Sunday, January 26, 2025

2024-08-18 Dover, DE - Mondegreen #4

 Today we wrap up Mondegreen with Night (day!) 4, 8/18/24

Aka, the "oh no storm is coming!" set :)

Perfunctory versions of Party Time and Axilla begin the set with high energy but zero replay value.

Quickly, things take a turn for the better with Maze. The guys definitely begin to click and its a great reading, if not essential. Page is extra angsty and Trey crushes the shreddy finale.

They keep going up from there with the first must hear of the night, Steam. An absolutely fantastic reading, they jam it to high heavens, definitely stretching it out within the type 1 confines. Absolute fire and power. Must hear!

Martian Monster and ACDC Bag are both red hot type 1 versions, but the next major highlight is Sigma>Rift. Sigma goes into a deep type 2 for a solid couple of minutes and then segues excellently into a ripping rift. Definitely a combo for the highlights compilation!!!!!

Stash is very good tonight, ala Bag and MM, but Ya Mar feels like it has trouble getting off the ground. The guys have a hard time clicking rhythmically and it just doesnt impress.

Yet ANOTHER summer 2024 Timber follows and builds the heat back up. Definite scorching heat on this sucker. Another raging highlight but just a bit too short for its own good.

Bathtub Gin isnt essential but it does build up an excellent head of steam. A definite headbanger worth a listen!

And then... nuclear bomb Izabella!!!! Izabella absolutely destroys - hands down the best piece of music of the entire set so far. MUST HEAR!!!! ESSENTIAL!!!!

Simple is nice and briefly flirts with type 2 before we get Izabellas rival in Golden Age. MUST HEAR!!! 12 MINUTES OF HOSE!!! X factor all over this sucker!!!

The show, and festival conclude with a really killer Fuego. This one is tight, jamming very well while staying "in the box". Just a TERRIFIC all-around kind of version. Id throw this on the compilation as well.

All in all, for a one setter, this was definitely a great listen for the most part. Energy throughout, almost everything felt like it had the potential to go deep even if it wasnt always fully taken advantage of.

Steam, Sigma>Rift, Izabella, Golden Age and that absolute powerhouse Fuego are all truly must hear. Dont avoid this because its only one set - there is a lot to love!!!! :)

Grading: Exceeds expectations

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