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 Howdy folks! As the title says, welcome to my archive of live show reviews as I have posted on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums website! I pr...

Thursday, January 30, 2025

2024-09-01 Commerce City, CO

 9/1/24 Dicks

Set 1

Off with a bang as usual for 2024, the open the final night with the first Dog Log since friggin 2012. And believe it or not, this is must hear!!! Super tightly played with a totally kick ass solo from Page. Wow!!!! Surprise of the year right here!

The following Jim keeps it going, turning in a major rager supreme type 1 reading. The back half positively EXPLODES! Fantastic type 1 version!!!!!

Even better is the following My Friend. Another massive 18 minute version, this one pretty much just grooves along for its duration without ever doing too much in the way of exploration. As with Jim, its an absolute fireball though, and just rips from start to finish. Definitely must hear!!!!!

Up next is a short Tube (not even 6 minutes), but dont let that put you off. This is a wacky, growling machine of a version, with Trey yelling "Science!" throughout ala Thomas Dolby. Meanwhile the robo and bass fx are tearing up a storm. Must hear for sure, definitely an inspired version!

Out of Tube and into an oddly placed mid set Fluffhead! Fluff is EXPLOSIVE with its energy. Not 100 percent perfect technically but its 98 percent there :). This Fluff kicks serious ass! This Fluff is a tad sloppy, but jesus christ it is FILLED with next level, 1.0 type energy. So much so that im calling it must hear. That peak finale will give you goosebumps. Serious X Factor chit right here. Holy moly. SPRAY THAT HOSE!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!! MORE!!!! MORE!!!! MORE!!!!

Thankfully there is a bit more to follow and we get a good Stash next. Not must hear, but worth a listen. Super inspired reading that almost goes type 2. Definitely check it out.

The set concludes with a typically facemelting Life Saving Gun. Not much to say, grab it!

All in all... holy crap! Even by 2024 standards, that set was FLAMING HOT. Dog Log, Jim, MyFe, Tube and Fluff were all must hear, maybe LSG too. Not a single weak link.

A+++ first set all around. This one smokes. 

Set 2 begins with a very nice type 1 Caspian. Terrible opening choice, but at least this is a phenomenal type 1 reading, so that almost makes up for the "limping out of the gate"-ness of it.

Thankfully this is immediately remied by a dang 25 minute SYSF - what is it, 2018 again?! The song rages super hard super long, almost reaching the boredom point. All the way at the 13 minute mark, the jam slows down into a some cool ass "dark aquatic" jamming. Very slowly they evolve this into a crushing heavy jam, like something a 30 minute ASIHTOS might produce...The X Factor is shining DARK, boys and girls!!! I mean, it reaches a point where they could have flawlessly segued into Carini if wanted. Robo wah, bass FX, Mexico Chalkdust heaviness. THIS IS FRIGGIN AMAZEBALLS!!! Around 19 minutes the jam develops a different kind of slow, lilting, quasi-shuffling rhythm about it. Loops are set and we are just swirling down the drain in this swampy, murky pile of paychedelic darkness. Oh my god this jam is incredible. I cant stop headbanging! At 21:20 Trey unleashes the screaming seagulls. Fishman is destroying these drums like a father exacting revenge on a guy that abused his daughter. Somewhere around 22 minutes, the overt darkness slowly starts to shift again. At 23:30 we descend into robo seagull whammy pedal HELL. Ridiculous hazy jamming like its 2004. THIS IS UNFRIGGINBELIEVABLE . Maybe Trey thought it was getting too much so he shifts gears and leads us into a 14 minute Tweezer....


So Tweezer gets up and running great. Super tight and EXTRA funky. You know the juices are flowing when "three orange whips!" comes out to play!!!! This version is 1997 funky!!! They all just lay into it HARD. Trey pornowahing his way around, Gordo crushing with heavy bass Slowly, the jam just evolves hotter and hotter and hotter, reaching an absolutely unbelievable, fever pitch couple minutes of full band nuclear bomb level hose annihilation. The jam quietly fades afterwards and we go into Light. Tweezer is freaking INCREDIBLE!!! X FACTOR MAGIC FOR DAYS!!!! MUST HEAR AT ALL COSTS!!! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! MY JAW IS ON THE FLOOR!!!!

And into a 12 minute Light we go. Light is fantastic. As part of the trio it works so well and this version is total, well, LIGHT, but of the highest and inspired variety. This version is fantastic. GRAB THIS!! For the final few minutes they jam on this swirling guitar motif, going type 2 before fading down to a close.

ALBTD follows perfectly like a phoenix rising from the ashes of Light. Screw the haters, this was an inspired and fresh choice out of Light - go LISTEN before you judge. It worked ridiculously well and hit HARD. You absolutely cant play the sequence so far without including this. Total "perfect landing pad" territory.

Getting us back up out of our emotions, they then launch into a standard-yet-fantastic reading of The Howling that just stomps and snarks and blazes hot. The effect jamming in this is soooooo bad ass. Definitely must hear, imo.

Great type 1 versions of More and C Zero keep us rocking nicely before a strong Slave closes the set proper. Definitely grab Slave, its a great one!!!

Insane encore of Sabotage and Tweeprise. :)

All in all, this show was fantastic imo!! Aside from the admittedly strong-but-misplaced Caspian opener, the whole SYSF>Tweezer>Light>ALBTD is just ridiculous perfection. I dont know how anyone wouldnt be blown away by that sequence, seriously.

Slave and Howling were both excellent and the Sabotage encore was icing on the cake.

If Howling, More, C Zero being the 4th quarter is your gripe with this show (as it seems to be for many), well there are a million ways it could have been "worse". Ill take an up tempo rocking 4th any day, thank you.

Honestly, this might have been my FAVORITE of the 4 nights!!!

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