Friday, November 15, 2024

2024-07-23 Uncasville, CT

 A smoking Martian Monster into a hot Rift is a highly inspired opening duo! The 16 minute Golden Age that follows is very fresh feeling in that spot. Very good "bliss rock" standard GA jam.

After a fine Gumbo and Funky B, we get a terrific Guyuute! Seriously! This thing is basically flawless!! A++++

Solid versions of Undermind, Evolve and Waste follow before a good Walls closer.

All in all, set 1 was really good in that kind of early-3.0 "everything was really good but not much stood out in particular" kind of way. High energy and SOLID versions throughout. I guess grab Golden Age, the flawless Guyuute and that Walls closer :)

Grab Waste too!

Set 2

The 2nd set gets off to an excellent start with a wonderful nearly 17 minute Plasma. This one mostly stays in that "bliss rock" zone, but they definitely play around with it a lot, pushing it here, pulling it there, like a rubber band. Good enough to call must hear! :)

From there we go......into a friggin 19 minute Kill Devil Falls! Syracuse 2023, anyone? @fishcane knows what im talkin about! :) This KDF is a monster. It goes full blown dark psychedelia type 2 and mostly stays there. There are some sloppy transitions and "lost" moments, but A+++++ for effort and for not just delivering 20 minutes of shredding. Definitely must hear! :)

The following 15 minute Carini is equally impressive. This a snarling, writhing, funky, groovy full band effort at laying down THE THICKNESS. X Factor all over this sucker! A little "scattershot" ala the KDF, but thats nitpicking. Absolutely essential listening, this Carini crushes and manages to sound unique at the same time. Wow.

The Ruby Waves and Piper that follow both sound like "exclamation marks" atop the Jam Sandwiches we were delivered prior. Ruby is positively triumphant sounding and worth a listen or two while Piper refrains from the hose shredding in favor of dropping out into a well placed Mercy. Piper is basically aborted, but who cares when the segue out is so smooth like this.

The set closes with a spectacular and downright EXPLOSIVE Everythings Right. Definitely full of passion and energy, even the crown picks up on it and roar multiple different times!!!! Holy moly this SMOKES! Not the GOAT, but definitely worth your attention!!!!

The show ends with the fiery duo of Julius and About to Run

All in all, this wasnt my favorite show. But you definitely cant argue with that 2nd set. Holy smokes, just one giant banger after another with almost no let up!!! Probably the 2nd best set of the tour so far after Mansfield #3.

A lot of the playing felt like they were slowly moving away from outright "2023 hose bliss", but they havent arrived yet, if you will.

This show gave me "preview of things to come" kinda vibes :)

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