Sunday, October 29, 2023

The O.G. Live Phish Series In Review - Vol. 1. 12/14/95 Binghamtom. NY

 January 21 2023:

I have less than 3 hours until Starbucks closes tonight, so that means 12/14/95 it is (the next 2012 Dick's show is 3hr 8 min :p )

First listen through this sucker if I remember correctly.

12/14/95 Binghamton - Live Phish, Vol. 1

Set 1

Suzy Greenberg - Hot as a mother, talk about a great way to open a show! Page rages all over the damn place and Trey is on his auxillary percussion kit during it. Awesome stuff.

Llama - It's 1995. It's Llama. Destroys as expected. :)

Horn - Works really great in this set placement tonight following the one-two punch of Suzy and Llama. Really, it's just perfect set placement. Surprisingly heavy version!!! I can't put my finger on it, but it's like they are just CRASHING into every chord on this one. Great version!!!

Foam - STUPENDOUS FOAM! 10/10 IN EVERY WAY. Possible contender for best Foam ever??

Makisupa Policeman - You know it's a special show when this sucker is trotted out. Dumb fun as always. Very dank. Great job of making the most out of a 2 chord vamp! Ultra HAZY!!!! Kinda fizzles out into....

>Split Open and Melt - This one sounds extra urgent tonight. More spastic than usual. Definitely extra OOMPH!!! Jamming begins around 4:30. Things stay in "obtuse Type I Melt land" until around 8 minutes. The Melt rhythm is hanging by a thread and Page goes ballistic hitting every single piano key at his disposal. Meanwhile Trey is going insane too. This is like a runaway train about to go off the rails!!! At 9 minutes the guys accidentally move into a new kind of more angular rhythmic section. Things are just slowly getting more and more CHAOTIC by the minutes. This is a full-band meltdown in progress. Around 12 minutes the meltdown subsides and turns into a weird, slower kind of, falling apart little by little jam. But the guys are so TIGHT that even in this chaos, the Melt rhythm is never lost!! They even bring the jam down to a silent stop-start section!!! This "silent jam" lasts for about a minute or so before they end the song properly. This Melt was must-hear. Hard to describe but it was an ADVENTURE!!!

Tela - Beautiful version! Raging peak! Seriously, there are people out there that hate Tela?! Wtf is wrong with people....

Taste - Yea, fog that surrounds blah blah blah whatever, it's Taste. Great version. See Llama. :)

My Sweet One - Great of course but something has to be non-highlighted tonight :p GET IT LEO! LISTEN TO PAGE FRIGGIN SHRED!

Frankenstein - Brings the HEAT as expected. A wonderful way to lead us into set break wanting MORE!!! :D

All in all, set 1 was pretty damn excellent on the whole. There wasn't a single weak spot or performance and the set construction was A+. Flowed like butter!! Split and Foam are the main highlights - that Foam was seriously jaw droppingly amazing. Terrific set on the whole!!!


Please excuse my very sub-par reviewing tonight. I'm EXTREMELY exhausted. Sore throat since last night. Didn't sleep much because of that. Felt terrible this morning but had to go cut trees for most of the day. Only reason I even went out tonight was so I wouldn't fall asleep early and screw up my sleep schedule (I absolutely CANT nap :p )

12/14/95 Binghamton - Live Phish, Vol. 1

Set 2

The Curtain - Preceded by the audience chess move (assisted by Carini!). Great, standard version.

>Tweezer - Didn't see that segue coming!!! This first section of Tweezer tonight is very similar to Melt. Just full on RAGING, band-going-off-the-rails vibes.

>Timber - The TENTH version of Fall '95!!! Who saw this segue coming? I didn't. The segue is pretty jarring, actually, but thankfully they pick right up on it and smooth it out quick. Timber is only about 4+ minutes in length, but they sure take it for a ride. Almost going Type II but not completely (in my opinion).

>Tweezer - Aww yea, the guys LAUNCH back into Tweezer like the trampoline jump-off in YEM!!! SO. PERFECT. I'm not even gonna try to describe this jam. They go through several different distinct Type II sections and it's 10 minutes of pure insanity.

>Keyboard Cavalry/Army - Final version until Dick's 2015.

>Halley's Comet - Insane. What is the song they are quoting around 8 minutes?? This is Off The Rails Vol. 3. Must-hear! Goes into a crazy Type II meltdown.

Genuine segue. Another bite-size Type II excursion of crazy randomonium!!! Incredible!! Awesome Page outro ala The Squirming Coil.

Slave to the Traffic Light - It's Slave. It's 95. It Kills.

Bold As Love -
see Slave

All in all, set 2 is legendary for a reason. This felt like some of those August 93 shows where they just start doing random crap out of nowhere and you go "how did we get here?!". :p A terrific show all around. Absolutely worth your time. This would not be the first show I'd play for a newbie though! :D


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