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 Howdy folks! As the title says, welcome to my archive of live show reviews as I have posted on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums website! I pr...

Sunday, May 5, 2024

2019-07-05 Boston, MA - 2024 revisit

 7 5 19 Boston

Set 1

A must hear Free opens proceedings. An absolute sledgehammer melt your face version. Must hear!!!!! No, seriously, this was exceptional. Holy crap.

A red hot Blaze On is perfect in the 2nd slot keeping the party going nicely. Another must hear - this one is PERFECT and HOT!

The following 10 minute Tube is must hear. EXCEPTIONAL VERSION!!! MASSIVE PEAKAGE!!!! MUST HEAR!!!

A lovely and super rare Brian and Robert gives us a nice reprieve. Great version too!

Solid Halfway into a strong Ocelot. Not must hear but very strong. Same for the Rift that follows. Rift is executed close to perfectly! Awesome!

11 min Everythings Right into Runaway Jim to close the set. ER is must hear. A+ dark funk nighttime jamming on this sucker. Groovy! This then patiently moved into a slow build bliss peak section. X factor magic!!! This is friggin spectacular!!!!! Holy crap!!!!!! MUST HEAR!!!!!

Clunky ripcord segue into Runaway Jim, but points for creativity. Ends the set. Nice little jam. Good version but not essential. Massive peak though!

All in all, this was another great listen! Free, Blaze On, Everythings Right and that insane Tube are the must hear highlights. Nary a weak spot but that is the good stuff!

Set 2

11 minute Sand to open! It delivers exactly as youd expect. Killer version. Strong but inessential. Same for the following Axilla.

Then comes the Big Mama Bahama - a 20 minute Mercury! Jams nicely for a while before they suddenly move into a very dark and heavy area. Sick. Wonderful interplay between Gordo and Trey, everyone playing off one another. Slowly the darkness then moves into a swirling kind of bliss. Synths and power drill cone out to play. We get a kind of anti peak whereupon the jam drifts into dark ambience and kind of fades itself to a conclusion.

Absolutely must hear Mercury!!! That was like an adventure. Best one of the summer so far, hands down (though Camden was great!).

A wonderful Velvet Sea rises from the ashes of Mercury. Absolutely perfect placement. Does its job and delivers. The pair definitely work great together!

We bring the set to a conclusion with the fiery trio of Fuego, SANTOS and C Zero. All great versions that kill. Odd encore of Bug and Coil. Pages piano outro is always a thing of beauty though, eh? :)

Set 2 was great. One big highlight pretty much. The Mercury>Velvet Sea is the must hear material, but its all gravy. This was another strong show. Overall maybe a hair slighter than Saratoga 2, but only just.

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