Friday, January 27, 2023

1993-08-12 Rochester Hills, MI

 8 12 93 Rochester Hills, MI

Starts off with a wonderful AC/DC Bag. If I had this in perfect sound it would be going on my "non-album songs" playlist PRONTO!!! 

Insane Reba.

Also, the sound quality on this AUD is terrific. Do some slight EQ to boost the top end a bit and its a wonderful headphone listen!!!  



This isn't yer usual Reba. The boys jam this one pretty weird (for Reba, at least). Page is all over this one. Because I suck at describing things, here's a succinct quote from .NET:

"Reba - Type 2 jam with lots of tension that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Some nice interplay between Page and Trey. If the release from all of the tension was better, I think this would be an all-time version." 

 Chalkdust Torture

Another absolutely face-melting, world-destroying, perfectly performed CDT. 1993 Phish in a nutshell right here. 



The Squirming Coil

Forget the song, this is basically just a massive Page solo for like 6 minutes.


2001>The Landlady

Very cool to get Landlady, but unfortunately Trey seems to be having tech issues or something as he is butchering the hell out them :p

But, when in doubt, just whip out some feedback squalls and then get your angst out in a flurry of shredding!

And into Tweezer we go!!! 


Holy freaking crap

2001>The Landlady>Tweezer>Landlady Reprise>Tweeprize>The Lizards

Ok, so this was half magic half butchered insanity. As I said before something is up with Trey. If you want to hear a good Landlady then this is NOT the one to seek out, lol.

That being said, Tweezer was hotter than the sun and Lizards is 10/10 gorgeous perfection of the goose-bumps-on-your-arms kind


1993-08-11 Grand Rapids, MI

 Beginning 1993 08 11 Grand Rapids before turning in for the night

Buried Alive kicks us straight to the sun before we get an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE Runaway Jim!!!!


Its lengthy and jammed to hell and back with everyone shredding it up, but its got that extra something to distinguish it from other 93 shredfests

This Jim is absolutely must hear.

A rare Weigh is next and the X Factor wonderfulness continues.

Then into a perfect Its Ice...

Yea, I dont think this show is gonna break the streak of classic shows.... 

The debut of a much slowed down Ginseng Sullivan was excellent.

But the steamrolling resumes with a smashing My Friend...



Check this Stash! This is like the evil near-Type-II precursor to Carini

This is evil! 

Set 2

After doing set 1 the other night, im picking back up.


30 minutes of wtf in the best way possible.


Ok, so up next was a ridiculous Esther-All Things Reconsidered

Im not really an Esther fan but the 2 were still great.

After a break with BATR we go 500 miles an hour into a brick wall with an EXPLOSIVE Rift!

Rift is always awesome but this one really stood out to me.


After Jesus and My Sweet One we get an outta this nebula Antelope still loaded with more Simpsons

This show was great. The 2nd set was pretty darn dense though so I dont see myself returning soon, but just know the August 93 winning streak still remains unbroken!!!


1993-08-09 Toronto, CAN

93 08 09 Toronto

How else do you open a 1993 show but with a RIPPING AS ALL HELL Chalkdust Torture with a legit Who Knows jam in the middle?!

Dude, mind=blown

The boys are still tearing it up like 8/8 never ended!

Fee>Split Open and Melt>Glide

Spectacular!!!! The segue from one to the next is like melted butter.

Also, the guys go NUTS during SOAM. I've heard lots of hot ones (read:all of them) but this one is definitely one to check out!!!
The jamming is very dynamic and you can tell the guys are listening/following closely to each other as they are constantly changing tempos and moods on a dime like it's nothing.


Dinner and a Movie>Tweezer

This Tweezer is full on Type II darkness. There's a great jam that sounds like Godzilla stomping around Tokyo or something. It's pretty sick.


1993-08-08 Cleveland, OH

 At my mom's with headphones, so it's time to move onwards in 1993 with 8/8 Cleveland

A ripping and ridiculous BBFCFM opens the show like a tornado!!!

Also, as the boys are whipping up the storm, Trey gives a hyperspeed version of one of the Divided Sky themes beneath the maelstrom.
Pretty funny/unexpected/awesome.

And then, without so much as a blink of the eye, we are into Foam... 

Loving Cup was surprisingly early in the set but killed just the same.

But holy crap this Runaway Jim is OUTTA THIS WORLD INSANE!!!!

I mean, it's only 8 minutes but it goes borderline Type II in spots and is completely off the rails. It's actually pretty dark and twisted!!!  

After a nice Horse>SITM, we get my favorite Phish tune, Punch You In The Eye

Although the ultra funky 12/31/95 version was my "I get it now" moment with Phish and my favorite version of any song ever played, these early 90s versions regularly slay.

They don't have as much funkiness and the piano has more presence, imo, than in later versions. This particular one is darn flawless, taken at a very speedy pace and absolutely DESTROYS for its entire duration.

Man, if Trey played one like this today people's minds would explode :p


Fast Enough For You

The best classic rock ballad that never was, Trey ripping it up and aiming for the heavens with every bit of shredding strength he can muster.

Jeez, this show is KILLING it so far!!!

August 1993 is certainly living up to expectations!!!

8/2/93 Tampa
8/6/93 Cincinnati
8/7/93 Darien

and now 8/8/93 Cleveland

4 of the 5 shows so far are on my "oh my god that was the greatest show I've ever heard list" :p

And if things are this good so far, looking at the second set for 8/8 I'm surely in for a doozy!!!  



1993-08-07 Darien, NY

8 7 93 Darien

INSANE psych meltdown Stash!!!  

Oh crap, I just saw the insanity im about to hit in this show. Might have to wait till home or at Starbucks to give a proper listen 

The Stash meltdown pretty epicly, Reba is OUTTA THIS WORLD and Maze murders us 12 ways to Sunday like the Zodiac Killer

Reba segues into Maze with them doing the whistling over the Maze intro. Didnt catch that the other day. Its pretty funny.

Also Trey seamlessly inserts the Stairway solo into his Maze murder-fest.

This Maze is probably an all-timer.  

Forbins Rollercoaster Mockingbird


And then Mikes Song is NASTY as a back alley call girl. Holy hell. 




This was every bit as mindblowingly incredible as it looks  

And then we get the ever incredible McGrupp!!

What the heck?! SO MUCH GAMEHENDGE! 


1993-08-06 Cincinnati, OH

93 08 06 Cincinnati

Beginning this awfully dreary, rainy morning with a red hot SOAM

No type 2, but extremely jammed out type 1 fer sher

Next, the trio of Curtain-Sample and Rift sound made for each other.

The segue from Curtain into Sample is so seamless if you werent familiar with the music youd think it was one big song.

And then having Rift follow gives us the "With" we didnt get earlier :)

Beautiful Horn now...  

Divided Sky


Just found out this was the return of Slave since 1991. Huh.  

Set 1 finished with a fiery CDT and a SMOKING Suzy

Set 2 off to a bang with Buried Alive, an ultra wacky Tweezer and now a tight Guelah 

This YEM is pretty dang sweet

YEM Vocal jam>Halleys Comet

Holy crap that was unexpected  

Return of Slave is mind blowingly awesome.

The ending of the show is lame and skippable.

Onward to 8 7 93 Darien and a white hot, feedback laden Llama kicks us in the face

Good way to start a show!

1993-08-03 Miami, FL

8/3/93 Miami, FL

After the world-destroying 8/2, I move onwards further south to Miami.

On paper this show doesn't look as good and the ratings online don't rank it that highly, but Phish and the Dead will teach you - DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!

It might suck, it might awesome. We will find out. :)

Also, it features a whopping EIGHT songs from Rift - I know the July and August shows are super heavy on Rift material, but dang I don't think any have had this much from it at once!  

First set is a total sleeper for me until Ya Mar. Everything was played fine, but there was no "pizazz" - it's like they left all the rocket sauce back in Tampa, haha. :)

It's like excellent, dare I say, background music.

Ya Mar is SUPER FUN though!!! Awesome organ solo from Page!

And then straight into a world-destroying Llama that sees Trey ripping us into a million pieces.

Machine gun does not begin to describe it! :p


Set 2 so far is killing it.

Lengthwise was a strange opener, but Maze destroyed, BATR was actually really fresh sounding, It's Ice slayed as usual and so far YEM is funky as hell!

Also, if listening in headphones, beware of Trey's "feedback from hell" moment in YEM.


1993-08-02 Tampa, FL

 8 2 93 Tampa FL

Great start for a good friday. Excellent - if a tad distant - audience recording.

The boys are exploding with energy. Im 4 songs in and already feel steamrolled :)

Excellent mix/balance to the recording as well - normally in this truck ive gotta do a bit of EQ work to make AUDs listenable (in a truck at least)

Not this one - good stuff! 

First Brother in a year and it is HOTTER THAN MOLTEN LAVA DANG MAN!  

Oh Kee Pa-Suzy Greenberg

Yall know what im gonna say so ill save you the hyperbole, but just know this is more than listenable

Gin-Makisupa-My Mind-Dog Log-La Grange

As absurd as that sequence looks it was every bit as outta-this-phreakin-world phenomenal as you can imagine.

They are so TIGHT!!!

Holy crap. Put this sequence in those all-timer lists!!!

Ive never enjoyed a sequence of songs I dont usually care for so much (other than Gin)




Mike's Song - Sparks - Curtis Loew

What. The. Freaking. Crap.

When does the "it doesnt getter hot than this" end?!?! 

Epic Antelope to close.

Insane show



2011-01-01 New York City, NY

 Finishing 2010 tonight with........the first show of 2011! :p

I've been waiting to listen to this for the last 2 months and just haven't been in the mood for playing anything.

FANTASTIC (for my taste) setlist tonight and a 4.5 rating on .NET bodes well...

A rocking My Soul and ultra funky Tube to start.... 

Divided Sky

Holy crap I can't remember hearing a 3.0 version more perfectly performed than this one.  

Crosseyed and Painless

This whole show has been "holy crap" level of awesomeness so far, but this might've set the new peak for the gig (so far!)


C/P was insane, Twist was one of the best I've heard and was pretty dang chill, and Simple is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

In Simple they slowly get more and more chill with Page's piano coming more and more to the fore until we reach a "chill freezedown" that reaches towards Type 2 playing.


A fantastically enjoyable show. There's no deep Type II at all but it gets close sometimes.

The songs are performed pretty dang perfectly for 3.0 as far as the compositions go and the setlist is ace.

Lots of energy throughout (as with every other 2010 show...)

A pretty perfect capper for a - in my opinion - spectacular year (IN CONTEXT!)

2010 kicked all kinds of ass.

So now I've officially completed all exactly 100 shows of 2009 and 2010.

I'm a free agent once again. Now that I've finished July '93 about a month and a half ago and had my break from that, I think I'll finally hit up that August '93 run I put on hold for a bit.

2010-12-31 New York City, NY

12 31 10

Up through Beauty

Just as much energy so far.

Moma was a beast, Burn That Bridge SMOKED, and Ocelot was an all-timer with a heavy jam that threw Auld Lang Syne at us outta nowhere.

Oh yea, Weigh was perfect too :)

Now weve got that weirdo tune Gone...  

Trey butchered NICU but DWD slayed. Then the jam out of it was sick.


They came down and then faded in perfectly like the studio track!


18 Multi Ethnic Meatstick

Aka, overkill in the extreme :p

Thankfully the following After Midnight RIPPED and BDTNL was excellent as always  

2010-12-30 New York City, NY

Sampled the 6 16 Bonnaroo webcast while eating my morning cereal. Trey was weird during First Tube, as I was warned :p

Now im sitting in line at a quarry waiting to get loaded and I just got the vibe to pick up 2010 again.

Starting today then with 12 30 10 :)  

Absolutely incendiary CDT

 This first set rules!

13 song first set, 1hr 40min!!!

Spectacular set with perfect song selections

CDT, Quinn, Maze, Gin, Camel and Zero all had me raging. Hard.

Now set 2 begins with a sick Tweezer that does NOT get ripcorded! :)

They rage for a while, go type 2, slide perfectly into Light, rage even more and then slide from there into Theme

This show is glorious!! 
Ansolutely friggin TERRIFFIC show!!!

One of the best of 2010 by far. Spectacular!


1993-07-30 Antioch, TN

 Another week on and another show forwards - tonight we continue my July/August '93 marathon with 7/30 Antioch, TN

An absolutely fantastic AUD, I had to double check that it wasn't at least a matrix with a SBD source!

This show looks promising - this is one of the best looking setlists so far since the tour began and if it doesn't rip me to shreds I'm gonna be mighty disappointed.

Hell, any show that opens with Contact>Llama is bound to be good, no?

Reba is terrific. Its 14 min but still feels short. Massive peak on this one!  

Squirming Coil and Bowie were both must-hear renditions.

Ive been a bit burnt out on both in recent times so its great to hear these 2 so great back to back


1993-07-29 Knoxville, TN

 After a week of no Phish, it's back to 93 with 7/29, Knoxville, TN

Funky B makes it's first appearance since the spring. Good stuff.

Divided Sky was absolutely epic.

And Fast Enough For You was OUT OF THIS WORLD! That solo was the stuff guitar legends are made of - holy crap 

This show has a "poor" rating on .NET but by golly this is HOT!!!!!!!

In addition to what I mentioned a few posts ago, the Forbin>Mockingbird was 18 minutes of prog ridiculousness and now my mind is getting melted with the hottest Possum I've ever heard - and that's saying something because almost EVERY Possum is raging hot! :)

1993-07-28 Charlotte, NC

Been a few Phish-less days, so I'm in Starbucks tonight carrying onwards towards August '93 with 7/28 Charlotte, NC

I don't know if it was just me needing to adjust from 3.0/1997 listening backwards to 1993 or what, but I swear each show since this tour began is getting better. There hasn't been a poor one in the bunch, but there's a cohesiveness forming now where the earlier shows of the tour seemed to be a bit more haphazard.

Anyone else notice this or is it just me?  You can hear the rust melting away a tad bit from show to show. It's interesting. It's so so so subtle of a transition that you would never pick up on it unless you listened like this (unless you're a magician!)  

Awesome energy on this one. This is a generally excellent AUD recording that is a tad too bright and thin to play in the dump truck, but which sounds great in headphones.

Up to Cavern currently.

Sample In a Jar was explosive. If you're sick of the song and looking for one to renew your faith in it, check this scorcher out!!!
Split Open and Melt was hotter than the sun! It felt a lot longer - in a good way - than it's 9 minute duration. Must-hear!
Poor Heart - for just being a "token bluegrass song", this one was out of this friggin world. I was headbanging to this version like it was Slayer or something :p
Cavern - I get real tired of this song real quick, but as with SIAJ, this is another standout version worth hearing because it's just that good!

Awesome show so far! 

Set 2 began with the expected 2001. As a connoisseur of this track, I actually really, really liked the super heavy and funky "black/70's" version of it as played earlier in the tour.

By now though - for better or worse - it has basically become what we know it as. And this is a fine straightforward version, 20 million light years away from the Jam-Of-Jams Great Went version.

Up through Antelope so far.


The Lizards

Another of my all-time favorite songs - and also one of the ones that made me a fan! - gets fantastic play through at this show.

For 11 minutes the boys let it RIP! This belongs on the Jam Chart, imo. I've never heard an extended Lizards with this lengthy of a piano solo before. It's just wonderful. 

Harry Hood was MAGICAL. I'm not a Hood fanboy - I enjoy it but I'm never pining for one :p

But this one was exceptional imo. Just straight fire.

How the hell does this show only have a 3.4 rating on .NET?! It's been spectacular so far! 

Ripping show comes to a close with a piano duet where Page's dad joins the guys!!!


This show was maybe the best of the tour so far - I know I know "each one is better than the last" and all that, but I swear it's true.

This show is easily release worthy. 


1993-07-27 Richmond, VA

 93 07 27 Richmond, VA


For only an hour set the guy just demolished the place!!!

1993-07-26 Richmond, VA

93 07 26 Richmond, VA - HORDE Fest

Normally, as much as I love them both, I get burnt out on Stash and The Squirming Coil really easily

But not these two - these are PRIMO SUPREMO!

Oh man, these 2 are magical. Just stupendous! 

1993-07-25 Stanhope, NJ

7 25 93 Stanhope NJ


Spectacular show - best of the tour so far by a considerable margin

Tweezer was insane, The Lizards was to die for.

And Harpua!!!

Best show yet!  

1993-07-24 Mansfield, MA

 7 24 93 Mansfield

Aside from the ripping Llama opener, this first set was excessively mellow and melodic. It was not a good one for staying up in the truck, lets put it like that.

Still, despite the too-distant aud (which definitely didnt help either), Divided Sky destroyed, Stash ripped, and Squirming Coil had a Page solo for the ages.

A great first set just not for ME this morning


Terrific second set!!

Fluffhead>Maze was the tightest ive ever heard the boys.

And we all need Mikes Jewish Groove in our lives ;)

Really want this in better sound now!

1993-07-23 Wantagh, NY

7 23 93 Wantagh

Best show of the tour so far maybe.

Fantastic setlist, raging jams, inspired playing.

This ones a keeper!!!  

1993-07-22 Stowe, VT

7 22 93 Stowe VT

INSANE Foam!!!  

Horn is fantastic!!!

Its not my favorite song but this version is beautiful! 

Mound and Ya Mar are excellent

Loving Mound the more I hear it. Another one that was never a favorite but its clicking with me now

Man this show has terrible ratings on .net but im loving it!

Tweezer is sick 

Tweezer-jam-Walk Away



1993-07-21 Middletown, NY

  7 21 93 Middletown

Horde Fest

Fun lil warmup set for my morning

1993-07-18 Pittsburgh, PA

 Didn't have time earlier to comment on 7 18 93

Ok, first things first, this was the best AUD of the 4 shows I heard today. It sounded like an outside gig so no crazy reverb, lol

The only downside was the taper seemed to keep moving around, meaning I kept having to adjust the bass. One second it's blowing my speakers out and the next I can't hear Gordo!

Great setlist on this one. I'm digging hearing so much Rift material in this tour so far.

Also, I'm loving this tour's version of 2001 - ultra funky and heavy!!!

Great show overall - a must listen if you love Page. He's way at the front of the mix in this one. Maze, of all songs, is all about Page today.

Lawn Boy was awesome too.

Hell, I even dug Esther!


1993-07-17 Vienna, VA

 7 17 93 Vienna VA

The Landlady was a sick opener. Runaway Jim SLAYED.
Sample in a Jar was killer.

So far:
7 15 - super fun tour opener. Really enjoyed it

7 16 - enjoyed it but it felt overly long and too jokey

7 17 - slayin so far 


1993-07-16 Philadelphia, PA

 7 16 93 Philly

A setlist that is not to my taste at all and a too echoey/too quiet recording

Surprise when im up through Horn and enjoying it greatly

Fast Enough was BEYOND EPIC! Sounded like gospel insanity! 

Set 2 is a fine sbd.

Nothing really of note except this deranged Jewish version of YEM and Purple Rain.

Cant forgrt the Free Bird encore either :p 


1993-07-15 Weedsport, NY

 7 15 93 Weedsport NY

Fun first set.

Stash and Foam both RAGED

Great Bowie to start set 2


The Lizards - spectaculat

Walk Away - incredible


Great gig yo :)

2010-12-28 Worcester, MA

 12 27 was great but 12 28 is bringin the heat!

Absolutely loving She Caught the Katy

Loved this song since I first heard it in The Blues Brothers when I was a kid.

Awesome version 

Exceptional first set. High energy and rockin with a diverse set of tunes. I enjoyed the hell out of it.  

Set 2 is pretty perfect in terms of setting a mood and flow.

BOTT-LxL-The Wedge-Frankie Says

Wonderful sequence!!! 

Man that was the most over hyped Hood ever. I was expecting Christ according to .NET and instead got "eh"

Thankfully Bug came along and unexpectedly slayed.  

2010-12-27 Worcester, MA

 Up to 7 Below on 12 27

Loving the relaxed and mellow nature of the show. Its chill bu not sleepy - theres a difference lol

Extra props to Roggae and that WICKED Mike-Mound-Groove that worked better than it had any right to

7 Below-Whats the Use


2010-10-31 Atlantic City, NJ

 Closing in on the finish line of 2010, I move on to 10/31 and the Little Feat cover of "Waiting For Columbus"

I've never heard any Feat aside from a couple of the Phish covers later on, but I've read up on them in preparation for this show and I know a bit about Lowell George due to his Dead and Zappa connections.

Looking forward to this.

Set 1 was terrific from start to finish - Divided Sky was EPIC and Stash was a genuine amazing version.

On to set 2....

 Gotta say, I was expecting this to be a bit of a slog - lengthy album I'm completely unfamiliar with - but gosh dang this is great!

Yea, I'm on board with these dudes 
Holy crap that Little Feat set must've lit a fire under their collective bums!!!

Set III is fantastic!!

Down With Disease, despite a butchered beginning/restart, is FIRE and the jamming gets Type 2 for a minute before being rip-corded into BOTT
Back On the Train was excellent - some of the best jamming I've ever heard from one!

The seamless segue into Camel Walk is the icing on this tasty cake so far. Jeez....  

10/31 - Little Feat's "Welcome to Columbus"


Ghost (Short but sweet!)
>Spooky (Fantastic segue, fantastic bust-out!!!)
Roses are Free
>Funky B
Boogie On Reggae Waoman
"Welcome To Columbus" - EXCELLENT! I don't know the material so I can't judge, but the whole thing was great. Loved it.
Down With Disease (Great jamming! Almost goes Type 2)
>Back On the Train (More great jamming)
>Camel Walk
Suzy Greenberg (FUNKY AS HELL)
Wilson (A BLAST! False ending that leads to great jam)
You Enjoy Myself

2010-10-30 Atlantic City, NJ

 Playing 10/30/10 right now sitting in my mom's kitchen in Charleston

In the middle of the Led Zep Tweezer.

Set one was FANTASTIC!!!

The Chalkdust>WLL>Chalkdust slayed

Wolfman's Brother had some of the best jamming ever and the surprise vocal section was spectacular

Squirming Coil was out of this world - This used to be a favorite of mine but I overplayed it early on so I don't look forward to it as much as I should sometimes. But this was one for the record books! Let it be known Page's coda was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard in my damn life.

Now in set 2:

Tube ruled
Possum slayed and that Whole Lotta Love reprise within the jam was great

And now Tweezer>Heartbreaker>Tweezer>Ramble On>Thank You>Tweezer>Stairway to Heaven...




What a friggin' show!!! (Yes, I say that every show, I know...)

For 3.0 you can't go wrong with this one!

The boys flippin BLAZE the place!!!!

Energy out the wazoo!!!!! 

2010-10-29 Atlantic City, NJ


Almost done with set 1.

Still good energy, but there is a MUCH "chiller" vibe going on tonight compared to the previous heat-fest. More relaxed.

Trey is having issues on some songs tonight (Sugar Shack, Timber).

But the good is great, just not exceptional (for the most part).

Ocelot, Sample in a Jar, Bouncing and Axilla are studio-perfect.

Moma Dance>Cities was downright spectacular though.

And 46 Days is RAGING! 

Ok, interesting show.

Song-by-song, I thought it was excellent, but as a complete package something was lacking. I don't know what. It was just missing X Factor or something.

Valiant effort though! Pretty great setlist picks and the guys' segue game was ON POINT tonight.

Not one of the greatest shows of all time but still good enough to put on my Best Of 2010 list.  

Phish - Camp Oswego - The Cliff Notes

 So I played 10 hours and 28 minutes of Phish today. Anyone else? :p

Lol, I played through all of Camp Oswego and 90% of LivePhish 7, Tinley Park '93.

I loved Tinley Park the only other time I heard it about 6 months ago while trucking down in Texas (if memory serves me correctly). Made it up through YEM before pulling into the lot to go home.

For Camp Oswego, I felt a little bit underwhelmed.

The first show's first set was mostly a skipper for me.
Tweezer through Character Zero were killer though.
Set two was friggin' AWESOME! I wrote about it earlier in a previous post :)

For show 2, I thought the first set was entirely skippable until the "greatest Reba ever played in the history of the universe". I know the bluegrass set was special but it totally killed the vibe for me, and then a drudgy Moma Dance, that was more peetering along than hot, was not a great song to come out of it with. Also, before you ask "what about the massive Bathtub Gin?!" - It felt aimless to me. It deserves another go from me, but after one listen it felt like random Type 1.5 jamming rather than anything all that promising or worth returning to.

Reba DESTROYED though. Seriously, if you haven't heard this one and want to hear one of the greatest solos Trey has ever coaxed from his magical fingers, stop right here.

Chalkdust to finish the set was ripping.

Set 2 RULED. The whole set from start to finish was energy packed and just kicked rear

Set 3 was excellent and loaded with goodies, but for my personal preference it was a bit taxing after a bit :p

In a nutshell, here are warewolf95's picks for Camp Oswego :)

Tweezer>Have Mercy>Taste>Character Zero
Funky B
On My Knees
Down With Disease
Wolfman's Brother>Sneakin' Sally>Timber

Chalkdust Torture
Runaway Jim>Free>Meatstick
Quinn the Eskimo
Harry Hood

Overall a good listening experience :)

2010-10-26 Manchester, NH


Manchester, NH


Good lord, that was one of the greatest first sets i've heard in recent memory.

Walls Of The Cave especially was friggin' out of this universe!

This show is totally going on my short list of the best 5-10 shows of 2010. Easily.

Phenomenal setlist, more energy than the sun, a SICK Possum>Light>Makisupa>The Wedge sequence........

Just when I thought this couldn't get any hotter...

Ghost>Mango Song>Weekapaug Groove>Ghost Reprise Jam>Llama Reprise


It's spectacular. If you want some 2010 go grab this show.

Happy easter weekend everybody