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 Howdy folks! As the title says, welcome to my archive of live show reviews as I have posted on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums website! I pr...

Sunday, April 7, 2024

2019-06-16 Bonnaroo - 2024 revisit

 6 16 19 Bonnaroo in the truck this morning.

Set 1

A very strong "lets rock" kind of first set. Most is baseline excellent but not really noteworthy, aside from a few songs.

DDHVL is dark, grimy and killer. And Sand is a friggin guitar explosion masterpiece. A next level version that will melt your face.

Following that is a MUST HEAR Wolfman! Probably THE highlight of the set, it goes a strong Type 1.5 for its jam duration and concludes in a terrific peak. How is this not Jam Charted?!

Standard Cavern closes the set.

Strong set overall. DDHVL, Sand and Wolfman are all must hear. The rest is regular excellent. Great stuff!! 

Set 2 is a strange seguefest with odd placements and unexpected surprises.

Standard-but-red hot Mike's Song set opener. Soaring peakage and borderline must hear. Gives way to....Fluffhead?! Strangest placement Ive ever seen for it but ok!!!!

Fluff is fantastic tonight! The guys friggin NAIL it and the peak is wonderful. Seriously, this was 2023-level. Fantastic!!!!

Awkwardly, a 12 minute Twist rises out of Fluff. Very peacefully chill jamming to start. It eschews the standard latin feel for something more laid back and blissful. Very unique. From there it slowly builds and builds into a massive, soaring peakfest!!! After the peak, Trey kicks on the Leslie and it goes into a fiery, more uptempo kind of funkiness. Everyone is playing together perfectly as one. This is sick!!!!! Things continue to evolve and get borderline spacey for a bit. Eventually it builds to another big peak and out we go. Must hear!!! Totally different than the St. Louis version. Killer!!!! X FACTOR MAGIC!!!!!

Twist fades out and we get a sick Segway into Weekapaug!!!! A genuine segue at that! WOW! However, Paug is just a tease and they then Segway perfectly into No Men!!! What the hell!! That was awesome!!!!!

No Men is a short 4 minutes and then they swiftly segue back into Weekapaug which turn leads back to a Twist reprise to finish.


And into Fuego we go....

Fuego is the perfect launchpad to keep the momentum going. Solid but nothing special version. Great soloing in the back half!

Segue into a 9 minute Ghost. Drops straight into a great, laid back kind of jam like at the start of Twist. Slowly builds into some wandering bliss. Slowly builds into a more uptempo and atmospheric jam with wonderful peakage and sustained notes. Very airy and beautiful!!!!! Wow!!! Great little Ghost!!!!

Segue into a 12 minute Gin! Standard excellent peak-your-face-off Gin. Just builds and builds and builds. Solid version!!!!

Wilson and First Tube encore.

All in all, a way better show than expected. The highlights from set 1, as well as the Twist-a-thon, Ghost and Gin in set 2 are all worth your time!!! Not the Second Coming, but I cant help but feel this show is pretty underrated!!!! 

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