Friday, January 27, 2023

1993-07-29 Knoxville, TN

 After a week of no Phish, it's back to 93 with 7/29, Knoxville, TN

Funky B makes it's first appearance since the spring. Good stuff.

Divided Sky was absolutely epic.

And Fast Enough For You was OUT OF THIS WORLD! That solo was the stuff guitar legends are made of - holy crap 

This show has a "poor" rating on .NET but by golly this is HOT!!!!!!!

In addition to what I mentioned a few posts ago, the Forbin>Mockingbird was 18 minutes of prog ridiculousness and now my mind is getting melted with the hottest Possum I've ever heard - and that's saying something because almost EVERY Possum is raging hot! :)

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