Sunday, January 14, 2024

2023-10-06 Nashville, TN


Time to finish 2023 with the recent fall tour!

Onwards to:

10/6/23 Nashville

Set 1

Julius - Raging version!! Explosive type 1! Machine Gun Trey is in the house!!! If you told me this was a 90s version Id probably believe you!!!

Back On the Train - X factor magic!!!! Version of the year!!! Mind blowing peak!!!!! Seriously - in a year of great versions, this is by far the best, imo. Incredible hose peak finale. Spectacular!!! MUST HEAR!!!

RETURN OF THE SON OF MUST HEAR!!!! ITS A THREEPEAT!!! Again, in a year full of exceptional Moma Dances, this has to be in the top 2 or 3 right behind only the Philly version and maybe one other, if that.

What the hell is going on?! There was more PASSION and EXCITEMENT in those first 3 songs than we have had since New York!!! Dude!!!!

Axilla -
Must hear yet again!! Smashing skull crusher version and the proggy outro jam is quite long as well. It descends into glorious RoboWah Type 2 for a couple magical minutes!!!! MUST HEAR!!! "THREE ORANGE WHIPS!!!!"

>Maze - YO, WHAT THE HELL, THAT EVIL SEGUE INTO THE PERFECT SONG CHOICE!!! LETS FRIGGIN GO!!!!!! THIS SET IS BLOWING MY MIND!!!! As with everything else so far, Maze is downright exceptional. Yet another "worthy of 90s Phish" absolute monster fireball. This aint no limpwristed girly little 2019 Maze. No it sure aint. Ass kicking supremacy. Holy crap. PEAK OF THE GODS!!! LETS GO!!!! VOLCANIC ERUPTION MOLTEN LAVA PHISH!!! OH MY EFFING GOD!!!!!! :faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint::faint:

Wolfmans Brother -
Exceptional version in line with the rest of the set. Killer. The usual funk gives way to a patiently building bliss peak and they keep going higher and higher and rage it to a triumphant finale. Pounding piano and all. Killer. MUST HEAR!!! X FACTOR MAGIC!!! PEAK OF THE GODS!!! HOLY FRIGGIN CRAP!!!!

My Soul - MUST HEAR!!
Not like it means much, but this was, hands down, the hottest, most volcanic, most facemelting version Ive ever heard. Even better than most 1.0 versions. Yes, im serious.

Destiny Unbound - MUST HEAR!!! THAT JAM!!! THIS IS SICK!!!!

Character Zero - Closes set. Killer as expected. MUST HEAR!! SUPER GRIMY!!! Absolutely EXCEPTIONAL!!!!!!

All in all....WHERE THE HELL DID THEY PULL THIS SET FROM?!?!?!? This set alone just wipe the floor with the entirety of Dicks 2023 (aside from set 2 of 9/2, maybe). Hotter than the sun, the guys are LOCKED IN, the playing is magnificent, the flow stellar....Its clear the mystical x factor is FLOWING tonight.

That Maze was NO JOKE! Same goes for Train and Wolf. And dont sleep on Destiny either!!!!!

Everyone needs to inject this set directly into their veins. Hands down the best set since New York (aside from the aforementioned 9/2)

What the hell.

 Set 2

Gotta Jibboo - 13 min set opener! X FACTOR MAGIC!!! MUST HEAR!!!! Aquatic type 2 leads to a lengthy and deadly hose bliss finale. Greatest Jiboo since....when??!!

>Oblivion - YO THAT SEGUE!! THAT SEGUE!!! THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!!!! Even better, this is a nearly 22 minute beast of deadly X Factor proportions!!!!! Type 1 dark fire leads to a raging bliss peak before moving back to a more rock and roll style. Then the robo bullfrog comes out to play and we enter RoboFunk Land! :D Lots of delay and looper playing. Then we move back to bliss...killer stuff. An adventure! Magical whammy pedal-over-looper peak finale!!!! PEAKIEST PEAK IN ALL OF PEAKVILLE!!! HOLY CRAP!!!

Torn and Frayed - !!!!!!! Killer type 1. Play this more!!!

Light -
Only 10 minutes but goes type 2 quick. Feels longer than its duration. Great smaller jam!!!

>Fuego - Sketchy segue, but HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER!!! I think this was even stronger than my lauded SPAC version!!!! Type 1 but MUST HEAR!!!

SANTOS - Volcanic Type 1. You know the deal.


Bouncing Around the Room - Is Bouncing. Very nice to start the encore - first true break of the night!!

46 Days - Short but nuclear. Must heae!! Slow and dark and bluesy!!!!

Antelope - Nuts. Perfect way to end.

All in all...see my notes for set 1 and basically apply them here. I think Jibboo was the best jam but the whole thing was insane...


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