Tackling The Big One again today.
50/50 chance on it being a perfect "driving day", so to speak.
So im starting it and seeing where we end up lol
12 31 99 Big Cypress
Killer RJim to open. Funky B was great as always.
Tube was something special. Really terrific version that seemed about twice as long as most.
And then some vacuum action with I Didnt Know.
Good stuff so far
Its great to be replaying this with four more years of listening "experience".....
Punch You In The Eye - Very underrated version, imo! Absolutely smashing, tight as hell, and rages hard. 97 through 99 was definitely peak time for this song!
Where I left off before, Split Open and Melt was a monster. About 22 min
or so. It was a little "all over the place at once" for me, but im sure
most will love it.
Guyuute, like Punch, was a surprising standout. One of the most nailed, badass versions ive heard. Amazing.
Great first set. Almost a show in itself!
Clocked in at 545 am today and restarted the midnight set.
Currently in the middle of the shredfest Llama.
I have mixed feelings on that Disease. Its 20 minutes long, 12 of which
are pure Type I guitar rape before it slowly starts to chill out to a
Hot take, its not a great Disease. It does too little with it's runtime and, quite frankly, gets kinda boring at times.
But its a friggin face melter all the same so I cant be too harsh
On to Gin... Gin is crazy. Whacky-ass rhythmic, vocal led kind of jam!!! Super unique and awesome!
Then it slowly morphs into a weird, kinda ambient, eastern sounding jam. Yo, this Gin is a masterpiece
Twist was objectively excellent. Not the jam I wanted, but it was really good. Basically morphed into ambient bliss.
This led to Caspian. And check it out - its way better than you remember.
Up next was one of my favorite jams of all time, the 30 minute Rock and
Roll. A shred fest of headbanger proportions, about halfway through it
gets a cool NICU-esque jam going which in turn leads to a lengthy
ambient section before returning to a peak. Must hear, all day long
Currently in the middle of YEM. This one is refreshingly unique with a super chill, kinda jazzy, late night vibe. Awesome.
Crosseyed and Painless
For some reason I had completely forgotten about this. Jesus christ on a
cracker. This is one of those monster "how much more insane can this
In competition with the 7 23 99 Birds of a Feather and the Red Rocks 96
Mikes Song as the hottest piece of music ever unleashed on mortal
Then after Josie we get the Sand/Quad Top odyssey!! Probably the overall
best jam of the night and serious contender for a top 10 jam ever
played imo. Tied with Rock and Roll as my favorite thing from Big
You all know this sucker. Go revisit it.
Slave to the Traffic Light.
This feels like the turning point of the set or something. Most of the super jams have now passed and things are deep and hazy.
This is a spectacular 15 min version well worth your time!
There is only about 2 more hours of soundboard (well, video feed) before my composite switches back to AUD.
Yes I know there are cuts, but ill take 5.5 hours of pro audio with 3 or
4 short cuts over an AUD all day, every day. Im gonna "patch" the sbd
one day but just havent had the time.
Reba was impressively flawless and full of energy. Terrific slow build
solo as well. In light of the other monsters in this set, I can't help
but think this Reba is underrated!
Bowie felt ramshackle but had a decent jam
Axilla, My Soul, Uncle Pen - all good
Drowned/After Midnight - perhaps the most underrated of the evenings super jams? Pretty kickass.
Bittersweet Motel is the perfect break....
Piper - ok, THIS is the underrated jam. Holy hell. If you like NOISE, this is the jam for you
And talk about perfect timing, I got through Free. The sbd ends and I get through Lawn Boy and I get called in.
Day is over. Rain last night screwed things today...
Talk about a perfect pause point for tomorrow though!!!
Just finished that last 100 minutes or so of Big Cypress
So that 35 minute Roses are Free...that sure was...somethin', I guess. Definitely "music" to zone out to, lol.
Love the Meatstick ending of the show. It SOUNDS like what you feel like after staying up all night.
What a crazy show and vibe...
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