Sunday, November 5, 2023

2023-07-15 Alpharetta, GA

 Set 1

A smashing Jim/Foam combo to open!!

Jim gets taken for a bit of a ride, basically going restrained type 2. Must hear! It was sick!!!

Foam was pretty strong overall but not flawless. Got tighter the longer it went. Good stuff!

15 min SYSF in slot 3 wastes no time going out there. Major energy, this is a superfunk dance party!!!! Then it morphs into lengthy synthesizer bliss. Get down with your bad self! MUST HEAR! No seriously, this sucker is spectacular!!! Super strong version! Synth bliss peakage!

And the set keeps getting better - up next is a strangely mid-set Fluffhead!

Fluff sound pretty strong tonight. Its super tight and rehearsed!!! Yay!! Its super weird hearing a modern Fluff sound THIS tight!!! Seriously, they nail it!!! Crazy....this is album-ready.... ok, almost. Its like %95 nailed :p
A+ spectacular Fluff!

What a set so far...

Everythings Right is a NUCLEAR BOMB tonight. MUST HEAR!

Then we get another very rare Esther (well performed) before a ragged Golgi to close.

I personally prefer the lean "fiery rock show" aesthetics of set 1 of 7/14, but there is no denying this set brought the heavy hitters. Most will prefer this one and I would not disagree with them! An absolute monster of a first set!!!  

Set 2

A good but "sticky" Rift opens. Inspired pick to open the set, and while its a fine version, it doesnt exactly transcend. B+ Rift

But then...mother of all that is unholy....30 MINUTE TWEEZER!!!! :D

An absolutely incredible piece of music. Its maybe 10 min TOO long - there were like 10 "natural" ending points and it seemed like Trey was "forcing" them to keep going. Hey, I aint complaining! It makes excellent use of its runtime and there isnt a minute wasted. Probably doesnt top the Greezer, or even the Ruby Waves from 7/14, in all honesty, but its still absolutely fantastic. Bringing the heat in Georgia!!!!

Great segue into Golden Age! Golden Age is a super good, type 1, "must keep dancing at all costs" version.

Im kinda bored of Golden Age lately but Id put this one on a compilation or something!!! Fantastic!

For some reason it straight up just dies and fizzles out into ambience. Page takes his shot....

And we get a 14 minute I Always Wanted!!! aka, the song nobody ever expected to make a splash....

Great version. Rages hard. Horrific and pointless ripcord back into a short Tweezer jam before we get Hood to close the set.

Hood is awesome. Nuff said.

Excellent ALBTD-Tweeprize-BBFCFM encore!!!

All in all, Treys playing was slightly stiff tonight and there were some very bad in-jam transitions and a terrible ripcord, that is extreme nitpicking.

This show straight up CRUSHED!! I would say I think 7 14 is stronger top to bottom, but its almost an even tie. Spectacular night 2!!!!

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