Sunday, October 29, 2023

Charleston 2019 - Nights 1 and 2 - My first shows! - #2. 12/7/19

Dead center 10 rows in front of Fishman

Devil horns

If you see them its me!!! Got on a green glowstick necklace. Surely you can find me now :P 

Fluffhead, Reba and Guyuute all in the first set.

Are you effing with me?!?!?!

Jeez...the killed about 2/3 of my must-see songlist in 2 nights!!!

Also got the first Connection since 2015

Set 2 was IMMENSE

It was a dance party from start to finish with a bit of type 2 madness, insane lighting, and a Page solo to finish the set

Then we get Keytar Frankenstein....


:D :D :D :D

I felt like night 1 had more energy and X Factor, but dammit A for sheer effort tonight!!! 


Oh man, when they started Crosseyed last night, the whole place EXPLODED

That was insane  

Glad i got a Melt but it was the worst ive heard in a while.

Trey was butchering it and there was no energy to it. Flat as could be. Felt like they didnt want to be playing it or something.

Now, the atonal noise jam was pretty sick, but there was NO buildup to it at all

It was awful -

Song --- >reverse ripcord STRAIGHT into space

Jarring as hell and did not work

BUT, the alien jam and light show were worth it


The jam was awesome, but I mean there was no "regular Type 1, slowly morphing into deeper stuff, then maybe some space.."

No, it was BOOM outer space!

Worst. Jam. Transition. EVER.


Listening back today, I gotta say they (Trey...) nailed Reba like I hoped and prayed for! That is a definite rarity these days :p

Same for Divided Sky the first night too - no real flubs


All weekend I kept getting asked what got me into Phish.

In my head, what happenned was that I always knew of them (Can't be into the Dead and not at least be aware, ya know?) but felt I needed to wait longer before lunging off the "deep end", so to speak.

Now that I've really cooled down off the Dead for the moment I've been able to move into Phish, ya know what I mean? Still love, adore and collect the Dead regularly, just I've hit the next phase of things, ya know?

But anyways, I guess the first time I REALLY got them on my radar was with Fare Thee Well cuz of Trey being apart of it. That made me look into things a little, but I knew I'd want more so I held back for a bit, haha.

But anyways, people kept asking what got me into them and it occured to me that the reason I like them is they are basically - in the most general sense (as they do all kinds of stuff) really a kind of combo of the Grateful Dead and Frank Zappa. And Zappa and the Dead both changed my life, so....

Just random thoughts while eating my sandwich :p

Carry on! 

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