Thursday, July 25, 2024

2019-12-28 New York City, NY - 2024 revisit

 Onward with the 2019 New Years run.

12/28/19 this morning.

Set 1 opens nicely with the calm debut of Evening Song before a hot bliss-funk No Men really gets the party started! Really excellent version!

Even better is the tight and blazing hot, 13 minute Disease in slot 3! Raging hard for a while, it slowly morpha into wonderful chill bliss-fire!!! HOSE EXPLOSION!!! HOLY CRAP!!! X FACTOR MAGIC! MUST HEAR! WHERE DID THEY PULL THIS FROM?!??

Faces duly melted and jaws on the floor, we move on to the excellent but totally weird cover of 20 20 Vision. Huh. Very strange. Its honestly just too WTF for its own good.

Following that we get a great 12 minute Ghost, not as amazing as Disease, this one still tries very hard and almost pulls it all off, spending a long time in aquatic bliss zone before morphing into hot fire dark psychedelic kind of raging. Great overall but perhaps a notch below "must hear".

After a nothing special but still excellent Gumbo we get a "poor by 2023 but hot by 2019 standards" Rift. Trey doesnt flub anything and his playing is only a little "softer" than it should be. Good version for the era!!!!

After an excellent, wah soaked reading of Weigh, the even rarer Dog Faces Boy gives way to a nice but non jammed 20 Years Later.

The set closes with the hot duo of Tube and SANTOS.

All in all, this was a highly enjoyable set. Musically everything was base level excellent with the exception of the MUST HEAR Disease. Little else rose above, but nothing disappointed either. A great "warming up" kinda set. 

Set 2 begins with a 13 minute Everythings Right. This one grooves HARD and the boys are locked in tight! Bliss rages hard before peaking and diving into dark and strange type 2 territory. MUST HEAR!! FANTASTIC!!!

An inspired section of alien bliss sees them segue out and move into an outstanding Sea of Stars. Absolutely remarkable versions. Holy moly.

That pair was complete X FACTOR MAGIC. MUST HEAR! HOLY CRAP! Both were magic!

They waste no time picking us up with a FIRESTORM Set Your Soul Free! The jam on this is so sick - they do a crazy funk dive on "On Broadway" and the whole thing is just fire on top of fire. Another X Factor, MUST HEAR version!!

After a botched segue and failures setting his looper, we get a very rocking Jibboo complete with a full blown SYSF reprise! Not must hear, but its still awesome in the context of everything!

Free is up next. Of course Trey butchers the arrangement as always but its still a smashing hot rendition with highly inspired full band jamming throughout. Id call it Must Hear. Stellar!!!

Piper follows and rages hard, starting slow and uneventful before the X Factor kicks in and it EXPLODES into the biggest nuclear bomb hose annihilation of 2019! MUST HEAR! JAW DROPPING!!!

And the fun doesnt stop there! We get a Type 2 Drowned!!!! 13 minutes of synth laden ridiculousness!!! They dive deep into the whirlpool before catching the riptide and riding that wave back to shore! GUY FORGET!!!!! X FACTOR MAGIC BABY!!!!!

And we are just getting started!!!

Up next is friggin Ass Handed. Funny as ever, they actually extend it and rock it out for a minute. Afterwards, they lose their damn minds and.....we get Ass Handed Reprise!!! They play CDT Reprise while singing Ass Handed and they rock/jam it for a hysterical couple of minutes. OUTRAGEOUS! :D

Standard C Zero to close with an appropriate Life into Rocky Top encore.

Holy mother of X Factor Magic - this was hands down one of the best sets of the whole year, on par with, say, 8/31 imo. Pretty much the entire set is MUST HEAR from front to back!! ER into Stars and SYSF were all genuinely fantastic, but then Piper kicked it into 20th gear and blew the door down for the rest of the set.

A truly ridiculous set of music. My god. I am replaying this soon.....

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