Saturday, December 2, 2023

2023-09-02 Commerce City, CO

 9/2/23 Dicks #3

Set 1

Fluffhead - Super tight, aside from a brief 20 seconds or so of confusion early on. This sucker rages!!! Then, during the outro, they shift into a dark rock jam outta nowhere!!! From there its off to the races and we get one of the best, most inspired pieces of full on bliss peakage all year. 22 minutes. X factor magic!!! MUST HEAR!!! If this doesnt make you feel all warm and fuzzy and tingly inside....holy crap what an opening!!!! AND THEY REPRISE THE FLUFFHEAD THEME PERFECTLY TO CLOSE!!!! HOLY CRAP THIS IS SICK!!!!!!!!

My god!!!!!

My Soul -
Super speedy tonight. Terrific as expected. Mega heat. SICK.

Cavern - Is Cavern, but the set placement is incredible refreshing and the guys totally crush it. Kick. Ass.

Reba - MUST HEAR!!!! WOW!!! The composed section is super tight and basically flawless. If there were flaws, I missed them. And then of course the solo is effing magical as always. A+ for this Reba!!!!! Terrific interplay between Page and Trey during the solo!!!! Hands down THE Reba of the year so far. My goodness. OH MY GOD THAT PEAK.

Mound - Excellent!!! Hell yes!!!

Wave of Hope -
Only 8 minutes tonight, but holy frickin crap this thing is a ROCKET SHIP!!! A+ Type 1 HEAT!!! BANG YOUR FRIGGIN HEAD!!!!! Short, yes, but this isnt your Garden Variety WOH heat, this is pure fire. Must hear.



Dude....this set.... EVERYTHING killed. You had rarities, you had flawless playing, you had more face melting than the rest of the year combined in that damn Ghost ....


And that Fluffhead!!!

Fluff, Reba, Wave, Taste and Ghost are all mandatory listening

Set 2

AC/DC Bag - 13 minutes! Killer!! Starts with riffy rock jamming into a blissful kind of drone section before peaking out with a robo-bliss conclusion. Or something like it. Its a POWEHOUSE!!! MUST HEAR!!!! This sounds like what would have normally emerged from Wave of Hope. X FACTOR MAGIC!!!!

Chalkdust Torture -
Just as Bag was about to descend to hell, Trey takes his shot and the guys pull off a "where the hell did that come from?!" segue into CDT. CDT is amazing. Only 9 minutes, it traverses the type 2 landscape, but mainly exists in a beautiful and chill area. Eventually it kinda peters out but whats here is terrific

Ether Edge - FINALLY ANOTHER VERSION. PLAY THE NEW SONGS MORE, PLEASE!!! Great song choice out of that Chilldust! Paged watery "early 70s Floyd" keys sound amazing and this is definitely a better reading than the debut performance. Give Evolve a break and play this more!!!!! Absolutely spectacular!!!

46 Days -
With EE on the verge of going deep, Trey does the unthinkable and somehow, miraculously, actually sets up a damn segue and gives everyone time to adjust. And somehow (my brain is still shot from this), that segue is into 46 Days. That. Should. Not. Have. Worked. But they did it. They friggin did it. X Factor segue.....and 46 Days is, of course, a psychedelic Type 2 nuclear bomb. PSYCHO ROBOT BREAKDOW EXTREME!!!! PURE INSANITY!!! X FACTOR MAGIC!!! MUST HEAR!!!!! Psycho groove meltdown....then, they return to the theme only to push on and EXPLODE into the most ridiculous, most insanely jaw dropping hise explosion of the year (and its a year full of them...)

What the hell even is this show .....

The Howling - A+ segue again!!!! There was no better song to keep the RoboGroove dance party from hell going.
MUST HEAR. FACEMELTING FUNK ASSAULT. LETS GO!!!!!! Great interplay between everyone, this actually developed a legitimate jam!!!! Nearly 13 minutes in length, surely the longest yet, the final 3 or 4 minutes see the song climax with a massive hose bliss eruption!!!

Ive never funked so hard in my entire life. You NEED to hear this. My god. X FACTOR MAGIC STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!

Piper - AND THE HITS KEEP COMING!!! A friggin 14 minute Piper to close the robo funk to be found, this is merely one of the finest examples of BALLS TO THE WALL ROCK AND ROLL HOSE EXPLOSION peakage ever played. Celebratory orgasm of blissful fire and hear. MUST HEAR!! ALL TIMER PIPER....


Theme From the Bottom -
Continuing the recent trend, Theme has a funky vibe tonight. Great wah fills during the verses!
Killer, powerful Type 1.

The Mango Song - NAILED. Powerful. Excellent!!

Dont Doubt Me - Killer but nothing special. See Cavern.

Evolve - Another stellar type 1 reading. Great solo!

Golgi Apparatus - Flawless and hot!!! RAGES!!

Antelope - See Golgi. Perfect show closer!!! Hell yes!!!!

What an utterly ridiculous show. You are deaf if you think Dicks 2 was in any way approaching the greatness of this beastly show. Set 2 was one of the finest flowing pieces of music I have heard in my 5 years as a fan. I dont say that lightly.
This show is what it sounds like when the X Factor is flowing. Strange and creative and bursting with energy. One of the finest shows of the year (probably Top 10, imo), this show had me questioning my existence and my sanity and praising my Phishy overlords at every twist and turn. A classic show for me.

Ghost, Reba, Fluff, and the ENTIRE 2nd set, but especially the 46 Days-Howling-Piper.....good god. And what was with that encore?!?!


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