Friday, January 27, 2023

1993-07-28 Charlotte, NC

Been a few Phish-less days, so I'm in Starbucks tonight carrying onwards towards August '93 with 7/28 Charlotte, NC

I don't know if it was just me needing to adjust from 3.0/1997 listening backwards to 1993 or what, but I swear each show since this tour began is getting better. There hasn't been a poor one in the bunch, but there's a cohesiveness forming now where the earlier shows of the tour seemed to be a bit more haphazard.

Anyone else notice this or is it just me?  You can hear the rust melting away a tad bit from show to show. It's interesting. It's so so so subtle of a transition that you would never pick up on it unless you listened like this (unless you're a magician!)  

Awesome energy on this one. This is a generally excellent AUD recording that is a tad too bright and thin to play in the dump truck, but which sounds great in headphones.

Up to Cavern currently.

Sample In a Jar was explosive. If you're sick of the song and looking for one to renew your faith in it, check this scorcher out!!!
Split Open and Melt was hotter than the sun! It felt a lot longer - in a good way - than it's 9 minute duration. Must-hear!
Poor Heart - for just being a "token bluegrass song", this one was out of this friggin world. I was headbanging to this version like it was Slayer or something :p
Cavern - I get real tired of this song real quick, but as with SIAJ, this is another standout version worth hearing because it's just that good!

Awesome show so far! 

Set 2 began with the expected 2001. As a connoisseur of this track, I actually really, really liked the super heavy and funky "black/70's" version of it as played earlier in the tour.

By now though - for better or worse - it has basically become what we know it as. And this is a fine straightforward version, 20 million light years away from the Jam-Of-Jams Great Went version.

Up through Antelope so far.


The Lizards

Another of my all-time favorite songs - and also one of the ones that made me a fan! - gets fantastic play through at this show.

For 11 minutes the boys let it RIP! This belongs on the Jam Chart, imo. I've never heard an extended Lizards with this lengthy of a piano solo before. It's just wonderful. 

Harry Hood was MAGICAL. I'm not a Hood fanboy - I enjoy it but I'm never pining for one :p

But this one was exceptional imo. Just straight fire.

How the hell does this show only have a 3.4 rating on .NET?! It's been spectacular so far! 

Ripping show comes to a close with a piano duet where Page's dad joins the guys!!!


This show was maybe the best of the tour so far - I know I know "each one is better than the last" and all that, but I swear it's true.

This show is easily release worthy. 


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