Sunday, October 20, 2024

2021-10-30 Las Vegas, NV - The Animals Show

 Onward to 10/30/21, Vegas #3 - the animals show :)

Set 1

The Dogs - an extended, nearly 10 minute reading. Never fully ignites, but it was a good pick to open and gets the job done.

Ocelot - solid. Nothing special.

Turtle In the Clouds - solid. Nothing special.

Run Like An Antelope - The show begins to finally gather some steam with this one. The finaly explosive peak section has extra sauce all over it. Give this a listen!

Camel Walk - Only 5 minutes but absolutely terrific!!! A+ reading of the song and the funky jamming is superb.

Wombat - 11 minute, full blown, type 2 Wombat! Hold onto your x factor magic, cuz here it comes!!!! The song itself is a bit too loose sounding, but the jam is SPECTACULAR!!!!!! Right up there with the best jams of the year. They tear this sucker down going far into the outer reaches of late-night space funk or something. GOAT WOMBAT?! (now that would be a silly animal!! :) )

Guyuute -
Im calling that a segue, even if it was an odd one. Surprisingly well played, Trey sounds downright enthused. Not perfect, but definitely excellent by 2021 standards. Call me surprised! Again, its not perfect, but its also played, overall, much better than I'm sure most of us will expect. Definitely a keeper!! :)

Big Black Furry Creature From Mars - "Hello! How are you! I hope you have a good time....ONETWOTHREEFOUR!!!!!!" *shreds*

Shaggy Dog -
Only the 4th version played since 1988 and first version since 2012!! Played perfectly with extra pizazz. Surprise highlight!

Dog Faced Boy - Is DFB. Great stuff.

The Sloth - Sloppy out of the gate but better as it goes along. Solid but inessential.

Llama - Rages hard and fast. Fast Llama is always an auto highlight. Fantastic!!!! Demented Trey on this one!

I Am the Walrus - no comment. Its awesome :)

All in all, this set started slowly but got better as it went along. Starting with Antelope they kick it up several notches. Camel Walk and Wombat and Llama are all must hear and Guyuute and Antelope are worthy of praise. BBFCFM+Little Squirrel is downright hysterical. Llama shreds and Walrus is the icing on the cake. Honestly, this set was way more enjoyable than I expected it to be!!! :)  

Set 2

Dogs Stole Things - Good, get it over with quick! Joking aside, this is an excellent version with good heat all around. But Dogs will never be a highlight for me ;)

Your Pet Cat - Apparently the only thing people seem to remember from this show. 15 minutes, this is the longest to date, no? As with Wombat, this is a type 2 tour de force, stretching long and deep, taking us on some kind of atmospheric space funk odyssey (or something like that) before peaking out into more blissful waters. X Factor Magic abound, this is essential listening!!! That slow build into that final peak section is * chefs kiss * !!!!! Hot damn this is ROCKIN!!!!!!

Runaway Jim -
10 minutes and sufficiently jammed out. Terrific little Jim worth a mention. Really great jamming on this! :D Goes out into synthy robo bliss land! The jam feels 20 minutes long!!

>Piper - FRIGGIN ROCKET TO THE SUN!!! Then a wonderful shift downward into an excellent and lengthy chill down that leads into....

>Birds of a Feather - HOLY CRAP THAT PEAK!!!!!! FIRE FIRE FIRE FIR!!!!

Harpua -
Having heard every 3.0/4.0 Harpua, I think its safe to say this is probably the best one. Absolutely crazy and hilarious, Trey tells the story of Jimmy hallucinating about sacred geometry, mathematics, rhombuses.....then, Trey acknowledges that they always troll the S outta their fans and implores everyone to visit a new instagram page supposedly giving away the Halloween secret. This is essential listening. Its unexpctedly captivating and hilarious and will have you laughing and grinning throughout. A+ Harpua!!!! :D

Bug - Absolutely soaring version!!! Must hear!!! So much energy!!!!

The Lizards - See Mexico 2020. An absolutely spectacular reading that feels like the perfect emotional finale the set deserves. A++++ :D

Farmhouse - See Lizards. Wonderful!

Vultures/Sleeping Monkey/Possum - nit much to say. Goods delivered :)

All in all, holy smokes what a set!!! YPC>Farmhouse is one giant must hear sequence!!! Harpua is an all timer for real - surely this goes up against many 1.0 Harpuas? Its great! :D I had "low" expectations for this show (how good could an animals set honestly be?!) and thankfully this show delivers where it counts. No it aint Chula Vista or 10/28, but neither is it some kind of barren wasteland either. Definitely worth a listen and good enough to replay!! Maybe the 4.3 rating on .NET is a bit high - this feels like a 3.8-4.0 kinda show overall, but thats just me. Sick.


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