Saturday, December 2, 2023

2023-09-02 Commerce City, CO

 9/2/23 Dicks #3

Set 1

Fluffhead - Super tight, aside from a brief 20 seconds or so of confusion early on. This sucker rages!!! Then, during the outro, they shift into a dark rock jam outta nowhere!!! From there its off to the races and we get one of the best, most inspired pieces of full on bliss peakage all year. 22 minutes. X factor magic!!! MUST HEAR!!! If this doesnt make you feel all warm and fuzzy and tingly inside....holy crap what an opening!!!! AND THEY REPRISE THE FLUFFHEAD THEME PERFECTLY TO CLOSE!!!! HOLY CRAP THIS IS SICK!!!!!!!!

My god!!!!!

My Soul -
Super speedy tonight. Terrific as expected. Mega heat. SICK.

Cavern - Is Cavern, but the set placement is incredible refreshing and the guys totally crush it. Kick. Ass.

Reba - MUST HEAR!!!! WOW!!! The composed section is super tight and basically flawless. If there were flaws, I missed them. And then of course the solo is effing magical as always. A+ for this Reba!!!!! Terrific interplay between Page and Trey during the solo!!!! Hands down THE Reba of the year so far. My goodness. OH MY GOD THAT PEAK.

Mound - Excellent!!! Hell yes!!!

Wave of Hope -
Only 8 minutes tonight, but holy frickin crap this thing is a ROCKET SHIP!!! A+ Type 1 HEAT!!! BANG YOUR FRIGGIN HEAD!!!!! Short, yes, but this isnt your Garden Variety WOH heat, this is pure fire. Must hear.



Dude....this set.... EVERYTHING killed. You had rarities, you had flawless playing, you had more face melting than the rest of the year combined in that damn Ghost ....


And that Fluffhead!!!

Fluff, Reba, Wave, Taste and Ghost are all mandatory listening

Set 2

AC/DC Bag - 13 minutes! Killer!! Starts with riffy rock jamming into a blissful kind of drone section before peaking out with a robo-bliss conclusion. Or something like it. Its a POWEHOUSE!!! MUST HEAR!!!! This sounds like what would have normally emerged from Wave of Hope. X FACTOR MAGIC!!!!

Chalkdust Torture -
Just as Bag was about to descend to hell, Trey takes his shot and the guys pull off a "where the hell did that come from?!" segue into CDT. CDT is amazing. Only 9 minutes, it traverses the type 2 landscape, but mainly exists in a beautiful and chill area. Eventually it kinda peters out but whats here is terrific

Ether Edge - FINALLY ANOTHER VERSION. PLAY THE NEW SONGS MORE, PLEASE!!! Great song choice out of that Chilldust! Paged watery "early 70s Floyd" keys sound amazing and this is definitely a better reading than the debut performance. Give Evolve a break and play this more!!!!! Absolutely spectacular!!!

46 Days -
With EE on the verge of going deep, Trey does the unthinkable and somehow, miraculously, actually sets up a damn segue and gives everyone time to adjust. And somehow (my brain is still shot from this), that segue is into 46 Days. That. Should. Not. Have. Worked. But they did it. They friggin did it. X Factor segue.....and 46 Days is, of course, a psychedelic Type 2 nuclear bomb. PSYCHO ROBOT BREAKDOW EXTREME!!!! PURE INSANITY!!! X FACTOR MAGIC!!! MUST HEAR!!!!! Psycho groove meltdown....then, they return to the theme only to push on and EXPLODE into the most ridiculous, most insanely jaw dropping hise explosion of the year (and its a year full of them...)

What the hell even is this show .....

The Howling - A+ segue again!!!! There was no better song to keep the RoboGroove dance party from hell going.
MUST HEAR. FACEMELTING FUNK ASSAULT. LETS GO!!!!!! Great interplay between everyone, this actually developed a legitimate jam!!!! Nearly 13 minutes in length, surely the longest yet, the final 3 or 4 minutes see the song climax with a massive hose bliss eruption!!!

Ive never funked so hard in my entire life. You NEED to hear this. My god. X FACTOR MAGIC STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!

Piper - AND THE HITS KEEP COMING!!! A friggin 14 minute Piper to close the robo funk to be found, this is merely one of the finest examples of BALLS TO THE WALL ROCK AND ROLL HOSE EXPLOSION peakage ever played. Celebratory orgasm of blissful fire and hear. MUST HEAR!! ALL TIMER PIPER....


Theme From the Bottom -
Continuing the recent trend, Theme has a funky vibe tonight. Great wah fills during the verses!
Killer, powerful Type 1.

The Mango Song - NAILED. Powerful. Excellent!!

Dont Doubt Me - Killer but nothing special. See Cavern.

Evolve - Another stellar type 1 reading. Great solo!

Golgi Apparatus - Flawless and hot!!! RAGES!!

Antelope - See Golgi. Perfect show closer!!! Hell yes!!!!

What an utterly ridiculous show. You are deaf if you think Dicks 2 was in any way approaching the greatness of this beastly show. Set 2 was one of the finest flowing pieces of music I have heard in my 5 years as a fan. I dont say that lightly.
This show is what it sounds like when the X Factor is flowing. Strange and creative and bursting with energy. One of the finest shows of the year (probably Top 10, imo), this show had me questioning my existence and my sanity and praising my Phishy overlords at every twist and turn. A classic show for me.

Ghost, Reba, Fluff, and the ENTIRE 2nd set, but especially the 46 Days-Howling-Piper.....good god. And what was with that encore?!?!


2023-09-01 Commerce City, CO

 Back home from my mother's place for Thanksgiving. Not much to do this afternoon before I gotta return to work tomorrow, so I'm in Starbucks for the first time in about 4 or 5 months.

Moving on with 2023 (despite a newly budding Dave Matthews obsession.....) to Dick's #2.

First show of 2023 played outside of the dump truck! :p In my Etymotic in-ear earbuds I had to cut the bass around 55/77 hz. The 2023 sound mixes are so odd. It's like they just PUMPED the bass.

9/1/23 Commerce City, CO

Set 1

Wolfman's Brother - 13 minute opener. The jam begins right at 4:45 with the guys DROPPING into the porno-scratch groove like it's 1997 again. Page begins with the Clav or whatever, but quickly the jam goes to deeper waters. It gets EXTRA chill and laid back. Trey is leaning hard into the wah, patiently coaxing out the perfect notes at the perfect times. There seems to be a solid call-and-response forming between him and Page around the 7:45 mark which pushes the jam to start to rebuild some heat. Trey is absolutely stuck in the murk on this one!!!! Full swamp-wah awesomeness. And then as soon as I can type that he switches it off for his clean tone!!! Perfectly melodic soloing ensues, but the jam remains chill as ice (in a great way). Around the 10 minute mark things shift into higher gear and the final few minutes see them peaking this out to a splendid conclusion. Killer almost-hose finale! This was very cool!!! Probably must-hear - the jam felt kinda unique and this deserves Jam Chart entry, imho. Not an all timer, but totally worth your time. SICK!!!!

Sparkle - Odd choice in slot two, kinda feels out of place, but hey, Sparkle can pretty much go anywhere. Sparkle is Sparkle.

Bathtub Gin - Alright, Gin in slot 3! Not anything must-hear, but it's still highlight worthy. Develops into a good heated fire in the back half with Trey playing with his backwards-guitar pedal before raging to a peaky conclusion. A great little snack! The ending peak section seems to go on forever - it never truly EXPLODES like you want, but it's still great.

Back On the Train - As with every other 2023 version, this is stellar Type 1 of the highest order, if not entirely essential. Nothing must hear in the slightest, but as excellent as any other.

Halfway to the Moon - The chill vibe from Wolfman is back from the outset. Very quickly, it develops serious heat and evolves into an absolutely smashing, blazing-hot reading of the song!!!! Fantastic!!! This is jam-charted, but I don't really get it. This was excellent, but nothing different than many other raging HTTM's that I've heard.

Bouncing Around the Room - Is Bouncing.

Stash - 12 minutes, the composed section is as clean as you could possibly want from 2023 (awesome!!!). Not too quiet, yet perfectly delicate, this is the best played Stash I've heard in a hot minute!!! Another 2023 "composed section" winner!!! Right from the get go, at around 6:30, the jam begins and descends down into that ultra-chill, super quiet zone hinted at in Wolfman and Halfway!!! The guys REALLY lean into the dynamics on this one and it's fantastic!!!! I'd say this Stash is pretty must-hear. Not the greatest of all time but a terrific little version!!! Played flawlessly, pretty unique jamming (for 2023).....This felt like an "average hot" Stash if it was 1995 or something. That is a compliment.

Esther -
Third version of 2023 and eight version overall since 2021. Wow. Estheraissance? And again, it's basically performed flawlessly. Way to go!!!

David Bowie - Bowie to close the set. Trey is doing that "playing too quietly thing" once more, unfortunately. Thankfully, aside from that, the composed section is clean as F!!! Trey is just nailing it!!! Unfortunately again though, the whole vibe of it is a tad shaky despite the notes being hit - not just from Trey, but the whole band. Maybe it's just me, but it feels tired, like it's lack energy or something. I know others will disagree, but this was not my favorite Bowie. A FINE version, but nothing more, imo.

All in all, a bit of an odd set!!! Everything was pretty excellent, but there wasn't much that REALLY blew me away at all. Even the must-hear highlights were just "average" strong for the most part. Wolfman, Gin and Stash were all fantastic, but they don't have a patch on other monster versions from this year. It was like reviewing an early 3.0 set or something. Terrific for what it was, but not impressive at all in comparison to other recent shows, lets put it like that. Not a knock at all, just an observation. Very interesting how sets/shows can be SO different from one another in so many different ways!!!

It felt like the set was very "slight" despite delivering on multiple songs. It was like they spent the whole set in a state of just warming up or something.

I don't know how else to explain it. That 2nd set better blow my mind, because a 4.3-level 1st set that was not.


Set 2

Sand - Ooh, 24 minute Sand! That's rare! :p As with the rest of the jams this show, this one begins exceptionally quiet and chill. Ultra late-night, late-90s vibing on this one right out of the gate. Somewhere around the 6 minute mark, it starts to gain a blissful head of steam and move into a quiet-peak of sorts. They are just building this thing calmly upwards. And they proceed to sit in the space, milking the calm bliss, for a long time. Somewhere around the 10 or 11 minute mark it sounds like they are heading for a true peak section. But it's STILL like they have their foot on the brake and keep backing off instead....Get out of the bliss, please, I beg!!!! If this is going to be 24 minutes of bliss - in a SAND - I'm gonna be bummed.....By 12 minutes they are STILL building this supposed peak-that-won't-ever-arrive! I mean, this is very enjoyable, but it's like getting blue-balled over and over again!
FINALLY, around the 13 minute mark, they let loose and get going for real. But we still aren't approaching "next level" or anything, we've merely gone from chill-bliss to "regular" heat. The first signs of the jam wanting to stretch beyond finally start to occur around the 14 minute point. Still firmly trapped in the never-ending bliss, Fishman goes bananaz on the kit, as if to say "C'mon guys, let's break out!!!". Thank christ this has the desired effect and, at the friggin 15 minute mark, we FINALLY get some funky darkness! My god, that was the longest I think I've ever had to wait for some kind of pay off....
By 16 minutes, Trey is going with the background loopers while doing his robo-wah thing. Page is aping his rhythms and the band is locked in tight together as one. By 17:30, things are going appropriately askew. Trey doing "blip bloop" fun and the rest of the guys are raging a great rhythm. Total fire. Somewhere around the 19:30 mark, the jam shifts again back to major-key, hose bliss. Massive peak explosion incoming! Get ready!!!! Ah, dang it! They friggin avoided it AGAIN!!!
Around 20:40, the peak-in-progress subsides and the guys move into a BLAZING hot, rock and roll area of jamming instead. By 21:30 they abandon THIS and go into an uber-funky and growly kind of area for a brief moment. Shades of ambience begin to creep in with Page's synths, but the train is still very much barrelling down the tracks at 500mph. Then, out of nowhere, at the 21:50 point, the jam suddenly shifts on a dime and reverts back into the Sand riff and jam! What the corn was that ending?! Somehow they pulled it off, but they were just like "eh, that's enough jamming" and closed it for no reason....

I'm very conflicted about that Sand - it was objectively a great listen and a definite journey, never feeling aimless, but at the same time once they escaped the dreaded Bliss Hell they seemed to be trapped in, they could never commit to a new section, instead changing from one style to the next and back almost instantly. Really annoying!! Rightly so, this will be lauded as great, but personally, this was not my preferred version of Sand.

No Men In No Man's Land -
14:38 is the timestamp on this one. As with everything else tonight, the jam immediately begins in that "ultra laid back" zone. Love it on this - it gives Gordo a chance to shine and he basically gets a lengthy bass solo right off the rip. Then Trey comes in all patient-like with melodic leads before tossing it over to Page for some watery keys. This great opening section comes to a close around 5:20. You can hear the bliss coming from a mile away....Textural synth washes set the bed for Trey to pick out some beautiful notes. Around 6:30, Trey lays back to allow Page to the fore while Fishman is slowly amping up the intensity on the drum kit. Pretty cool contrast. Around the 8 minute mark, Trey steps back up and starts laying down melodic leads with intent before drifting back again. Oh no, at this point it feels like the jam is stagnating a good bit. Around 9:30 Page starts going nuts with wacky sound effects to try to spur them on, but everyone else is still stuck in the same area. There are brief moments of "break through" before they retreat again. Wtf, just commit and hammer it home, dang it. At 10:30, Trey comes back out and patiently starts laying down absolutely peak-tastic lines left and right. Page syncs up and joins him over on the piano while Fishman amps it back up some more. Ok, now we're talking!!!! The next minute or two see Trey shredding his face off while the rest of the band gather behind him, pushing him upwards and elevating this No Men to the sky!!!! Camden 1999 Chalkdust levels of magical soaring!!!! Ok, not quite, but that is the territory we are approaching. The final few minutes are some of the best X Factor Magic of the entire year!!! This jam just friggin TAKES FOR THE DAMN SKY!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!! MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC!!!! THIS PEAK!!! THIS FRIGGIN PEAK!!!! MY GOD!!!!! MY JAW IS ON THE FLOOR!!!!! HELL YES!!!!!!!!

Wow....I thought that sucker was gonna peter out but they turned it around and let it BLOSSOM!!!!!! That was a friggin JOURNEY!!!! Incredible!!! Those final 4 or 5 minutes were some of the best playing of the entire year!!! DO NOT MISS THIS!!!! Absolutely miles better than Sand in every way!!!!

The chill flavor of the jamming tonight gives this Llama a great flavor. Of course Trey burns it down (honestly, better than he has for the rest of the night), but it has this latin-y underccurent about it. He's unleashing the lava, but also using the perfect amount of restraint. A very strong Llama totally worth a listen!!!!

Mountains in the Mist - Yet another classic version. Perfect out of Llama, wow. Great version!!!

Scents and Subtle Sounds - Merely 12 minutes, it flows like butter rising out of the Mist! The jam begins around 4:30. Again, they dive head first into the "late night chill" sound, to great effect!!! It really gives this Scents a sense of "building". The way the song dips down into this chill-out zone after the rocking of the song proper. Trey is thankfully still "switched on", doing great lead work throughout, accented by Page's wonderful piano that just totally adds a great sense of color to the jam!!! Around the 7 minute mark, the jam slowly starts to coalesce into a tighter feel, like they are definitely starting to build towards a climax section. Around 8:30, this morphs into a strange, psychedelic "stomp" of a section!!!! Fishman aborts this unique feel quickly though and the jam starts to get a red-hot bliss vibe going. But they ain't peaking yet - we've got some building to do! Finally around 10 minutes they settle into the closing section. No bliss, this thing gets into a murky groove and then basically peters out... This is must hear!! For such a "short" run time, there was a LOT going on! Very much a "journey"!!!! Must hear!!!

Shine a Light
- They aborted Scents for this?! Sorry, this is one of my least favorite Stones songs and it feels like a derailment when they just built things back up out of Mountains. It really felt like the set had the potential to "go weird" and then they just threw the brakes on it with this. To be fair, this is friggin killer, so I will give it that. Great version!!! Spectacular soloing from Trey.

Wilson - First encore. Is Wilson. Is good.

Split Open and Melt - 17 minute version to close. Kinda sloppy on the execution. Gnarly as ever but you've heard better. Still must-hear though. This one stays very awkwardly "restrained" for a long time (almost to the 8 or 9 minute mark) before it starts to really begin to become unhinged. It gets far out into robo-bleep-bloop land, but then Fishman seems to want to reintroduce the Split rhythm before eventually abandoning ship again, lol. Eventually, it becomes totally unstable like the recent MSG 2023 version. Maybe not to that extent - this one seems much more rhythmic - but Gordo's FX are on full blast, Trey has robo loops set out the ass, and the whole thing is a swirling, messy, vortex of noise. The aural equivalent of a belligerent 7 year old crashing from a sugar high, running through the house, scribbling all over the walls with a crayon while mom is angrily smashing plates in the kitchen on the floor out of desperation....or something like that.

It's definitely....something! :p In a good way!!! If you want your Phish WACKY, look no further! :D I don't like it at all as a closer, but damn if they didn't just throw all the cards in the air and let them fall where they may!!! Pure insanity!!!

All in all, I'm kinda disappointed by this show - to my ears, no way in hell was this a 4.0. The first set was very good with a few great jams but nothing earth shattering, but still excellent. It just didn't blow my mind but it was still super solid and enjoyable. Again, hard to describe. Set 2 had a ton going on, but felt like it lacked cohesion. It didn't seem like the guys truly woke up until that insane No Men. Sand had a lot going on but was too ADHD for it's own good and took friggin FOREVER to escape the bliss trap early on. Others will love it - I don't.

The No Men>Llama>Mist>Scents is the clear must-hear music of the night for me. No Men and Scents were both shorter jams, but they packed a hell of a punch. No Men threatened to fizzle early, but they pushed on and the X Factor shone right through, loud and bright!!!

And then of course the utterly ridiculous Melt that felt self-indulgent in the extreme while also maintaing a killer sense of rhythm with a terrific conclusion.

Personally? I'd rate this like a solid 4.0. There is a ton going on, but it felt like one of the Atlantic City 2021 shows all over again or something....

Phish - Tweezer in 2023 (so far)

 Hmm, this is incredibly hard ranking the 2023 Tweezers (the ones I've heard so far, at least).

What a damn good year for it! Honestly, this is the best year likely for Tweezer since...when?!

They are all great and mostly pretty different from one another which is great. Actual replay value from one to the next.
Currently, this is how I'd rank them in terms of my FAVORITE versions (I.E., how much does it "get me off" as a listener).
This is merely for fun - none of them sucked or anything like that, haha. This is purely "preference".

This is 5 Tweezers, but really you rank it more like


#1. 8/5/23 New York - Can't say enough about it. A spectacular rocket-ship of a masterpiece for me. Insanely tight, little-child-on-a-sugar-rush levels of fun, the weirdo Guy Forget thing....this is lightning in a bottle, imo. Not a dull moment to be had. For 31 minutes, they absolutely filled the time splendidly!!! X Factor Awesomeness.

#2. 7/15/23 Alpharetta - This versions feels very similar to the Syracuse one for me, but that is fine. I give this one more preference because it feels like there are a bunch of "natural" end points where in another year/show, the jam would have ended, but instead, over and over again, they push through and keep it going!!! Another one that is in absolutely no hurry - just sit back and sink into the sofa and let it wash right over you. Also, this one DOES get way more "out there" on the whole. Much more "meat" on the bones as well, so to speak. Not as zany as New York or Berkeley, but this one feels super professional or something. Like they cooked up the perfect Tweezer in a science lab with just the right amount of this and just the right amount of that, but also perhaps missing a smidge of lunacy that propels a killer Tweezer to a friggin' ridiculously insane one. :)

#3. 4/17/23 Berkeley - Not putting it here to be "cool" or whatever. But it's 44 minutes and literally the first 20 do almost nothing for me. We've been over this a million times before, lol. I think the "dark viking" section, as I call it, in the mid 20s in beyond incredible, but then Trey does that horrendous YANK back into Tweezer. I find the stop-start funk jamming that follows great, actually, and the whole thing is a blast to watch on the webcast. But really, it's just all over the damn map at times, and not in a good way (especially considering the length). It is totally a ME issue, I get this. There is a crapload to love, but that OPENING 20 MINUTES really drives me up a wall (if you couldn't tell by now).... There is a ton of great stuff once it actually gets going, but there is so much about this Tweezer that either annoys or just infuriates me as a listener, lol.

#4. 7/23/23 Syracuse - A multi-part beast with a number of sections, but it perhaps is "stretched" a little long. Never aimless, but it does probably 18 minutes worth in 27 minutes. Kinda. What's here is excellent though. When I just replayed it, it surprised me how much I loved it. It didn't feel aimless or noodly, but at the same time the section changes are few and far between and they spend a long time in each. Maybe "too long" isn't the write term - it was super relaxed but still packed a punch. They were in no hurry at all, let's put it like that.

#5. 8/31/23 Commerce City - I think this one is absolutely awesome. But it suffers from the fact of the others above it simply being so massive. It's like the "little brother" to their "older sibling" status or something. Probably the most overlooked one you all should revisit though!

Alpharetta, New York and Berkeley are all mammoth titans of jam-based insanity. Syracuse and Dick's were both great too but felt way more "standard" or less...adventurous?? Not sure how to explain what I mean. But all 5 are killer when all is said and done. I know I nitpick the hell outta the Greezer, but it's still a 44 minute Phish jam, and a 44 minute Phish jam will almost never not be enjoyable. :)

2023-08-31 Commerce City, CO

 8/31/23 Dicks #1

Set 1

Carini - Masterpiece!! 20 min!!! One of the greatest jams of the year, this is absolutely must hear!!! Multiple peaks and hose galore. Incredible!! X factor magic!!!

Halleys Comet - Good type 1 version. Nothing remotely special about it though.

Blaze On - Short but incendiary!!!! A+ type 1 reading. Killer!!!

Prince Caspian - Must hear!!!! Similar to the Alpharetta version, this one is heavy and HAZY as all get out. Psychedelic explosion - damn near sounds like a late 90s Caspian!!!

WACTOOB - First version in two years!!! Unfortunately, there is no jam to speak of and it ends incredibly abruptly. Very unfortunate as the song itself sounded great!!!

Mercury - Fantastic reading! Yea, lets complain about it only being 9 minutes and having no jam, but the song is performed perfectly with oodles of energy and enthusiasm. It damn near sounded fresh!!! Great lil Mercury!!!

Ruby Waves - 15 min, in from Mercury. Utterly ridiculous, seems to have about 5 different key changes. This felt like multiple jams in 1. Fantastic! MUST HEAR!!! So. Much. Ass kicking!

Character Zero - Is Zero. Killer.

All in all, definitely pick the highlights, but this set played great as a whole. Tons of energy and enthusiasm with several must hear versions!! Carini, Ruby Waves and Caspian were the main highlights, but everything else was played with the utmost energy and tightness. A great set overall!!!

Set 2

Set Your Soul Free - Terrific type 1 rager! Maybe not must hear, but it spits fire - dont sleep on it!!!

Tweezer - Nearly 24 minutes, this sucker is epic in scope. Very different from the super-party insanity of the 8/5 version, this one still felt nearly its equal. Mostly staying blissful throughout, it is a shining beacon of insanely passionate positivity. This Tweezer feels like the heavens shining from above. Or something like that (look, I dont know, the Adderall kicked in during this so....). Absolutely magical and incredible. If 8/5 didnt exist, I wouldnt hesitate to call this my favorite of the year so far. Amazng

Beneath a Sea of Stars - You get what you expect and its glorious as always, but this one has a great dark section in the middle. The climb out to the conclusion is awesome.

Oblivion - Excellent type 1 version but has no jam to speak of so its merely a transition into...

Light - Nearly 15 minutes, another Type 2 adventure. This one has a latin feel before a terrific Divided Sky style peak. This one goes deep!!!! Must hear!

Slave to the Traffic Light - Holy crap was this set construction on point or what.
Fantastic version full of passionate release, a perfect cap to the set proper.

Show of Life - I love it. You hate it. What else is new. Fantastic.

SANTOS - Killer.

All in all, my goodness..what a set and what a show!!! The 2nd set was must hear as one sequence pretty much from start to finish. The Tweezer was one of the best of the modern age.
A ridiculous show. 3.6 rating on .NET? GTFO. The only real "problem" tonight was songs getting cut short/not jammed, but then the next song would come and annihilate worlds.
Fantastic show. Easily in league with any of the mind-blowing New York gigs.


2023-08-26 Saratoga Springs, NY

 8 26 23 Saratoga

Set 1

Free - Incredible!!! 10/10 A++++ NUCLEAR BOMB!!!! MUST HEAR!!! This wasnt just great, it was fantastic for any era!!!

Wolfmans Brother -
Only 8 minutes, but every bit the perfect follow up to Free. Pure insane raging fire. Must hear.

Maze - Another great Maze in the comeback year!!! Not THE Maze of the year, but definitely as hot as it "should" be!!!! In the end its not list worthy - its really good but nothing next level

Sigma Oasis - A+ spectacular Type 1 with a massive hose peak conclusion. Wow.

Tube -
Too short, but seriously hot. Killer little Tube!

Twist - Incredible!!! A modern Twist worth replaying!!! Standard Twist jam gives way to lengthy Reba style jam before a smashing rock finale. Must hear!

Harry Hood - To close set 1?! Killer as expected and very tight!! No flubbage!!! The chill jam is excellent and the peak is perfect. Great Hood!!!!

All in all, a ton of highlights, but Free, Sigma, Wolf and Twist are what you need. Prolly Hood too. Another killer set, even better than set 1 of the night before, imo!!!!

Set 2

Down With Disease - Only 12 measly minutes tonight , thats for the best, because this is a crashing, splashing, sputtering waste of time. One of Treys patented 2023 "nothing" jams, he basically noodles for a long time, admits defeat and moves us into....

Ghost - Wow!!! Fantastic!!! Only 13 min but felt like 25 in the best way! Must hear! Multisectional journey of a jam!!! Killer!

2001 - Strong but merely average. Has nothing on the 7/29 version

Derek Trucks sitin:
Golden Age
Everythings Right

A Life Beyond the Dream
First Tube

Golden Age and ER provide outstanding renditions with ER being one of the most jaw dropping pieces I've ever heard.

The final three songs are good but none exceed the first two, imo

All in all, a very mixed show. Ghost, Golden Age and ER were must hear, as well as the first set highlights.

I definitely prefer the first show but this was still a great final hurrah to Summer 2023 (if you dont count Dicks :) )


2023-08-25 Saratoga Springs, NY

 8 25 23 Saratoga, NY

Set 1

Kill Devil Falls - Strong type 1 rager to open. A very good version but a bit too much sloppiness drags it down a hair.

The Moma Dance - MUST HEAR!!! Excellent as always, but this one gets a very dark vibe going. It has the potential to go Type 2, but instead is peaked to a close. 13 minutes, all killer. No filler.

Ocelot - One of the greatest versions ever played. Interesting drumming and one of the heaviest hose-style conclusions ever. Must hear!!! Some of the darkness of Moma carries over to this.

The Wedge - excellent type 1 but nothing special.

Mull - Terrific type 1 version!!! Red hot!!! Trey even busts out the robo fx!!! Killer!!!!

Punch You In the Eye - A surprisingly strong version. Not flawless but definitely above average for modern readings

Sand - 14 min. Killer!!! Does its type 1 thing until 9 min when the tone shifts and a pea begins to develop. Trey hits multiple ultra -sustained notes and the jam SOARS to the sky!!!! He teases the absolute crap outta something and the peak keeps getting delayed. Eventually it does arrive and the Sand comes to a close. Absolutely spectacular! Must hear!!!

Rock and Roll -
A blazing hot yet not exactly tight reading of RnR to burn down the house and send us to set break. Nuclear hose annihilation heat. Bang your friggin head. Fantastic!!!

All in all, despite the loose nature of the playing, this set did nothing but kick total ass from start to finish. Moma, Ocelot, Sand and RnR are all MUST HEAR!!! A SPLENDID TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!!!


Set 2

Evolve - Good but nothing special to open the set

Wave of Hope - 22 minutes!!! Utter insanity!!! Im not sure yet how "good" it actually was, but this is hands down the most out-there version I have heard. Similar very much to the 8/5 Tweezer, this one has about 40 different "sections" and is an unpredictable thrillride from start to finish!!!

>Simple - 22 minutes again!!! This one is pure X Factor Magic!!! It quickly goes deep and dark and stays there forever! Dark and scary robot hellscape!!! Hold me, please, im terrified!!! A much more "cohesive" jam than Wave that evolves slowly over its duration. Jam of year contender. This is one of the most ridiculous jams I have ever heard in my life. Finally at 14 minutes it slowly morphs into a powerful bliss rock jam. They avoid a peak and instead devolve it again into several incredible minutes of ultra -dark, scary ambience. Terrifying Phish. You need to hear this. What the hell....

No, no joke - Wave was amazing, but that Simple was an all time classic rendition. Absolutely one of the greatest versions ever played in the history of Phish. No. Im not exaggerating.

They basically slowly "fade" into Fuego out of the Simple darkness and it sounds amazing. Fuego is STELLAR! Only a short jam, but this is a primo A++++ rendition from start to finish. Dont overlook this!!

>Chalkdust Torture - Hotter than the sun if course, but a little sloppy, and the segue kinda sucked. Thats ok though because this one is killer once it gets going. The jam is tense, wacky and anxiety inducing. Nuts!!!!!!!! Volcanic meltdown!!! Oh my god!!!! JAW DROPPING FIRE INSANITY!!!!!!!!!

Standard excellent Velvet Sea and SANTOS to close

Not a flawless show, but a damn BLAST to listen to!! Set 2 was one of the greatest things ive ever heard!!!!!!

2023-08-05 New York City, NY

 8/5/23 New York #3

The New York finale!!!!

Set 1

Loving Cup - Great as an opener! Not sure it would normally work in this spot but as the last show of the run it definitely "feels" right, so to speak. As if this whole show itself could be considered one big encore or something. Great version as always. :) Trey rips it up like it IS the encore! Absolutely smashing Loving Cup. Must hear!

>Maze - Blip bloop robot sounds from Trey over the intro. This is gonna be good.....AND BY GOLLY IT IS!!!! HOLY CRAP!!! 1.0-WORTHY MAZE!!! LIQUID FIRE IN THE EARS!!! PURE INSANITY!!!! PEAK ATOP PEAK ATOP PEAK ATOP PEAK ATOP PEAK!!!! MUST HEAR!!!!!


No, im not exaggerating. That was a straight up classic Maze....

Martian Monster -
Absolutely incredible. Not your typical version, they really stretch this one good with the synths and other gooey effects. Robowah destruction as always. This is jam charted for a reason. :) This thing is utterly RIDICULOUS. Robo-heavy metal shredfest. MM is always hot, but this is pure, unadulterated, X FACTOR MAGIC OF THE HIGHEST ORDER. MUST HEAR.

Divided Sky -
Yay!! Lift our spirits after smashing us to oblivion. :) Truly terrific version - nary a flub in sight!!!! Super tight while also perfectly delicate and emotional. Aka, the recipe for a perfect DS. Trey has struggles with feedback throughout which leads to this being a perfectly performed version with a rather "sticky" feel, so while it is most definitely excellent, I wouldn't call it must hear.

Prince Caspian - 16 friggin minutes. What. Around 5 minutes, the jamming really begins to take off. It develops a slightly funky "classic rock" feel that sounds like the outro jamming of a Loving Cup!! Then outta nowhere at 6.30 Trey turns on the RoboBullfrog and we ascend into funky Type 2!!!!!! Dude, how did we get here?! Trey moves to the Robowah and proceeds to funk it the hell up for a good long while . MAJOR HEAT!! SOMEONE PULL THE FIRE ALARM!!!
At 9 minutes, the jam takes a sudden expected drop into beautiful bliss jamming. Clean tones from Trey and Page back on the piano. Fishman is doing cool stuff changing up the drum beats, building us to a stop/start section. This goes for a while leadinf the jam to develop a funkier rock sound, almost like something outta Party Time. Around 13.30 they build to a giant peak and this sucker concludes with a massive, spastic, EXPLOSIVE HOSE PEAK!!! LETS FRIGGIN GO!!! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!:faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint:

Following that, the jam spends about 2 minutes in, @Jerfan13 , a bleep bloop meltdown. Very scary and tense ...

This is must hear. Pretty damn fantastic!!!! A genuine Type 2 Caspian!!!!!

Dang.... If every Caspian was like that, nobody would ever complain about getting it in a show....

>NICU - In from the hazy hellscape of Caspian, this is a primo, A+, super party of a NICU!!!! Rages hard and totally must hear! "Play it sloooowwwlllyy, Leo!!"

Steam - Holy crap, this sucker
GROOVES!!!! Wonderfully dynamic, Trey picks his spots perfectly, using feedback to excellent, tension building effect. As mentioned above, the funky groove is outta this world - GET IT, CACTUS!!! My goodness!!!! Trey is going ham on the wah just melting faces, but also being patient with his playing. So much VIBE to this one!!! Facemelting nic A++++++++ Must hear!!!!!

Drift While You're Sleeping - Stellar, A++ reading to close the set!!!
Guys, the whole "stormy weather" section has SUCH massive IMPACT tonight!!!!! Chills down my arms!!!!! GOAT!! MUST HEAR!!

All in all, my god what a set!! This was a KILLER! Maze, Martian, that Caspian>NICU, Steam.... Absolutely amazing stuff. Killer playing and jams, but also, this felt extremely celebratory. It was clear this set was a PARTY!!!! Maybe 8/4 had more jams in set 1, but I think I preferred the zany unpredictability of this one. Wow.

 Set 2

Set Your Soul Free - 10 min Type 1 rager to open. Kicks major ass!!!!! Chirpy bliss with intent!!!!

Tweezer - 31 minutes. Guy Forget. Utter
masterpiece. True X Factor Magic of the highest order, it delivered from the first second to the last. Go listen to the Greezer and then this and try to tell me the Greezer isnt a major disappointment in comparison. THIS is the GOAT of 3.0/4.0 and one of the classic jams of ANY era of Phish. Ok, Shoreline 2021 is the competition, ill give it that.

But yea, the Greezer is downright PATHETIC compared to this....

Detailed breakdown to come later - gotta drive! 

>Whats the Use - So Tweezer ended with a ridiculous meltdown conclusion, descending into pure chaos. This was one of the most perfect segues you will ever hear in your life. This almost feels like its just a continuation of the friggin Tweezer Adventure!!!!!! Fantastic!!!!!

>Scents and Subtle Sounds - WTU seems oddly short tonight, but by golly does Scents fit the mood PERFECTLY outta WTU!!!! Unfortunately this one is like the strange Atlantic City 2021 reading, only reaching about 5 minutes! Whats here is kickass but this is more of a song-used-as-segue than anything else. Great while it lasted!

Tweezer Jam -
A very, VERY brief, minute long return to the jam that delivers a surprising amount of fun for such a short little run! :p That segue into this was CA$H MONEY!

Everythings Right -
And just when you think Tweezer is gonna take us back deep, Trey shoehorns in the ER riff, but he does it smoothl, giving us a great transition. You end up thinking "how did that happen?!". This sucker is downright TRIUMPHANT!!!!!! And im down for it!!! Treys vocals are a little rough in the upper register, but that doesnt matter. Like SYSF befor, this is just another blazing hot Type 1 excursion meant to elate and elevate. Great stuff. :) Absolutely RIPPING version!!! Dont overlook this!!!! INCREDIBLE X FACTOR MANTECA PEAK!!!! HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!!! Winds down with a brief ambient jam ala 2012 Phish . ...

>Backwards Down the Number Line - bit of a stumble on the segue, and you can kinda feel the energy get sucked out of the room. Ends up becoming a nice version with a good bliss peak but overall it felt like a bit of a "stumble" to the flow of the set. I get what Trey was going for though, so A for effort.

Extremely heartfelt and extended thank yous to the crowd follow. Wonderful. :)

Tweeprise -
Closes the set. Good stuff. Friggin EXPLOSIVE!!!!!!!!

Harry Hood - How else were they supposed to close the run?! The composed section is rather shaky at times, but thats not important tonight. Perfect closer to an insanely fantastic run. Spectacular jam, this one goes X Factor ambient outer space!!! Must hear!!! Most UNIQUE Hood ive heard in forever!!! The jam is dark and spacey and gnarly!!! Holy crap!! GREATEST HOOD IVE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE.