Wednesday, March 6, 2024

1997-02-14 Brussels, BEL

 Onwards to show #4 of my out-of-order, how-far-will-I-get run through of Europe, Winter 1997:

2/14/97 Brussels

Set 1

Exceptional Runaway Jim to open. Type I Jim's don't get much better than this. Peakage all over the place in the best way. Nearly 9 minutes long, this thing is an utter beast of a version. After a nice NICU, we go into a 23 minute YEM. YEM has a great jam - very patient and dynamic. Lots of breaking it down and building it back up, so to speak. Funkier than usual, imo. Chill funk deluxe. No, seriously, this thing RIPS. A+ must-hear YEM!!!!

Out of the YEM vocal jam comes a rare mid-set Sweet Adeline. Very odd placement, but I guess if you're gonna do an acapella number you might as well do it out of a vocal jam!!!

Next is a sequence of hotly played but ultimately nothing special songs - Axilla, It's Ice and Billy Breathes all turn in as-expected strong versions. Unexpected, however, is the rip roaring shredfest that is Uncle Pen. Seriously - I can listen to Trey shred the old bluegrass all damn day.

A hotter-than-the-sun-as-usual Antelope closes this very enjoyable set. All in all, the Runaway Jim and the YEM are all you really need, maybe the Uncle Pen too.

On to set 2!

Set 2

A slightly lethargic AC/DC Bag opens the set. Sounds good, but boy does it drag! Thankfully it picks up more steam as it goes along and by the end has turned in a fine rendition. Bag concludes and into a 9 minute Ya Mar we go. A very fine version that does not feel a minute over 5!!! Great stuff. Into a 12 minute Disease we go...

And of course, Disease is an absolute firestorm like you'd expect. 12 minutes of pure, molten, lave-type destruction right into your ears. A phenomenal Type 1 reading. Funky B follows up and keeps the heat going. Funky B is a little more groovy as expected, but by the end it's just laying waste to everything in sight. Perfect.

Reba is up next and features a brief mishap in the intro. Reba has a few moments of mishap, but they are few and far between and even mentioning them is nitpicking. Let me put it like this, 3.0 Phish would kill to play Reba this well. The solo is decent but never feels like it hits that next level you expect from a classic Reba. All in all, I'd rate this Reba a solid B+ or so for Phish 1.0.

The duo from hell, Walfredo and Rock A William are up next. Honestly, I kinda dig a good version of Walfredo. This one is very spirited but I still give the nod to the 2/13 London reading. Not a fan really of Rock A William. Scent of a Mule and A Day in the Life are both strong but they are among my least FAVORITE Phish songs, so at this point I'm just waiting for it to end.

Thankfully, Character Zero brings down the house again.

A good show, but not really anything to return to ever. The 3.3 rating on .NET is perhaps a little low - I'd give this a solid 3.5 

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