Saturday, December 2, 2023

1997-08-16 Limeston, ME - The Great Went, "dump truck review 2023"

 Its Friday, im ultra relaxed and my route isnt conducive to a 2023 show, so im casually playing through the Great Went.

Ive played the two shows a number of times but never "properly".

8 16 97 Limestone

Set 1 - if you recall, in Bittersweet Motel the guys come offstage after this set (apparently) and Trey rages something along the lines of "THAT WAS THE WORST EFFING SET WEVE EVER PLAYED", etc lol

Lets see if he was right or wrong! :p

Makisupa Policeman - Uber dank, yo. Love the hazy jam out of this.

Harpua - Conclusion from the Clifford Ball. Cool but nothing special.

Chalkdust Torture - Hot as always but not a great version. Very sloppy and all over the place.

Theme From the Bottom - They all kinda sound the same, but this one felt like it really got cooking and had extra mustard. Very strong version, imo.

Punch You In The Eye - Not a good version. Ultra lethargic and sloppy, it never "clicks" and there is flubbage abound from everyone. There are far better versions from 2009.....

Ghost -
16 minutes, I really dig this one. Not an all timer, but the jam in the back half where they slow it down and get all rhythmic with it is awesome. Not an incredible Ghost, but its good!

Ginseng Sullivan - Is Ginseng.

You Enjoy Myself - Killer! A+!! Nailed in that way only 1.0 can!!!! Incredibly funky, its the first time in the set where things "click" in that certain way. Hell yes. Spectacular version.

Train Song - Is Train Song. Odd after YEM. They shoulda just ended the set there.

Character Zero - Is C Zero. Rages hard.

The Squirming Coil - Friggin classic version. Fantastic.

All in all, set 1 started pretty limp and loose but got it together in the back half. Theme, Ghost, YEM and Coil were all must hear. Not a terrible set but neither was it particularly spectacular either.

Set 2

Wolfmans Brother - 20 minute classic! Beastly! Very slow and laid back. This is 20 minutes of strange and hazy pornofunk. Great segue into....

Simple - Awesome version that again goes very strange in the back half. Killer segur into...


Weirdo jam -
exactly as I say. Between songs thry noodle a bunch of strange stuff for a few minutes. Only at a festival!

Slave to the Traffic Light - Not my favorite. Maybe if I was high id enjoy it. It just droned on and on and on and on....I mean, it was grear, but it definitely sounded like music made by stoned individuals, lmao

Rocky Top and Julius to close.

All in all, again not my favorite set, lol. Lots of enjoyable strangeness though!! The whole thing is pretty much 1 piece to be heard as a whole though.

Wolfy-Simple-My Soul was the meat for me!

Set 3

-keep in mind, I am falling asleep exhausted, its dark and rainy, and this is absolutely NOT the day to review this, but im in this far, so....

For some reason, they screwed the pooch on the FM of this set. Its horrible!!! Trey is completely buried, almost sounding like bleed-through, and the ambient mics are completely to the fore. Very difficult to listen to and actually HEAR whats happenning :(

Halleys Comet - 15 min. Nutzo. Awesome type 2. Must hear.

Cities -
Great segue into. Slow as a mother and super, duper HEAVY. This is like a 50 ton version of Cities, creeping across the land like a glacier....I think the jamming was sick despite the aural flaws. Classic in every way. GOAT contender??

Llama - Destroyed. Kept me awake, lol.

Lawn Boy - is Lawn Boy

Limb By Limb - 15 min. Spectacular reading!!!! Another GOAT contender??

Funky B - Closer. Kills.

Contact and Loving Cup for the encore. Both seemed like they had extra mustard, but again the sound mix was so poor it was hard to tell.  



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