Saturday, August 31, 2024

2021-09-22 Charlottesville, VA - T.A.B.

 TAB 9/22/21 Charlottesville

Set 1

The set opens with a nice robowah Blaze On before Olivia and Moz hit us with a blast of energy.

In Rounds is a truly excellent type 1 reading ala New Haven, but the first must hear of the night is the barnburner Alive Again. Trey just wails and everything is right with the world. :)

Following another sexy Moma Dance comes another nuclear bomb Set Your Soul Free. X Factor all over this one, the whole band whips up a massive psychedelic fire brew of energy and just explode the song. Must hear. A+!!!!

Following a hot Camel Walk we get a holy mother of godzilla x factor destruction where did this come from nuclear bomb rendition of About to Run. Truly a rare NEXT LEVEL reading, where was THIS Trey all Summer?! An absolute must hear at all costs rendition.

Another must hear Money ends this first set.

All in all, this set felt pretty "average excellent" for the most part, but my freaking god you NEED Set Your Soul Free and that insane About to Run in your life. Maybe Money as well. :) 

Set 2

Another strong 10 minute Jibboo opens set 2. Nothing specia but solid enough.

However, the following 13 minute Carini is a gnarly, destructive, x factor BEAST!!! MUST HEAR!!!!! Dake, heavy and CRUSHING!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!! They jam this hard - it goes borderline type 2, imo. Absolutely insane Carini.... X FACTOR INSANITY!!!!! No, seriously, I think that might have just been THE jam of the tour so far....

After a nice Ether Sunday, Valentine and Rise/CT trio, a hot Curlew into a ripping Ghost close the set. Ghost kills once again. Definitely must hear!

Nice encore of Life into another hot Sand

All in all, for set 2 you NEED the Carini and that Ghost but the rest is merely enjoyable. This felt like the "least impressive" of the 5 shows so far. That sounds bad but its not a knock - they have all been EXCELLENT. But if I was gonna nitpick and rate them, this one would be bottom of the group so far.


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