Onwards to Live Phish Vol. 9, 8/26/89 Townshend, VT
I've been looking forward to this one maybe the most of the whole
series!!! I've always admired this show "from afar" and on paper it
looks like it's just about the PERFECT early Phish primer.
For the time, what is the setlist really lacking besides, say, Tela or something?
It's just about all here - A damn Fluff opener, a Bag, a Slave, a Melt, etc etc
Dinner and a Movie....
8/26/89 Townshend, VT - Live Phish, Vol. 9
Set 1
Fluffhead - Always a great opener, it's nice to hear such a
"measured" version of the song. The precision, man! There really isn't
much to say. It's 1989, so compositionally the song is performed just
about flawlessly. I always like to imagine what it would've been like at
the time for people in the crowd that didn't know anything about Phish.
Probably lots of people going "what the hell is this?!" and then hopefully becoming converted. Awesome opener, it legitimately had a smile on my face by the end.
Colonel Forbin's Ascent/Fly Famous Mockingbird - After some
"thank you"s from Mike (as well as a "thank Page!"), Trey announces
that, after the crazy, 15 minute opening Fluffhead, we are immediately
going off the deep end and heading for the land of Gamehendge. Oh Phish, how I love thee!! Trey continues for a minute to preface the songs by telling the brief story of Gamehendge/CF's Ascent. "So come with us now on a journey to Gamehendge...."
That friggin' sustained note Trey holds perfectly for like 20 seconds around 4:20....dang, son. The whole thing plays out as expected with minimal narration and is played flawlessly. Great stuff!!
Harry Hood - Can you imagine if Phish opened a show in 2023 with
Fluff into CF/FFM and then Harry Hood? Quite literally, the universe
would explode! As I've stated before, I'm not a massive Hood fan
as more often than not (please prove me wrong!) most "later" versions
all sound just about the same. This one does not! Again, that's kind of
expected considering this is 1989 Phish, but it's worth it to point out.
Not that it's played any differently, but the difference in sound and the instruments used really makes it have a different VIBE, if that at all makes sense. And I dig it!!! @Harry Hood - have you heard this version/other early versions? Any thoughts or opinions? I
think I like this version as it doesn't have the "hype" of later
renditions where you feel OBLIGATED to go nuts, does that make any
sense? It's extremely refreshing to hear a version that is so precise-yet-delicate that isn't a special occasion like it is as most shows these days. It's just another song tonight, ya know what I mean? And at only 10 minutes in length it doesn't "overstay" it's welcome. Harry
Hood will never be a favorite song of mine (though of course I do LIKE
it), but this might be a go-to favorite VERSION for me!!! I liked this
Hood enough that I'll probably single it out for one of my non-album
song compilations!! I love this Hood!!! It's just exactly perfect! It's
not undercooked, it's not over-long, it does everything JUST well enough
and so perfectly at the same time....Great stuff!
Split Open and Melt - Very odd as a listener to be hearing a version
that sounds like the soon-to-come Lawn Boy studio rendition (which I
always thought sounded exceptionally neutered). A fine listen for what
it is, it's played very well. But of course it doesn't hold a candle to
the monster it would become down the line. Picture the studio version of
Lawn Boy with worse sound quality - that's basically this one.
Divided Sky - Ok, again, look at this setlist. Can you just
IMAGINE how many minds would be blown if they played these 5 songs in a
row to open a show these days?! A
fine version on the whole, but surprisingly it's also one of the most
haphazard versions out there. Trey is having big issues with
feedback/sustain problems and it kinda just throws the whole thing off
track a bit. Unfortunate but not his fault. I mean, it still kicks tail,
but it's about as "sloppy" as I imagine 1989 Phish could be. The last
few minutes do feel imbued with extra energy as a "make up" for the
faults earlier in the song. Great last couple of minutes!!
You Enjoy Myself - Ok, again, LOOK AT THIS SETLIST!!!! Dang!!!! YEM is YEM. Great fun. Love Page's keyboard solo around 7:45 or so. Is that spring reverb bouncing around in the background or something??
Also, listen to Mike vamping it up underneath Page - great stuff!! Then
Page starts doing the "chords with one hand, soloing with the other"
thing where it sounds like two people are playing at once....Just fantastic. Around 9:20 Page reaches his peak and Trey takes over, immediately proceeding to rock the F out as expected. Check out 12 minutes when Trey lays back and lets Fishman and Cactus take over. Freaking great drumming and bass soloing. Love
the vocal solo that has Fish drumming along for a bit. I normally skip
through the vocal jams, but this was cool. Awesome little YEM!!! It's
not a classic, but I'd say it's worth at least a listen or two!!!
>Possum - And during the vocal jam you can hear the beat shifting flawlessly and slowly to set up this segue. THAT SEGUE, YO! Possum is Possum. It's great but you've heard one, you've heard most of them
Wowzers!!! Talk about a set!! I enjoyed that way more than I
expected (I was excited but also slightly unsure of what I would think).
Hot damn. I mean, it kinda speaks for itself. For me, the Hood, YEM and
Fluffhead are the required listening.
Set 2
To start, this set is much more "challenging" for my taste, so
bear with me. I like Ya Mar, not a fan of Bold As Love, I'm not a major
fan of Slave (ala Hood).....
Andy Griffith Theme - Why did they decide to open the 2nd set by whistling this?! Who knows! It's fun and that's all that matters.
Bold As Love - One of my least favorite Phish covers, but hot damn, play it, Trey!!!! Seriously, this is terrific. Don't sleep on this one!!!!
Ya Mar - Check out Trey's killer noodling at the beginning!
Really great version on the whole, love all the constant vocal fills and
guitar noodles and all that jazz. A total party! A+++++ version!!!
Slave to the Traffic Light - "This song was written by Pete Rose...."
Jesus christ, Trey is just crushing on this in the composed sections of
the song. Very heavy and dark version for sure. There isn't much to
say. It's to the point and does what it does spectacularly. It's
actually very weird to have a version that isn't "special" like Hood or
Divided Sky, ya know? Ends way sooner than expected - a 6 minute Slave?
AC/DC Bag - Surprisingly raging for such an "early" reading, but
by the end I was headbanging along like any other red-hot latter-period
version! Terrific!! Guitar strangulation alert!
Donna Lee - "For those of you that haven't heard Charlie Parker...Listen to him!" A great reading, it's awesome to hear Trey shred it jazz-style. Like, damn, if only I could play like that! Nevermind Page and Mike tearing it up too. Insane!
Funky B - Hot damn, let's friggin' GO!!!! GET IT TREY!!! Tear it up!!!! JESUS
>Foam - And then, because it's early 1.0 and they like to blow our minds, they launch directly into Foam out of nowhere. * cue head explosion * . Piggy-backing off of the insanity of Donna Lee, good golly is it wonderful to hear Page and Trey just tear it UP so FLAWLESSLY!
David Bowie - See Harry Hood. Never a favorite song of mine, but a
great version is a great version. Again, great to hear it performed
almost flawlessly and also without being a "special" song yet. I'm not
ultra-familiar with how "jammed out" early Bowie's typically were, but
this one gets pretty Melt-like for a good stretch. Very angsty and angry
kind of jamming!!! Some great back-and-forth, volume-up-volume-down
jamming lead by Trey and Phish. I imagine for 1989 this is pretty
"jammed out" and what's here is great! It holds together chaotically
without every completely falling apart. Very cool! Very kickas!!!!! GREAT BOWIE!!!
All in all...yea shame on me for judging this set before listening!! If
anything, I think this set just about blew the first one away! Sure I
"prefer" the songs played in set 1, but set 1 felt very "reserved" in
comparison to this. Definitely a warm-up vibe going on in hindsight. For
set 2 the guys (ahem, TREY) come out freaking SWINGING and set the
place ON FIRE. REPEATEDLY! This set is like one 1 hour long orgasm of
fire or something. Absolutely terrific on the whole!!!! A+ Phish, yo!!!
Set 3
The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday suite - Ooh, an interesting choice
for a set opener. This works surprisingly well as set opener. Starting
the set quietly with no talking, slowly easing us into the music again.
Love Mike's playing during Avenu Malkanu! Other than rarity, there isn't
much here to make me feel the need to highlight it, it's a just very
nice and a nice set opening.
"Thank you, we didn't write that number". "Pete Rose did". "Pete Rose in conjunction with God wrote that number".
Suzy Greenberg - After some funny banter ("Hurry up over there, you're gonna miss it!"), we launch into Suzy. WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT FIRST GUITAR SOLO?!?!?!? Frank Zappa would be proud!!! Dude,
ripping right out of the gate, but seriously, Trey is playing some
DIFFERENT stuff in that first burst!!! Great version. As with Hood and
the other soon-to-be-classics, it's very refreshing hearing a "young"
Suzy in the growing up stage. Great stuff all around.
Dinner and a Movie - Perhaps my favorite rarity on most days, always a
treat to hear, this one is great. Sounds like a crazy carnival
soundtrack tonight! Not much to say, just a nice version. See The Man
Who Stepped Into Yesterday above^^^
Run Like an Antelope - I would say this basically goes Type II!!!! An
absolutely effing BEAST!!! I mean, by 8 minutes we are just in a
spiraling vortext of insanity. Like that Miami 1989 Dark Star where
everyone plays everything at the same time Holy moly....And then it STOPS and we return to Antelope for the Rye Rye Rocco section. Then someone picks up a damn TRUMPET!!!! What is going on?!?!? Eventually we circle back to Antelope and the crazy train reaches it's conclusion. What in the ever-loving hell was that?!
Contact - Terrific as always. Not much to say.
The Lizards - Now, how could I NOT highlights Lizards? It's ALWAYS a highlight! Love when it picks up the pace before the Skippy The Wonder Mouse section with Trey and Page both going bananas....And
then that damn Skippy The Wonder Mouse hits and I almost tear up.
Every. Friggin'. Time!!! It's that perfectly sad and nostalgic
vibe...like thinking forlornly about your dear childhood memories and
how those days are long gone, never to be revisited. I want this played
at my funeral. EVERYBODY WILL CRY!
La Grange - Killer. See Funky B. Nuff said.
Killer gig all the way around and I'd go so far as to say everyone
needs to hear this show at least once. It was TERRIFIC. For set 3, the
whole set really felt like an little bit of an afterthought or an
extended encore. The "meat" of the show is that magical 2nd set.
Absolutely do NOT sleep on the Antelope or La Grange though! Holy hell.
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