Saturday, December 2, 2023

2023-08-04 New York City, NY

 8/4/23 New York #6

Set 1

Buried Alive - You know its gonna be a heater when you get a Buried opener!! Good version. Flub free and full of energy!

The Moma Dance - Downright exceptional, truly. It doesnt go Type 2 like the amazing Philly version. Instead, it rages cold fire, full of energy but also with this great laid-back feel. Everyone complains about "Broadway" Trey but I think he sounds great. Sleep on this at your own peril. A+++

46 Days - 12 Minutes of seismic earth shattering intensity.
Legitimately an all timer imo. It reaches the most ridiculous, insane, jaw-on-the-floor shredfest bliss peak, then proceeds to move back into 46 Days before building to ANOTHER massive, volcanic, explosion peak. I am not exaggerating - this was one of the most insane piece of music Ive ever heard. X Factor awesomeness...

Back In The Bubble - New Mike song. Sounded great but a tad shaky seeeming. Would love to hear this one again.

Bouncing Around the Room - Is BATR, but it felt extra potent tonight. Stellar.

Birds of a Feather - Great jam. Starts nice and chill. Great interplay between all with Fishman reacting nicely to Trey and vice versa. Very blissfully relaxed. Tropic Island Birds :) Slowly builds to a massive, triumphant bliss peak. Spectacular!!!! Slowly they naturally work their way back into Birds proper and rage to a close. Wow... Outstanding!!!!

Halley's Comet - X Factor Magic!!!!!!
11 minutes long, this Halley SLAYS. This isnt your typical, hot, Type 1 version. No. This is dark and growly and sinister like 46 Days!!! It ends up with a lengthy and awesome dark Type 2 jam. They go full on into outer space insanity on this. Magic!!! MUST HEAR!!! My face is melted on the floor! DO THIS MORE OFTEN!!!! THIS WAS UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

Roggae -
Great segue out of the jam! As with Moma, 46 Days, BOAF and Halley, this Roggae is truly outstanding. Reggae always delivers, but this one just...yup. Another legitimate all-timer. This wasnt just a great Roggae, this was something special. WIZARD OF OZ!!!!

Run Like An Antelope -
Oftentimes, recent Antelopes are just too...lukewarm to be anything noteworthy. This one completely bucks the trend. Face melter extraordinaire. Now THIS is what Antelope is supposed to sound like!!! 1.0-worthy!!! For 3.0, this is utterly next-level on the Antelope front. Must hear.

Compared to 8/2, the first set had a much more "expected" choice of songs and construction, but everything was played to the utmost level of fiery ridiculousness. Moma Dance, 46 Days, Birds of a Feather, Halley>Roggae and even Antelope all turned in true NEXT LEVEL performances.

If 8/2 was bit wacky for your taste, head for this set. Its was utter annihilation.....
It was like they said "hey, lets play the best possible version of each of these songs", and then they proceeded to do exactly that.
I keep saying each one is better than the last, but its true!!! This is even better than 8/2 imo and THAT was the first set to beat!!!

Set 2

Mike's Song - 23 minutes, longest rendition ever!! Right away, the Type 1 rages uber-hot as expected. Omfg this thing is hotter than 20 nuclear bombs - CHECK THAT PEAK AT 8 MINUTES!!!!!

Around 9 minutes, Trey begins playing with delays. Funk apocalypse fast approaching!!! He sets a cool loop then proceeds to vomit RoboWah all over us for a good long while.
This is freaking awesome.
Around 11 minutes, Page begins to pick up the slack. Trey is still going ham with the RoboWah, but the jam is moving to very feel-good-funk area. Not bliss, just positive.
13 minutes and Page passes it back to Trey. Trey begins wonderful melodic soloing clean of effects. Very slowly they work this to another almost-peak section
At 15 minutes Trey does a repeating motif and sets a loop - sounds like a bird chirping!!! He messes around with it and then solos atop.
At 17.30, the jam begins to chill out slightly and retreat from the bliss. Aquatic wah pedal keyboard work, Trey doing more rhythmic motifs for everyone to latch onto. The heat is building back slowly....
This lasts until 19.30. Trey suddenly begins ripping hard bends and the jam explodes into a massive rock and roll peak!!! The guys are just tearing it up!!! THROTTLE TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!
This insane peak section lasts several incredible, mind blowing minutes. Every time you think its over they build it up AGAIN!!! This thing re-peaks like 10 times!!!!!!!!


And then back into Mike's like they didnt just play the craziest peak of all time.... 

Set 2

>Sand - 12 minutes. Mike's ends with a sustained bit of feedback and then they just launch right into this. Perfect. Wonderfully patient and relaxed jamming. Trey sets the whale siren like its 2000. :) Absolutely inspired playing from everyone. Really love the interplay between Page and Trey. Lovely! The chill fire is burning strong! Builds to a solid bliss peak around 9 minutes. Trey reaching for the sky...killer!!!! This paves the way for the jam to build back to a fiery conclusion. POWERFUL PEAK!!!!!! MUST HEAR!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!! SAND OF THE YEAR!!!!!

Crosseyed and Painless -
13 minutes on this one, that segue out of Sand was flawless!!! Immediately, this sucker is played at warp speed, lol. I will never forget how the room EXPLODED at Charleston 2019 when they launched into it. Cant imagine what this one felt like!!!


Around 6 minutes, they finally begin to move away from the hurricane -force Type 1 a little bit. Everyone playing with fx, its a damn sonic vortex of intensity!!!!

Around 8 minutes, the jam begins to quiet down. The tempo is still at, well, ludicrous speed, but loopers have been set and a blissful air arrives. Love the background "ambience" of this while Trey does his spirited melodic soloing.
By 9.30, Crosseyed is completely gone and the heavenly bliss raging has enveloped us in the best way.
Finally around 12 minutes, the jam peaks and we return to the Crosseyed jam to send us out....

A Life Beyond the Dream -
Well deserved rest... Absolutely A++++ reading. I really dig Trey's vocal vibrato on this (im aware im massively in the minority on that). Great stuff. This is downright magical. And placed perfectly, its th ultimate cathartic

The Lizards -
Great set flow to slowly ease us back up! Lizards is Lizards, but this is a solid A+ version, amigos. Damn. Terrific song choice for the set!!!!

While My Guitar Gently Weeps - HELL YEA!! Set closer. Killer.


Weekapaug Groove>Fluffhead -
No comments. All killer. My goodness.

Um, yea, not really much to say is there? This show friggin destroys, if you couldnt already tell. I thought the 2nd set got a bit too down-tempo after Crosseyed, but thats a nitpick. This show is a monster in every way.

My god.

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