Saturday, December 2, 2023

2023-08-01 New York City, NY

 8 1 23 New York #4

Set 1

Ghost - 17 minutes and quite boring and aimless for the majority. Definitely does not do much of anything for the most part and doesn't come close going deep at all. Thankfully the final few minutes see the guys wake up and turn in an explosive hose finale that is strong enough to make you forgive the rest of this waste of a good Ghost.

Reba - FANTASTIC!!!! The composed section is downright ok (not flawless), but the solo is MAGICAL. You will have shivers down your spine!!! Spectacular! This is about as good as Reba gets these days!!!!


Timber - X Factor Dark Funk Timber!!!! INCREDIBLE!!!! MUST HEAR!!! MUST HEAR!!!!

Broken Into Pieces -
Terrific new song!!! Play this more, its great!! Absolutely fantastic rock and roll jamming on this ala a good Caspian or Loving Cup!!!

Wolfman's Brother - 17 minutes Vol. 2, Electric Boogaloo. Does its thing as expected, but they lay into the funk HARD. When Gordo breaks out his FX, you know its gonna be good. Must hear!!!!! Eventually this morphs into killer bliss rock with Fishman shouting "FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE WELL!'. MUST HEAR!!!! Great peak around 12 min. It gets dark again for a while then builds to a climacticr finale peak. Fantastic!!!!!!! INCREDIBLE!!!! MUST HEAR!!!!

I Am The Walrus -
First since Bakers Dozen?? This is SICK!!!!! WHAT A WAY TO END A SET!!!

All in all, THIS SET IS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!! Reba, Timber, Wolfman, Walrus....the only weak spot was the opening Ghost and even that had a few minutes of awesomeness!!! Holy crap these shows just keep getting better!!

And special shoutout to Broken Into Pieces - great song!


Set 2

Sample In a Jar - 17 min Sample... sure! Why not?! This sucker is incredible. Tropic Island Sample, most of its duration is spent in very relaxed bliss jamming before going into a smashing rock and roll peak. Things eventually begin to go dark and deep, but Trey unfortunately axes it and they lead into...

Kill Devil Falls - 12 minutes tonight, in practice, that was actually a great segue/transition! Pretty hot version but nothing to write home about. The jam is very disjointed and lacking direction, concluding in the usual bliss hose before a kinda ripcord into... Really, just not anything all that great, especially compared to the other stellar readings of 2023.

Golden Age - 14 min. Thankfully things click and they turn in a stellar reading. Gets dark and grimy for a bit before the expected bliss rock conclusion. Excellent. Proper return to theme and ending on this one.

Shade - Gorgeous as always. Break time!

Sneakin Sally - Great as always but too short for its own good. Builds a strong head of steam and grooves hard. Not must hear but definitely a highlight!!!

Twist - Great as always but nothing special in the slightest.

You Enjoy Myself - Ultra strong version!!! One of the best of the year (and it's been a good year for YEM!). They nail the playing, it funks hard... it's great!!!


Wilson - Is Wilson

Sanity - Awesome!

David Bowie - Definitely not what I prefer in an encore. Fine version though.

Character Zero - Good stuff, but is the show over yet?

All in all, the first set was incredible, but set 2 was very frustrating. Jams with potential getting axes (or just taking too damn long to do anything), a slee of shorter songs with a refusal to truly go deep, yet ANOTHER short Twist....Enjoyable as hell, sure, but I fail to see where this is a nearly 4.5 rated show.

Nothing comes close to the ridiculous journey of 7 30s No Men or the Light hose explosion.....
Great show, sure, but a damn 4.5?! Not on your life. A solid 4.0 or 4.1, imo.
Im being a bit harsh but the jamming really came up short tonight and the 2nd set was just a bit too much sizzle and not enough steak, if you will.
Hit the first set, then grab the Sample, Golden Age and YEM. The encore can come too.

I know im crazy and I did enjoy the show fine, and im sure it was bonkers in person, but at the same time I just didnt "click" with it....

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