Saturday, December 2, 2023

2023-07-29 New York City, NY


7 29 23 New York #2

Set 1

Back On the Train - standard, A+, red hot opener. Great stuff.

Down With Disease - Must hear! 19 minutes long, the song itself is a strong reading. Extra "funky" kinda - everyone playing with the phrasing and stuff, but in a good way. It rages the bliss HARD with feeling and impact until a great peak around 13.30-14 minutes. Then we naturally, and patiently, drop into super dark, thick groove Type 2. The X Factor is flowing and then, outta nowhere, the jam just....dies. instantly. Like someone yanked the light cord out of the wall. WTF!! THAT ENDIND WAS HORRIFIC!! THIS WAS KICKING SO MUCH TAIL UNTIL THEN! :(

The Dogs - At least a big rarity follows. Good version. Great heat! Unfortunately, The Dogs is nothing to bark about and is patently average. Enjoyable enough, but they axes that Disease for this?!

Bug -
Very strong version! For Jovi...

Sugar Shack - Shockingly must hear!! The guys nail it, its ultra tight, it almost jams, and is everything a Sugar Shack should be! A+

Evolve - A+ Type I version!! Nothing else to say, its exciting and excellent!

Horn - is Horn


Moonage Daydream - Facemelter supreme

All in all, despite a lack of jamming after the aborted Disease (a crime...), the set felt very much of a single whole. Song wise im sure it turned people off, but everything was played flawlessly and with extra zest and enthusiasm!!! Highly enjoyable set!!!!

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