

And of course they aborted Disease for Twist...look, I love a good Twist but im so sick of it merely being a "bridge" song in setlists. They NEVER jam it out long and while its usually awesome, it almost never deviates....

Point is, Im very bored with Twist these days....

That being said, this is, yet another strong one. Ya know what? Twist is like the 2nd set Moma Dance or something. Always reliable but you also know exactly what youre gonna get before it even happens....

So color me shocked that this one basically goes Type 2!! Sure it's just a good bliss jam, but they totally leave Twist behind, so A+ for effort on this one!! Great lil Twist!

Set 2

So just as Twist was getting going, Trey kills it off. Thankfully the setlist gods are on our side and instead of slipping into the doldrums or giving us a ballad, we get surprised with a rare mid 2nd set Maze!! Yes!!!

Fishman the Octopus strikes again!! Page is trying to solo but Fishman is just EXPLODING behind the kit to the point of distraction. Its awesome!!! :)

Then comes Mr. Heat himself. Trey friggin WAILS on this sucker, even using accidental feedback to awesome effect.

As with Disease, this one goes toe to toe with any lauded 1.0 version. Come at me.

My god, where did this Maze come from?! I feel like Ive heard a number of surprisingly strong recent versions. That is great news. :)

Help me. My face is melted...send help... 

Lonely Trips is a nice breather. Then we get the 11 minute Phish debut of Oblivion!!

A+ stuff! Super dark and nasty, a must hear reading!!!

Talk about yer A+ debut!!!!

Chalkdust Torture

Holy mother of god. This was a masterpiece. If you have not heard this, what are you doing...

RAGING heat, this sucker is like an exploding rocket. Again, hotter than some 1.0 versions ive heard. Eventually the jam reaches this psychedelic peak that they hold for several magical minutes.

Kinda like the Went Gin where they stumble into something and just keep going and going and GOING with it

Only 12 minutes, but absolutely incredible. Must hear in every way.

Holy crap. 

Finally time for the encore:

F Your Face
C Zero

What?!? Dude!!!

Nothing to say. Encore of the age? :p

All in all, a DAMN heater of a show! It definitely had 'clear higlights', but was raging from start to finish. The 2nd set was a pure face melter for its duration. The Disease, Maze and Chalkdust were as fire as as any classic rendition (just about), and the debut of Oblivion was awesome Carini darkness. 2001 was great too!!

There was a LOT of super high quality music at this show, it was just lacked a willingness to take things deepeer than "the hottest type 1 ever played"

You NEED the following:
Blaze On
Martian Monster
You Enjoy Myself
Down With Disease
Chalkdust Torture

And of course that wtf encore :)   

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