Friday, November 3, 2023

The O.G. Live Phish Series In Review - Vol. 13: 10/31/94 Glen Falls, NY

 10 31 94 Glen Falls

Set 1

Frankenstein - SICK opener! Its Halloween. Does its job.

Sparkle - Is Sparkle. Is Nuts.

Simple - Excellent as any other 94 version. Love how they bring it down almost to silence for a lengthy quiet jam. Very cool!

Divided Sky - They never rebuild Simple, and instead, Trey just launches into DS from the silence. Terrific version, but its 1994 so that's like saying water is wet or the the sky is blue... they are all pretty much indistinguishable from one another unless you break them down second by second.

Harpua - Song portion is extra funky and sounds great. The history of Gamehendge Halloween. The Vibration of Life meets Satan, aka The Vibration of DEATH. MUAWHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Meanwhile, Jimmy plays Barneys Greatest Hits backwards and War Pigs comes out of the speakers! The floor opens and Poster Nutbag is sucked into hell! The Vibration of Death recedes. Jimmys dad the proceeds to tell him the obvious - that his cat died.

This was honestly hilarious. Favorite Harpua I think ive everheard. Damn funny! :)

Julius - atom bomb

Silent in the Morning - weaksauce. Poor version of one of my least favorite songs ever. NEXT!

Reba - Killer version! The composed section doesnt feel as "tight" as expected from 1994, but all the notes are hit at the correct times with no flubs, and thats 90 percent of what makes a good Reba, lol. Magic solo.

Golgi Apparatus - set closer. Standard.

All in all, set 1 had 2 or 3 big moments but I enjoyed it way less than I thought I would. Frankenstein killed. Simple had a cool dissolution into Divided Sky and Harpua was hysterical. Outside of that, nothing was all that "impressive" or went beyond a standard level of average -great (though the Reba came close).

Really kinda bummed I didnt love this set any more. It was kinda "eh" for me, if you will.


 Set 2 - The White Album

Not gonna do a damn song by song of this, lol. Im not THAT crazy!

Ok, this set took me way by surprise! Ive heard this show exactly once, way back in 2018 when I was a new fan, and it didnt blow me away. Totally loved the costume today though! Not that set 1 was sleepy or anything, but I swear the energy skyrocketed for set 2.

Stupid FUN, and a number of versions were good enough that Id love to hear them tackle them again:

-Back In the USSR-Dear Prudence - This was pretty excellent. Loved Mike singing Dear Prudence.
-Martha My Dear stood out for some reason.
-The $hitkicking bluegrass Dont Pass Me By was a riot. Do that again!

Mike singing I Will and Mother Natures Son were both also great choices!!! MNS was sublime!!!!!!! Still, the lack of actually playing Birthday is total BS. Come on, guys.... 

 Savoy Truffle, Cry Baby Cry and the Revolution 9 vacuum insanity were all awesome. Terrible, awkward ending without Good Night. At least they could have closed the damn show with it later!

On to set 3....


Set 3 - on paper, this is a nightmare set for me. Basically all songs I have no desire to hear or songs I am mostly indifferent to....

David Bowie - Ok version. Nothing special.

Bouncing - Is Bouncing

Slave - Stellar, magical, A+ classic version!!!

Rift - kills but not really noteworthy

Sleeping Monkey - I hate this song, so dont take it lightly when I say this is must hear. A+

Antelope - Strong version as ever. Nothing specal.

Costume Awards - awesome funk jamming/noodling. Must hear!

The Squirming Coil - Classic closer. Get this for Pages solo. Incredible.

All in all, this is definitely one of my least favorite "classic" shows. I would honestly be ok if you told me I could never hear it again. Honestly, outside of probably Harpua and Slave and Coil, there really wasnt much of anything that went beyond "boring roteness" to anything that great.

Fine performance but pretty dang bland overall. The costume was definitely the most enjoyable portion, imo.

Wheres my crucifix? Ill even hammer my own nails in. If Im gonna martyr myself I might as well go all in, lol


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