Today it's 6/20/97 Prague, CZ
Set 1
Taste - A terrific 11 minute version to open the show! An
absolutely phenomenal version, it just goes and goes and goes, peaking
and raging hard. Totally bombastic in the best way!!!! Stellar way to
open a show!!!
>Jam - Out of the end of Taste comes a very strange jam! This
is separate from Taste, hence the segue. Trey begins a quirky rhythm
while Gordo hits bass FX. The mood is tense! Fishman spastically tries
to enter the jam and the whole thing gets a screwed up, quasi-latin feel
going. This is bananas, I've never heard anything like this. This is strange, X Factor Phish as it gets!!! Things proceed to get even stranger and more screwed up the longer this weird "jam" goes one. What the hell even is this. I have no words. Just go listen to it. What the corn, man!?
>Cities - Eventually the strange, weirdo jam morphs into a
more steady rhythm and Trey takes the chance to launch the band into a
spirited and uptempo, ULTRA FUNKY version of Cities. A
wonderful 7 minutes of awesomeness. Absolutely stellar, A++++++ version
of Cities. Perfection in every way. A type 1 GOAT for sure.
Horn - Strong version with a cool bass solo outro jam!!! Very unique!
>Ain't Love Funny - Dude, where are they pulling this stuff from tonight?! The guys plod through this weirdo song and then....take it Type II!!!! X FACTOR MAGIC LET'S GO!!!!!! They spend the final few minutes working in some amazing, delicate areas, just moseying along, relaxing it up all strange-like. This is really hard to describe, I've not heard another jam like this. Dude!
>Limb By Limb - And into Limb they go perfectly!!!! A
solidly strong version building off of the momentum established with the
Taste opener. The guys take their friggin' time and just lay into it in
the most perfect way.
I Don't Care - Second and final performance. Ever. This
lasts nearly 7 minutes and goes into full blown Type II dark, ambient
space!! Truly unique and absolutely must hear!! Psychedelic meltdown!!!
Run Like An Antelope - Out of the psychedelic insanity comes a red-hot Antelope to close the set. Great stuff and great version!
All in all....WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS SET?!?!??!!? The strange
choice of cover, full-blown black hole Type II out of nowhere, that I
Don't Care....The show is only half over and it's already the show of
the tour so far by a MASSIVE margin! The boys are deep in the X Factor
tonight, and it's oozing out of every pore. They need to release this
show, pronto!!!!!!!
A friendly place to find some sick tunes :) Notes direct from my original Hoffman Forums posts!
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