Saturday, December 2, 2023

2023-08-02 New York City, NY

 8/2/23 New York #5

Set 1

Possum - Great to have as opener! Wonderful Type 1 rager as always. Possum is Possum. No need to highlight it but its great. Searing heat as expected. :)

"Welcome back!"

Guyuute - Alright! Sounds odd to get Guyuute so early (im sure its opened a show at some point but still). Guyuute is very tight tonight! At least on level with the excellent YEM and Bowie from the night before. Practice makes perfect!!! Best Guyuute ive heard in a hot minute! Wow!!! Killer!!!

No. Seriously. This Guyuute is basically flawless!!!!

Axilla - see Possum. Great version but Axilla is Axilla at the end of the day. Worth a listen though - the end jam gets pretty out there for a nice minute.

Energy - 13 minutes!!! Absolutely must hear!!!! This things rages like a show closing Suzy Greenberg full of rock and roll fury for 12 glorious minutes!!! Then things get dark and funky and we go full on type 2. Unfortunately, after about a minute, Trey kills it and we move into...

>Meatstick - Sucks that that budding monster was cut short but that was a great segue!!! Who saw that/this coming?! Killer version! Totally ON POINT! This sucker basically goes Type 2 for 3 glorious and dark, funky minutes!!!!! GROWLING MEATSTICK!! GET IT CACTUS!!! THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING!!!! MUST HEAR!!!!

>Its Ice - In a minute of pure and utter INSANITY, Trey starts doing the Ice lick during the Meatstick jam!!! And it aint no ripcord, its a genuine, patient transition!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Thankfully, the song sounds tight and rehearsed!!!! As with Guyuute, this is the strongest modern version in god knows how long!!!! For a song so rarely played, im downright shocked at how genuinely well played this one is!!!! Even better, this sucker jams!!!! Instead of it dying down to the cold chilldown, the guys make it kinda funky for a bit. Eventually the ice comes, but dang if they arent going HARD in the funk with this one!!!!!! THIS IS FRIGGIN INCREDIBLE!!!! MUST HEAR!!! FRANKENSTEIN JAM!!!!!!

Blaze On - 13 minute RAGER to close the set!!! This is absolutely must hear!!!! It lays hard in that Type 1.5 zone, never going TOO far out, but absolutely exploring every inch of the space it is. The final few minutes is some of the best peaking of the year. Completely volcanic, molten rendition of Blaze On. FIRE!!!!

All in all...HOLY CRAP!!!! They get down with the weirdness and the weirdness rewarded us!!!! Not a single low point, just about everything was must hear!!! The Energy-Meatstick-Ice was PRIMO "what the hell is even happenning?!" X Factor stuff and the Blaze On was incredible from start to finish. Dont forget the flawless Guyuute....

Dude.... No, seriously, you NEED to go hear the Meatstick>Its Ice. That was some Bakers Dozen type stuff....


Set 2

Funky Cavern - What a coincidence that I was just playing the Island Tour, eh? This is exactly what it looks like. Its terrific and kicks so much ass, the only bad (turns out to be great) part is that Trey kills it right as the jam is about to soar...

>Carini - Absolutely monstrous. Preferable to the Philly version for me. 17 minutes long, the transition from Cavern into this was awesome. Long and funky. This sucker goes into the classic Carini dark funk and thankfully stays put!!! Nice and patient on the jamming!! Gordo is killing it. Eventually it winds its way to bliss but its a journey for sure. Around 9 minutes, Trey begins a descending motif while Page moves to the blaring synths. We have our first peak in progress! This goes on for a long time - several heavenly, glorious minutes. They keep building it moe and more until around 13 minutes when they just bust it wide open. Then Trey begins another chirpy, birdlike motif. Page syncs up and the jam goes into a wonderfully feel good and blissful area. Around 14.30, we begin a descent into hell!!! We slowly wind up in a strange and scary kind of angular ambience beforea perfect segue into...

>Piper - Literally the perfect spot to throw it in! :)
Spectacular short Piper!! 8 minutes of spastic ridiculousness. Must hear! Segue into...

>The Well

>The Howling - "from the bottom of the well!" . Damn, what a great night for segues....that segue was choice!!!! Picks up where The Well left off, this is pure, unadulterated, facemelting fire funk. Think of the pair as both sides of a coin. :)

>Taste - Return of the Son of "Who Saw That Coming?" Killer set choice! A bit imperfect on the execution, but hey, A+ for effort and set design. Excellent soloing from Trey. He takes his sweet time, placing his flurries of notes with intent and patience. Friggin killer on the whole. Sick!!

About to Run - Its ATR. You know whats up. Get the mop and bucket for your melted face on the floor...

Chalkdust Torture - AS IF THIS SET COULDN'T GET ANY HOTTER! A+ Type 1 version of the highest order. Fire on top of fire on top of fire. Topped with a helping of fire. A+++++++++++++++

For dessert? FIRE! :p


Frankenstein - First since Charleston 2019 (I was there! :D ). Keeps the fire burning!!

Slave to the Traffic Light - I know im often a Slave "hater", but yea, a show closing Slave is a wonderful thing. Awesome.

All in all...I DONT WANT THIS SHOW TO END!!! IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!! Killer jams, tons of X Factor, precision on the performances, fire out the wazoo, flow like melted butter....this show had it ALL. Easily my FAVORITE of the 7 shows so far and a definite top 5 or 6 favorite show of the year so far for me.

Add this one to my personal Hall of Fame favorites list.


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