Friday, November 15, 2024

2024-07-26 East Troy, WI

 7/26/24 East Troy

Set 1

Th show begins astoundingly bad with the most limp wristed, low energy, half asleep 46 Days of all time. It slowly wakes up near the end but its WAY too little, WAY too late! Ugh!!!

Moma is a powerful slow burner tonight. Still not reaching the "appropiate" level of heat you expect, it nonetheless winds up being a really good full band jam. Solid!

The Well is terrific. Tightly played and energetic type 1. Great stuff.

Then, oh boy....a friggin 17 minute My Friend!!! Absolutely essential listening, it spends a while in funky vamp land before moving skywards. Trey positively explodes and delivers what may be the finest peak section of the summer so far. This was SICK!!!!!! MUST HEAR!

And the cooldown into a perfect Brian and Robert was just oh so choice.....

Unfortunately the rest of the set is pretty downhill. Llama is a loud roaring nothing (I cant tell you one way or the other if it was good or not as the sound mix is so ridiculously awful....)

Cities is very good but they kill the jam very quickly....

Ya Mar was the worst Ive heard in a while. Constantly sounds like its going to fall apart. Way low energy.....

Stash is boring and sleep inducing beyond belief.

And the Cavern closer just adds insult to injury.

What in the F is going on?! Aside from The Well and My Friend>Brian, this set is pretty much a waste of time. What in gods name...... 


warewolf95 Forum Resident

Greenville, SC
7/26/24 East Troy

Set 2

Set 2 gets off to another bad start with the stickiest, most unimpressive Axilla I think Ive ever heard. Good golly - calling it OK is the highest compliment I can give it....

18 minute Disease up next. Please dont suck, please dont suck, please dont suck..... Thankfully it doesnt suck, but its also not anything amazing. It is very good and rages properly, but its 18 solid minutes of "stuck in type 1". Oi vey! Enough already! Get to the point! In an egregious act of awfulness, the jam begins to go proper type 2 and Trey ripcords them into....

...a damn 8 minute Mercury.....Guys....this show ...I cant.... Mercury is basically a waste. Played ok but it actually starts jam and Trey full on just drops out!!! He kills it dead and they move into Taste.

Taste is solid. Good version, but nothing to write home about. A bit draggy and slow but ok otherwise.

Thank Christ the following 16 minute Ghost is unbelievable!!!! Yea its a bliss rager, but we are talkin 12/28/23 Gin on steroids over here!!! X factor magic abound! MUST HEAR!!!!

Limb By Limb is also must hear. The energy continues and they just destroy this one!!

After a solid HorseSilent, the set ends with a blazing Good Times Bad Times.

Inspired encore of Contact into a hot Antelope

All in all, this show was a major letdown!!! They pick it up majorly from Ghost to the end (thank god!!!) but 2/3 of this show was just straight up sub par!!! Definitely not a fan of this show, though as with any, the highlights are killer.

My Friend, Disease, Ghost and Limb are probably the "must hear" music.

Thank god this one is over though....

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