Sunday, December 1, 2024

2024-07-31 St. Louis, MO

 7/31/24 St Louis

Set 1

The set blasts wide open with the positively ass kicking trio of Turtle, Hey Stranger and BOTT. All 3 are explosive type 1 readings full of total energy. Killer.

After a surprise Lawn Boy, a strong Numberline and a very nice Horn, we get a solid Pebbles and Marbles. Good stuff.

After BATR we get a smokeshow Boogie On. It definitely deserves its jam chart status! Extra pizazz all over!!

The set closes with an immaculate Squirming Coil. This was one of the absolute finest versions I have ever heard. Played to perfection and completely loaded with X Factor. Pages outro solo is fantastic, LOADED with emotion. A+++++++++++++++++++++

All in all, this was very much a "high energy ROCK SHOW" kind of set. Id say Coil is the only true must hear (it really is!), but Turtle, Stranger, BOTT and Boogie all deserve mention.


Set 2 gets off to a bad start with a boring snoozefest of a Free. Not good. What happenned?! Trey was melting faces all 2023 and this year so far I swear his playing has been WAY more "hesitant"....

Things pick up with a giant 22 minute Mr. Completely. This one is no good either!!!! Its takes them all the way until the 15 minute mark to begin doing anything remotely interesting. Trey sounds lost for what to play throughout and the whole just fails to "connect". Its very awkward. There is some cool and brief DEG style jamming near the end but its way too little way too late. This jam was just a disappointment from start to finish.... :(

Leave it to Phish to turn it around though as the entire rest of the show is EXCELLENT!!! After a lovely If I Could we get a very chill and bluesy Twist. Things connect big time and Id all this must hear.

Twist goes into the centerpiece of the show - a massive, deep and dark nearly 20 minute Ruby Waves. This sucker DIVES into the strange. X Factor all over! Now THIS is what a jam sounds like when it is actually "flowing"!!! Essential version!! Very exploratory!

Finishing the set we get genuinely-must-hear versions of No Men (tease city!) and First Tube. Both are notably above average in a big way and will absolutely destroy your face, not just melt it.

Inspired encore of Grind into Miss You with a HOLY FREAKING CRAP DO YOU HEAR THIS?! Harry Hood for the ages!! Add this one to the pantheon of all time greats!! Its utterly magnificent!!!

All in all, a really great show overall!! Set two started badly but literally everything from Twist to the end plus the all timer Harry Hood were completely must hear. Add in the Coil from set 1 as well.

A smashing show!! The 3.9 on .net js a bit low. This probably deserves like a 4.1 or 4.2 :)

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