Thursday, December 5, 2024

2024-08-04 Noblesville, IN

 8/4/24 Noblesville #3

Set 1

The show opens with the lively duo of Party Time into Hurrah. Both are good but nothing special. A super rare Knuckle Bone follows and ups the energy a good bit. Inessential but awesome to hear.

First must hear of the night is an absolute destructive, wah drenched Stealing Time. A+ meltage on this sucker!

The Dogs rocks hard tonight and Destiny goes strongly type 1.5, getting super funky for a while. Great stuff!

46 Days is almost amazing. Its sloppy all over but the jam almost transcends. Worth a listen!

Treys playing has been stuck in that "super hesitant" mode all night. No fire in his playing for the most part and he often just sounds at a loss for what to do. Bummer....

After a genuinely terrific (probably highlight of the set!!!) McGrupp, we get Wingsui, Meatstick and Antelope to finish.

Wingsuit is very good if still way too hesitant sounding and Meatstick and Antelope are both nothing special.

All in all, this set felt like a chore to get through. It wasnt bad, but it was supremely average in the worst way. Flashes of awesomeness here and there but Trey is just stuck in 1st gear throughout. Honestly, McGrupp is fantastic and likely the only TRUE must hear of the set.

What is going on with 1st sets these days?!

Set 2

The 2nd set opens with a MASSIVE friggin 32 minute Ghost!!! Refreshingly, the song itself is super funky instead of just being a rock rager. They slowly begin and build into it. A wonderful slow burn into a raging rock peak kinda version
----Around 19 minutes the jam reaches its "natural" conclusion point. They dive deep into wacky ambience for a few minutes moving in and out, unsure whether to continue or not. Thankfully they do and they magically move flawlessly back into the raging peak section they had just finished!!!
--- This eventually morphs into a more laid back yet high energy rock jam. Just as its getting boring, all the way at the dang 26 minute mark, X Factor strikes and rhey dive into heavy darkness for several minutes, Trey ripping it up on the wah, just destroying.
-----Then he yanks us back into Ghost and finishs us out...

Man, that Ghost was janky as hell. It was great, but far too "one color" for its runtime. And the bad flow of it hurt too. Excellent, but not must hear, imo

Thankfully the following 26 minute Soul Planet is miles better! AND HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THIS IS ONE OF THE FINEST JAMS EVER!!!! FREAKING INCREDIBLE!!! MEXICO TIER!!!!!!!!!! MAGIC AND MAGIC AND MAGIC AND MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!

Initial robo rocking gives way to a unique rhythmic section where Trey gets a picking motif going while Page layers synths underneath. This section is long and sloooooowwwwllllyyyy morphs into the most insane and extended majestic peak I may have ever heard. Unbelievable.

Then the jam backs off and they go into lenghty section of latin esque classic rocking culminating in maybe THE greatest peak finale I have ever heard in my damn life to close.

Un. Friggin. Real. Definite JOTY contender. This was OUTSTANDING IN EVERY WAY!!!! 

 Finally we get a breather with the wonderfully placed and played Billy Breathes. PERFECT! Pages piano...good god... unfortunately Trey botches his solo so....

A standard wacky Melt closes the set. Not bad at all, but there are stronger ones for sure.

Thankfully it all concludes with an astonishingly great Slave!!!

All in all, this show felt lacking a lot of the time. Incredibly uneven, quality wise, imo. This was the ultimate "there's nothing bad, but also nothing all that GREAT either" show for the most part. Slave, Ghost and SP and McGrupp being the exceptions.

Also, Trey was still having a pretty subpar night (for the most part), and that hurt big time.

That Soul Planet TRULY is something special. Absolutely perfect in every way from start to finish.

Without Soul Planet Id honestly give this show like a 3.7 or 3.8 or something. Definitely not my favorite show - not bad at all, but tons of "problems", imo

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